A Sword, Cut Over Konoha!

Chapter 167 This breath is the fucking Sage of Six Paths.

Konoha Village, after several years of development, the appearance of a huge Konoha is no longer what it used to be

The entrance is also more lively, vendors and tourists coming and going all want to see the tolerance and scenery of First Ninja Village.

When everyone was checked and entered the village, two red figures rushed out of the village.

Look carefully, although they are all orange-red, there are some differences.

A crimson, a light red.

It is as dazzling as two flames.

"That is……"

"Master Nine Tails?"

The only one who can stray around in Konoha Village so unscrupulously is everyone's common village pet lama!

But don't look at it seems to be very dangerous, in fact, the skills in this area of ​​Biao Che have long been Master's purely incomparable.

Even in a crowded street, Master Nine Tails won’t bump into people

In the eyes of many people, this is also a kind of tempering of Nine Tails adults

Looking along the place where the two flames rushed out, people found that today's Master Nine Tails seemed a little different, especially anxious.

Slowly, people raised their heads.

A figure at the entrance of the village was walking from a distance.

With long flowing black hair reaching his waist, he seemed to have forgotten to take care of his hairstyle after being on the moon for so long, but he was still so free and easy.

That kind of self-confidence overflowing from the bones is particularly attractive.

I haven't seen him for a few years, his body has grown a lot taller, and his upright posture no longer has the sense of contradiction that he used to carry a long knife and a wine gourd.

But the immature face faded away, and the scars had completely disappeared due to the changes in physique.

Only the slight curvature of the mouth and the deep eyes attract people’s attention.

The previous black martial arts uniform had become inappropriate because of his growth. Now he is wearing a death tyrant uniform in exchange for points from the system mall.

It belongs to the Shinigami world, but it has a Bajian style more than the death tyrant clothes made by Shudara Senju Maru in the Shinigami world.

The most important thing is that this suit can be restored automatically, and Bajian doesn't have to worry about the trouble of changing clothes after the battle.


Finally had the feeling of going home.

I grabbed the wine gourd and was about to take a big mouthful, and the two flames in front rushed over with a swish.

This is……



When the two flames hit Bajian’s arms, he smiled gently

The only thing that shocked people was that the impact of the two flames did not make this man retreat half a point.

On the contrary, all the ground behind him was cracked!

What a terrifying impact.

Who is this man?

Another five years have passed, and the young boy has completed the transformation that a man should have.

With his mature temperament and appearance, fewer people know him

More, Konoha Kenpachi's name is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Without paying attention to the surprised people, Bajian lowered his head and looked over.

There is always a special feeling between beasts and beasts.

Kurama is probably the first person among Konoha to find himself back.

Since it is going home, there is no need to hide your breath.

Speaking of it, this is the first time he has left Konoha for so long.

Although it didn't appear in the eyes of the villagers much before, fortunately, it was doing various things in the village.

People get along for a long time, it will form a unique bond emotion in the world of Naruto.

This kind of fetters urged them to grow.

"Hey, the uncle came first, can't you wait to get into the boss's arms? Shameless

"Fart, where did you come from without my uncle? Besides, why did you squeeze together?"

The only thing that surprised Bajian was that Kurama became two.

No, or it is to separate the Yin attribute Chakra from the Yang attribute Chakra, forming two Kuramas.

The same roundness, the same bloated and simple.

It seems that what I left for Teacher Minato finally came in handy.

For a few years, it is not so simple to get the approval of Nine Tails.

Bajian can also feel it when he is holding two Kuramas. It’s not the kind of tail beast in the seal.

It's a cooperative model that is close to that of a partner

Use the tail beast charger exchanged in the system store to connect to itself. In this way, you can achieve the effect of Jinchūriki without being bound by the so-called Jinchūriki. You can choose to enter the bodies of Minato and Naruto, or you can move around in this way.

Two Nine Tails, one became Minato’s helper, the other became Naruto’s eldest brother

As Bajian expected

They get along well, continue to give Minato and Naruto time, the real Konoha golden glitter will appear in front of everyone!

But the relationship is definitely not the relationship between Jinchūriki and the tail beast.

More like friends, true companions.

"Speaking of the boss, why do you have the breath of the old Six Paths man in your body?"

"That's right, at the beginning, my uncle was dumbfounded. If it weren't for the special violent aura in your body, my uncle would have thought he had admitted the wrong person."

