A Scumbag Father Doting on His Concubine

Chapter 820: Please forgive me

Chapter 820: Apologize

Mr. Jin and his son went to the Ministry of Punishment to plead guilty.

It is naturally impossible for Mr. Jin to blame everything on his wife. Moreover, even if he said so, no one would believe it.

 He can only carry it all.

However, the emperor has ordered a thorough investigation. Even if he admits it, the matter must be sorted out clearly from beginning to end, otherwise it will be the crime of deceiving the emperor.

This combing has sorted out the problems. There are many problems that Mr. Jin cannot explain at all and cannot be explained at all.

This is normal. After all, he didn't do this in the first place. He can recognize the consequences. There will always be loopholes in the logic chain.

The Ministry of Punishment repeatedly interrogated Mrs. Jin and finally found her out.

Mrs. Jin was taken to the Ministry of Justice for questioning.

 She was completely panicked now!

 She never thought she would come to such a place in her life!

 The funny thing is that at this time, she thought of the prince's good fortune, and she was still here to show off the prince's aunt's money.

"I am the Crown Prince's direct aunt and the Crown Prince's elder. You'd better let me go immediately, otherwise the Crown Prince will settle accounts with you sooner or later! No matter what, if you dare to touch me, you just don't take the Crown Prince seriously. If you don't give the prince face, there is no way that the prince can swallow this!"

"I don't know, I don't know anything! You can't coax me to speak! I want to see the prince, I want to see the prince! Even if you want me to say something, I have to meet the prince before I can say it."

 “It’s unfair, I didn’t, I’m not”

Mrs. Jin was so frightened that she was completely uncooperative. She kept crying and clamoring to see the Crown Prince, and she would not speak until she saw the Crown Prince.

The Minister of Punishment had no choice but to order people to go to the East Palace to invite the prince.

It happened that the Crown Prince was not in the East Palace, so he happened to go into the palace to discuss disaster relief matters with the emperor and to apologize.

In fact, the prince was secretly relieved when he heard that his uncle and his son went to the Ministry of Punishment to plead guilty instead of going to the East Palace to plead guilty.

If they find him, it will be really troublesome.

 They went to the Ministry of Punishment, and the prince soon entered the palace.

Although they didn't come, he was the uncle after all, and he had to express his attitude.

 My father valued family ties and national laws, but it was not easy for him to express this attitude.

In the East Palace, Xie Yunshu met the people from the Criminal Department, "The Crown Prince has always been fair and impartial. It is inconvenient for the Crown Prince to get involved in this matter. He should avoid suspicion, otherwise I don't know how people will be suspicious of him. Your Criminal Department interrogates according to the law. This point Can you think of this trivial matter that troubles the adults of the Ministry of Punishment? Besides, the Crown Prince is not in the East Palace at the moment. He will soon leave Beijing to provide disaster relief. Many things have to be prepared, and there is no time for others to take care of. Thank you for your hard work, adults of the Ministry of Punishment! Everyone Your Excellency, just follow the procedures for interrogation, and no matter what the result is, just report it to your father truthfully!"

The person who came to invite the Crown Prince was the Right Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. After hearing what the Crown Princess said, he understood.

The prince will not be involved in this matter because he avoids suspicion, and he has no time to deal with it. They just interrogate and report to the emperor.

 Don't bother the prince again.

 After knowing the attitude of the Crown Prince, the officials of the Ministry of Punishments knew what was going on.

Previously, I was just afraid that the prince would blame me and endured Mrs. Jin's crying and making trouble, but now I am not afraid of her making trouble. Not cooperative? Did not say? Okay, then arrest everyone in the Xing family and interrogate them carefully, and you can always find out!

This Mrs. Jin is so bold that she dares to pretend to be the crown prince and ask for an official position for her natal brother. This shows that she is another idiot who only cares about her natal family and does not care about the life and death of her husband's family. He only wants to threaten her natal family and get it right.

Mrs. Jin was indeed frightened. She no longer dared to hide and tuck in. She resorted to anything.

She resented the prince and even scolded him in court, calling him unkind, ruthless, and so on. She asked the officials from the Ministry of Justice to scold him.

 Having a relative like this, the prince is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!

Many people heard her angry and cursed words. It was impossible to cover them up, so she had to write them down one by one in the memorial submitted to the emperor.

This matter is clear at a glance and can be easily investigated. After all, dealing with Mrs. Jin is a trivial matter for the Ministry of Punishment. The next day, the ins and outs of the case were presented to the emperor.

 After reading it, the emperor sighed.

 He really felt sorry for his son.

The Queen is such a good person, how could she end up with such an unsatisfactory family! The eldest man of the Jin family can't even take care of his own wife, so what use is he?

 Such a useless and incompetent person is what the emperor has always looked down upon the most, and he will not be soft-hearted at all when dealing with them.

 But this is the Jin family, the prince’s maternal family and the late queen’s natal family.

 Let alone the prince, even he has to pinch his nose and tolerate it a little.

In the end, the emperor only told Mr. Jin, his son, and Mr. Jin to go to the palace and give them a lesson. He ordered them to reflect on themselves after returning, discipline the people in the family, and stop causing trouble or causing trouble for the prince.

The Jin brothers and his son were so frightened that they trembled and kowtowed in response.

After returning home, Mr. Jin scolded Mrs. Jin again. If Heli hadn't been old and ugly, he would have wanted Heli to drive away this woman who had a mental problem and couldn't figure it out.

Let's just live a good life and daydream about the power and wealth!

 That’s right to think about, but you have to have that ability!

 If you don’t have that ability, and you can’t learn to be honest and honest, that’s stupid! This is asking for death!

Mr. Jin sent away all the confidants and servants around Mrs. Jin and sold her away. He put her under house arrest in the courtyard and from now on she was not allowed to go out again. He also gave the power of the palace to his sister-in-law. Take care of it with your daughter-in-law.

From then on, Mrs. Jin could not get anything but a title.

 Don’t even think about going out again in this life.

Mrs. Jin was unwilling to give in. She was very noisy at home and cursed endlessly.

She had no choice but to do anything to her husband, but her son and daughter-in-law were juniors, so whenever something happened, she would call them and scold them, force them to go to the Xing family to inquire about the news, and force them to find a way to help her natal brother get away with the crime.

The son and daughter-in-law were miserable and had neither the courage nor the ability to fulfill her wish, so they had no choice but to tell Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin was about to be **** off by this crazy wife, so he told his son and daughter-in-law not to talk to her anymore, and she ignored her even if she sent someone to call her.

Seeing that she showed no repentance at all and instead got worse, he simply asked the housekeeper to get a pack of mute medicine from somewhere and asked someone to force her to drink it, and she would be clean from then on.

As for the Xing family, Mr. Jin hated that family so much that he didn't even see them when they came to beg for mercy. Naturally, Mrs. Jin was not allowed to see them either. He only told the outside world that she was sick because of her brother's anger, and the doctor said she needed to rest. I can't stand the stimulation either. He just asked the housekeeper to deal with the Xing family and dismissed them.

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