Grumbling, magma surged, and Monnes appeared in front of everyone again, unscathed.

Elemental, the iconic ability of the natural devil fruit. Although due to the existence of extraordinary powers such as fighting spirit and spirituality, the advantage of elementalization in the Liberal World is not as great as the One Piece World, but it is still not to be ignored, as long as the danger can be sensed. , Elementalization in advance can effectively evade enemy attacks, just like what Monens just did. By practicing the secret of "Heart of Steel", Monens' perception of danger far exceeds that of ordinary transcendents.

   Looking at such a weird scene, Lang Tao's expression became more solemn. He was very sure of the blow just now, but he didn't expect to be avoided by the other party in such a weird way.

   "Shave·Blow step."

Boom, a wave of air exploded from the soles of his feet, and Monnes rushed to the wave sacrifice at a faster speed than before. Although the time to eat the rock berry is still short, due to Sean's guidance and his own talent, Monnes has a certain understanding of the explosive power of rock berry, and both the strength, the lava strike or the shaved and explosive steps are the manifestations of this understanding.

   Can't dodge, the Wave Sacrifice can only strengthen his own defenses as much as possible, only to see thumb-sized scales burrow out of his skin and quickly cover his whole body.

   "Strength·Lava Strike."

   嘭, the body flew upside down, the waves smashed several trees in succession to stop the figure, and this is not the end.


   has the advantage and will expand further. Monnes, who is experienced in combat, will naturally not let go of such an opportunity. First, he cut the distance and then sent a big fire to the direction of the wave sacrifice.

  嘭, magma gushes, and the covered land becomes scorched earth.

   "Sacrifice to adults."

   The fish people who had only been disturbing the surroundings saw a scene of canthus splitting, and no matter what else, they desperately rushed to Monnes. The sacrifice is the leader of their tribe, and the importance is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Phew, Monens took a breath, two consecutive blows of the fire-breathing fire is a bit too expensive in terms of his current ability, and seeing those murlocs rushing up like life, he can't help but frown, only Can helplessly give up the idea of ​​continuing to make up the knife.

  嘭, a strong lava blow melted the upper body of a murloc, and Monnes began to kill frantically. In a short while, nearly ten murloc corpses were scattered around him.


   once again pierced the abdomen of a murloc, Monnes noticed something was wrong.

   clicked, the dried magma cracked, and a strange figure crawled out of it.

   can barely see that it is a human form, with tiny tentacles growing on his face, floating in the wind, and covered with scales and shells. As for the lower body, there are six bowl-thick octopus tentacles.

   Although his appearance has changed drastically, Monnes knew that this monster should be the wave sacrifice just now.

   "Human kind, you will regret it."

   The voice is hoarse and reverberates. At this moment, there is an indescribable weirdness in the wave ritual.

   "What a big smell of sea."

   Although Monnes' words are contemptuous, the vigilance deep in his heart is at this time the highest.

  咻, cutting through the air, the four tentacles of the wave sacrifice suddenly drew towards Monnes.

   The body is still, the magma is rolling, elementalized, and Monnes escaped this sudden blow without any risk.

   But just as he condensed his body from the elementalization, a strange vibration suddenly came from the ground under his feet.

   "It's finally out."

   An unbreakable force came from behind, and Monens' body was unstoppably tossed upwards, and then the tall white beard body appeared above Monnes's original position.

  嘭, the hidden earth dragon drilled out of the soil with a ferocious aura, and opened a big mouth full of sharp teeth ready to swallow the prey, but what greeted it was the big fist of the white beard casserole.

   The body cleverly moved a certain distance away, avoiding the bite of the hidden earth dragon, and his armed color was hardened. From bottom to top, the white beard punched the hidden earth dragon out of the ground.

   Steady his figure, and seeing this scene, Monnes understood what had just happened.


  Although he had just reacted, Monnes was not slow in his movements, and the hidden earthworm that was thrown at his body was a fire-breathing fire.

   "Water blade cutting."

   Seeing that the pets that he finally conquered are about to be killed, the wave sacrifices naturally cannot be indifferent.

   嘭, the dark red fist directly smashed the water blade, and this time the white beard appeared in front of the wave sacrifice.

   The pupils shrank, and the shadow of death was enveloped. Without hesitating, the wave sacrifices immediately put all of his strength.

As a believer of Illaoi, the mother of sea monsters, the sacred sacred by the waves is the path of the deep diver. It is completely different from the general murlocs who dig their own blood, and their strength should exceed the general Tier 3 murlocs, but this does not smooth him. The gap with the white beard.

   With an alienated body and vigorous Ritual escaped from Baibeard's hands several times, but in the end he could not escape.

When   Langtao sacrificed to the sacrifice, the remaining murlocs were discouraged. After being killed by the white beard, they became prisoners obediently.

   "What should I do with this hidden earth dragon?"

The epidermis is cracked, revealing the matte body inside. The purple epidermis on the outside is not the real skin of the Hidden Earthworm, but a layer of armor made by combining the earth with its extraordinary abilities, which is based on this layer. The armor and its flexibility can survive the blow of the white beard and the fire of Monnes. Just looking at the white beard of the dragon species lying motionless on the ground, I don’t know what to do for a while. .

   "Take it back and leave it to the lord to deal with."

After pondering for a while, Monnes gave such an answer. Although the Hidden Earth Dragon looks ugly, it is a real dragon species. Like Smaug, it is a hybrid dragon, and its value is far more than that of ordinary monsters. It is most appropriate to deal with it personally.

   spent time to capture all the murlocs on Bloodhoof Island. Half a day later, Whitebeard found the only escaped survivor on Bloodhoof Island. Since then, the mission has been successfully completed.

Of course, this does not conceal the fact that the town of Luye has suffered a lot of losses this time. In addition to a large amount of material damage, soldiers and staff casualties are not small, the female beast has again reduced its staff. Level, a ground-burrowing ability is quite useful.

After a period of hard training, although the overall combat power of the Yin Beast has improved a lot, the second-order combat power is still not much, only the blood hoof and the phantom lizard. Now the strongest combat power is killed by the blood hoof, the Yin beast can be described as Suffering severe damage, only the phantom lizard, the sick dog, and the gray wolf were left, one second-tier and two first-tier struggling to support it.


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