One left and one right, two Kuramas jumped onto Bajian’s two shoulders, Xiao Hei Nine Tails smelled suspiciously and then uttered his doubts.

The current Liwei has changed drastically from before, at least they know a concept

That is, human beings divide good people and bad people. Most people in Konoha Village are good people.

And the way to distinguish good people from bad people is very simple.

See it, shout respectfully, Master Nine Tails, that’s a pure good person

The best of good people is Ye Bajian in front of him.

The first man to recognize its existence.

Maybe it didn't think how important this man is to the tail beast before, but it hasn't been seen for a few years, and the feeling of longing made it understand that the existence of this man in front of him is definitely not the role of walking around every day.

This feeling is closer than the Sage of Six Paths that created it

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo just created the tail beast and let the tail beast find a way to live with humans.

And the man in front of him lit a bright lamp on the dark road.


There is indeed an aura that is very close to Sage of Six Paths.

what happened?


Bajian touched his chin with a playful smile.

"Sorry, the breath of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo doesn't match me."

"My taste is fucking."

My smell is the fuck?

How does the boss scold someone?

The two Nine Tails looked at each other with confusion, indicating that they did not understand.

I'm grateful if I can understand it

In mental space, Kaguya blushed and lowered his head.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura were created by her combination of her own Chakra and the beliefs of the people.

As a result, she lost a lot of strength and really paid a lot for the two children.

It's a pity that the final result is a bit sad

Chakra can create everything.

This is a peculiar energy.

Sage of Six Paths is a product of Kaguya's Chakra, so it is normal for Bajian whose soul has been connected to Kaguya for several years to have an aura close to Sage of Six Paths.

The excitement of Nine Tails is just an episode, when Bajian raises his head, his face is full of softness

They are all here

Teacher Minato, Mrs. Kushina, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Hatake Kakashi, Might Guy, Uchiha Shisui.

Even the maid kitty who has matured completely and has a slender figure and is becoming more iconic, as well as Bajian's sister Mitarashi Anko and her good girlfriend Kurenai Yuhi.

Of course, there are also girls who are waiting forever for themselves have also grown up

Maoyue Xiyan.

Konan looks complicated in the corner.

It’s even more unclear, so the young girl who is about to graduate from the ninja school has fiery eyes in her eyes.

Hinata, Tenten, Ino and other twelve Xiaoqiangs are looking at him curiously

As for Naruto and Sasuke, they have already gone to Bajian

But only one person is missing.

The figure who sweated together on the training ground when he was young.

"Sword Sang..."

Suddenly, an excited voice came from behind

The clones transformed into crows gathered together, and itachi rushed to Bajian quickly

The imaginary scene where the brothers embraced did not appear.

Familiar fingers touched Itachi's forehead, making a popping sound to make him stand still

"Long time no see, dumbfounded.",

Sure enough, there is no need to say much between men.

He's back, everything is fine

He smiled and nodded at Bajian.

"Konoha Kenpachi."

He is Konoha Kenpachi

At this moment, the villagers suddenly realized that they cheered.

"He's really handsome."

Ino pulled the dazed little Sakura, and pushed Hinata, who was blushing.

Finally, I set my eyes on Tenten, who was dejected.

Really handsome

I knew a few years ago that that man had refreshed the ceiling of people’s perception of the word handsome.

And now that ceiling is even more difficult to period. The main reason is his free and easy temperament.

I heard that this kind of free and easy way is just one of his ways of doing things

When guarding the village, that man's Haki is the most admired from the heart.

Such a man is destined to be surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan.

Gritting his teeth, Ino finally mustered the courage to raise his head.

Some people won’t change once they make up their minds. They rushed past when they heard that Konoha Kenpachi had returned to the village.

Come and look forward, the figure has entered the village surrounded by everyone. What does she want to do with the flowers in her hand.

Missed it?

It seems that I can only wait for the next time

The decadent girl sighed, at this moment, she could only look at her back and cheer herself up again.

Nothing, "I thought you would go home with Anko first."

Naruto Building, inside the office.

Minato looked at Bajian sitting on the sofa, Itachi and Kakashi who followed and scratched his head.

I haven’t seen him for a few years, his disciple has grown up completely

After the immature faded away, the mature and reliable temperament made Minato very pleased.

"Not urgent.

