Li Bai really sang as if he was singing, and began to chant poetry.

"When is the moon in the blue sky? "

"Alas, wine, wine, people can't get the bright moon, but the moon shadow follows people. Li Bai was worried, looking at the jar of fragrant wine, but he couldn't move the slightest.

He sang and sang, and could only go out with a sad face, looking up at Mingyue, as if he saw it as wine.

He can see the wine but cannot drink it, but the aroma of the wine always follows him, just like the moon in the sky, which follows him all the time, and it is very close, but it cannot touch the slightest.

The moon in the sky is like his hometown, and the wine on the earth is like his heart, both of which cannot be both, but they always tempt him and make him unforgettable.

"The people of today do not see the ancient times and the moon, but the present month once looked like the ancients. If the ancients and the present are like flowing water, they all look at the bright moon like this, hehe, the sword is coming!".

A Qinglian sword was waved in his hand, turning into dazzling light and shadow, and the bright moon shone in the sky, borrowing the scenery to be lyrical.

Next to the huge Phoenix Restaurant, there is a blue lake.

The beautiful scenery here is unique, the beautiful trees are verdant, the strange stones are listed, the silk and bamboo are melodious, the people who come and go are endless, and many people will stop here when they pass by.


Suddenly, a jade boat cut through the sky from the lake.

When you come to the sky above the great lake, the clouds are smoky, the fog is misty, and the dots of colorful clouds are flickering, ethereal and holy.

A beautiful woman suddenly floated up from the jade boat and danced gracefully on the Phoenix Mausoleum.

"My master admires your talent and asked me to buy wine for you. A man in black appeared from the jade boat, holding a few bottles of fine wine and throwing them to Li Bai, who was dancing with a sword.

"Hey, good wine!" Li Bai was overjoyed, caught the three altars, and opened one jar to drink.

Suddenly, there was a burst of wonderful sounds, tactful and faint, floating down from the jade boat, making people intoxicated, like nine days of fairy music, moving people's minds, and cleansing people's hearts.

"Oh my God, Yang Yuhuan, the beautiful woman of Chang'an City, is here, and it is said that she has the nickname of the four beauties. Some shouted.

"What, it's really a fairy with the title of the four beauties?".

By the lake, the palace is floating, the lights are gorgeous, the aroma of wine is rich, floating in the air, drunk to the bones of people, the silk and bamboo are pleasant, and there are some travelers who come to visit.

The shore of the lake was already full of people, all Yake travelers.

Most of them are young people, all of them are looking forward to it, and most of them have a bit of a family background when they can get here.

"I only hope that when the song is against the wine, the moonlight shines on the golden bottle, the city of Chang'an is prosperous, and the country and the city are dancing. The beautiful woman holds the pipa in the boat, how can she repay the love by dragging people to send wine?" Li Bai chanted in the poem, he knew that it must be the wine sent by the beautiful woman in the boat.

Suddenly, the sound of the pipa sounded like a heavenly sound.

All kinds of flowers and plants on the shore are flickering, some are illuminated, some are glowing, Chang'an City is really a place outside the world.

The silver-white moonlight is sprinkled, the jade boat is fluttering lightly, and a young girl is still holding the pipa and half-covering her face in the curtain, and the pipa sound is melodious, as if coming from the empty pure land outside the world, cleansing people's minds.

But suddenly, the sound of the lute stopped, and everyone was immersed in that feeling.

"Bright as a flying mirror in Danque, who is Chang'e living alone? Chang'an rose into the air overnight, and the sound of the pipa stopped and was late. After Li Bai drank a jar, he looked up to the sky and chanted poetry, and the poem rhymed.

The other two altars spun in the air at breakneck speed.


The jade boat was full of colors, and the girl was dressed in a purple and green dress, gently fluttering in the lake breeze, outlining her perfect body extremely moving.

Especially those beautiful legs, if the emperor is here, even the emperor can't live in peace.

"Well, it's a peerless beauty sitting in the boat. "

"Naturally, I was here two days ago, I am not a cultivator, so naturally I can't see my face clearly, but my son-in-law said that this girl is very good-looking, and the immortals are not as good. "Some people brag, the cold asks for warmth.

On the shore of the lake, most of the people are martial arts monks, and their eyesight is naturally excellent, and they can clearly see the girl's white jade-like complexion.

She was still holding the lute, half covering her face, and she could not see her true face, but she could see through the light veil, the peerless complexion like Manjushua.

Sure enough, there is a beautiful woman in the north, peerless and independent.

This woman has a celestial appearance, a natural piano sound, and a perfect curved body.

The origin of this peerless beauty is completely mysterious, but it adds to her infinite charm.

According to incomplete statistics, since she leaned on the fence to look at the moon for the first time a few days ago and played a song, the Wuling teenagers have bent their waists and wanted to bring the matchmaker to the matchmaker.

Even the number of duel incidents in Changle Fang, the most prosperous place in the city, has skyrocketed, why the duel is all for this woman.

Birds dance and compete for mates, and people must get a beloved wife by virtue of their strength and ability.

She is like a pearl spitting out the glow, dusty, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and natural.

She is really a perfect woman, her face is almost perfect, and she can't find a single flaw.

One of the four beauties of the King Continent, there are hundreds of millions of beauties in the world, and she is not as good as a trace of waves.

Li Bai was also moved, this girl is really beautiful, comparable to Chang'e in the sky, and she can't find any shortcomings.

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