It was raining heavily and the sky was very dark.

This is similar to Liu Kun's mood.

"Do you really want to live a life without cooking again?"

Liu Kun is very sad.

Because there is a crisis that has always existed in their camp, and it has never been able to end.

That's the oil crisis!

"Too little oil!"

During this period of time, it has been cloudy and rainy.

The sky was also very dark.

In Liu Kun's windowless room, it can be said that there is no difference between day and night.

All the same black.

Therefore, if you want to live a normal life in the room, you need to light up!

But if you want to work in the room, you need to light a lot of fire.

Otherwise, it's just a little fire, and you can't see things at all.

But the problem came again.

If you want an open fire, you need to burn wood. Once the wood is burned, there will be smoke. If you want to exhaust the smoke, you need a chimney.

But there is only one chimney in each room, and a fire can only be lit at the corner of the room.

So it was embarrassing.

The room is not lit at all and nothing can be done!

To solve this problem, Liu Kun made a lot of oil lamps.

When I work, I usually work with a lot of oil lamps.

And the toilet, which is not suitable for ignition, has always been illuminated with oil lamps.

But the problem came again.

They have very little oil, and they are usually used for frying and cooking, so there is less.

Fortunately, Liu Deli discovered the macadamia tree, got a lot of macadamia nuts, and made a lot of macadamia oil.

Otherwise, it must not be enough.

But even so, now they are running out of oil.

"Do you want to return to the era of oilless lamps?"

Liu Kun was a little worried.

If you don't have an oil lamp, you can only sit around the fire and do some relatively simple work.

Although it can be lived, the quality of life will be greatly reduced.

"Forget it, let's do this first, and talk about it later~"

Shaking his head, Liu Kun stopped thinking about this rather troublesome question.

Instead, he turned around and went out the door, and started to wash and cook.

After a hearty breakfast, a new day begins.

Because of the heavy wind and rain outside, today is still a day of indoor work.

Liu Kun and Liu Hu started to weave fish baskets out of bamboo strips, and the three girls still twisted the ropes.

The six of them chatted and worked at the same time.

"It's been a day since the typhoon came, and there are still 261 contestants. It's incredible, isn't it?"

Xiang Mo's tone was full of surprise.

"In this way, the typhoon took a day to eliminate 17 people!

It's really too little!

It's not scientific!"

"Maybe the rest are stronger, right?"

Su Xi replied with a smile, the two little tiger teeth were even more lovely when reflected by the oil lamp.

"With my brother here, I think we can definitely win!"

"That's it!"

Xiang Mo's eyes rolled around, she was thinking about how she could stay in this small team completely.

"Judging from their tone, they have completely treated us as their own at this moment~

It seems that if you discuss with them about staying here to work, there should be no major problems.

This is good news!"

There was a little excitement in Xiang Mo's eyes.

But then these excited colors disappeared, and what was replaced was helpless.

"But I don't know what's going on with Xiao Xixi, I just want to cooperate with them.

But, that place is really too dangerous!"

Xiang Mo was a little helpless.

"Liu Kun and the others will definitely not agree to cooperate when they hear the words of that place, and Xiao Xixi will definitely give up.

So she can't take good care of her body.

It seems that I have to persuade her again in these two days."

Xiang Mo silently made a decision in his heart.

Just when she was in a daze, she suddenly heard Su Xi asking herself a question.

"Xiang Mo~

How are your legs now?"

"Much better!"

Xiang Mo nodded again and again, "The wound is now swollen and scabbed.

I didn't expect it to get better so quickly!"

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but glance at Liu Kun.

His eyes were full of admiration.

"After the scab is gone, you can use the body lotion/liquid I give you to wipe it, as long as you don't have scarred skin, then generally speaking, there will be no scars~"

Liu Kun listened to their chat and said something casually.


Xiang Mo's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard the words.

The fact that there is no scar is really a great news for her!

Immediately, the way she looked at Liu Kun changed again, becoming more adoring.

At the same time, she was also curious about what else Liu Kun could not do.


The morning passed quickly.

At noon, it was still a very hearty meal.

However, when they were eating, everyone discovered a problem.


Why are there a few lights missing?"

Su Xi looked at the room with some doubts.

When I used to eat, I used a lot of lights, which illuminated the whole table very brightly, and it was very atmospheric.

But now there are only 2 oil lamps on, which can only ensure that everyone can see the food and will not eat into the nostrils.

"Something went wrong.

I was about to say something."

Liu Kun heard the words and spoke slowly.

"We're running out of oil right now.

So, you need to start saving fuel.

After lunch, everyone went back to their own rooms to work.

As for lighting, just use the firewood in the room to light it~

After the typhoon passes, find something that can provide a large amount of oil, and then continue to use oil lamps on a large scale~”

Liu Kun reluctantly announced this measure.

There is no way, the oil is really not enough now.

"That's it~"

"Ok, no problem!"

When everyone heard the words, they responded, and they didn't really care about the lack of oil lamps.

After all, how many people on a desert island have oil lamps to use?

But they don't want to, and Liu Kun is a little uncomfortable.

"Where to find some oil?"

Sitting on a chair in the room, Liu Kun fell into deep thought.

"Brother~don't think about it~"

As soon as Su Xi turned off the camera, she sat directly in Liu Kun's arms.

Then he turned off his camera.

"Anyway, everything has been prepared and the food is plentiful, so we don't have to hurry~

It's also very elegant to relax for a while~"


Liu Kun also smiled when he heard the words, then put his head to Su Xi's ear, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Do nothing!

You got Fooled!


Su Xi laughed like a little hen, kicked her legs on the ground, and jumped out of Liu Kun's arms.

"Do you still want to run?"

Liu Kun directly transformed into a big devil, and wanted to get up and chase after him.

However, just at this moment, there was a voice calling for help from outside.



Liu Kun raised his eyebrows and stopped his playful thoughts.

"Anyone in danger?"

Su Xi also stopped when she heard the words, then turned to look at Liu Kun.


Save her!"

"it is good."

Liu Kun nodded, then strode towards the door.

Although he didn't know who was calling for help, he could take "humanitarian care" since he heard it.

As long as the haters aren't asking for help, Liu Kun will help as much as possible.

So he opened the door.

Then, a girl without clothes rushed directly into his arms.

To be precise, it was blown into his arms by the wind!


Sexy typhoon, send people online!?

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