Bajian shook his head, "This time I come back without accident and will not leave the village for a long time. Time

There are so many. "

Apart from Konoha, everything to collect is almost the same. Next, develop your own Tenseigan ability, and speed up the daily task of swinging the sword.

There are two main aspects of success.

Has been absorbing the energy of the Golden Wheel Tenseigan, so the daily progress of swinging the knife to unlock the template power has fallen.

Bajian will not forget that his main move is still flat cut. Even the power of the blink of an eye is the effect of applying repulsive force and gravitational force to the knife.

There is still a lot of room for improvement, so settle down and then finish the things that the Ninja World should handle. This is

Is the future plan

The reason why I came to the office to look for Minato was to know about the recent changes in the Genin world, and Konoha

Konoha's Anbu reserve, and the Nightingale squad were thoroughly launched. "

"After a few years, the degree of completion is quite good."

"Now more than 80% of the small countries and small and medium-sized ninja villages in the Ninja world are all under Konoha's control."

Taking out the map, Minato pointed his finger at the sign with excitement.


The speed is indeed fast, Bajian nodded.

"But there are a few countries that are somewhat difficult to deal with."

As soon as the conversation changed, Minato was suddenly helpless, "For example, the country of ghosts, where the system is completely different from other countries, there is no such thing as a daimyo, and there is no substantive government."

"It's not so much to manage the country of ghosts as it is to guard the country of ghosts. The people with the highest authority are generations of witches."

Miko, count the time, Shion’s mother should have already sealed the monster's death at this time

In other words, it is the girl who controls the kingdom of ghosts now.

Bajian suddenly realized that, as Toad Maru said, Chakra was originally a foreign product. Once this continent had its own heritage, and the witch was one of them.

"In addition to the country of ghosts, there are other countries with chaotic politics, such as the country of snow, etc.

"Anyway, it is more troublesome to deal with. I think you have to make your own decisions for some things. The teacher can't help it."

Shrugging his shoulders, Minato gave an intriguing smile.

"Bajian, do you understand?"

Understand what?

Holding Kurama suspiciously, Bajian puzzled.

"Kansang, Teacher Minato meant that it's time for you to bear Hokage's responsibility."

Itachi reminded him friendly.

"Yes, Bajian, whether it is for Konoha or your prestige, it is enough to be the Fifth Hokage!"

A little excited, he walked to Bajian and handed the Naruto cloak, Minato's eyes were full of expectation.

Last time this kid said that he was young and that he was fully mature when he came back this time. What excuses do you have to shirk?

"I do not."

Pushing away the Hokage cloak in disgust, Bajian moved his ass back.

Are you kidding me?

Just come back and let me be Hokage?

"Well, as expected."

Kakashi said calmly, knowing Bajian knows that people like him can never handle those tedious official duties in the Hokage office every day.

Especially when there are so many cute girls at home.

The more you watched in Intimate Paradise, the more Kakashi felt that Xiao was the real winner in life. Isn't even the content in the book tailored for Xiao Xiao?

Well-deserved protagonist.


Sigh, Minato is a bit useless, is Hokage so disgusting?

"Okay, Mr. Minato, wait a minute

But this time Bajian left a thought for Minato, and added a sentence and waited.

Timing is important.

"Just now, Mr. Minato said that he has controlled more than 80% of the small and medium-sized Ninja Village. I have an idea.

"Select elites and send them to Konoha, to send talents to Konoha!"

"As far as I know, there are quite a few geniuses or secret skills in the Little Ninja Village, and their joining will enhance Konoha's combat effectiveness."

After a pause, Bajian smiled confidently, "And after a while, they will become extremely eager for this opportunity to come to Konoha!"

The new generation is about to graduate, which means that the Chūnin exam is no longer far away.

For the Chūnin exam this time, he wants to invite all people from Shinobu Village to Konoha to watch the ceremony.

Let them see, the new generation of First Ninja Village is equally powerful!

"good idea."

Minato nodded, "But before that, Bajian."

"The new ninja school graduation season is almost here."

"This time, I want you to be the instructor ninja responsible for the assessment."

In other words, is it to assess Instructor?

Bajian sighed.

Mrs. Minato's meaning is obvious

Let him get close to Konoha's next generation to raise his image in the hearts of those new students again.

After all, it's paving the way for becoming Hokage in the future.

But Bajian is also very interested in this batch!


Nodding, Bajian turned and left.

The work is done.


It's time for reunion.

Ps, two chapters in one.

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