A Mercenary’s War

Vol 2 Chapter 2764: take off

It has been seven days in Baghdad, a whole week.

The Black Devil has always been able to send information about Badadi, but he has never been able to confirm the exact location of Badadi. It is not an easy task to get close to this super villain that has caused uproar in the world.

Even if the exact position of the target cannot be obtained, then it is naturally impossible to act, and there is no other way than to wait.

Grevatov was in Russia, Tarta and Lebedev scored Aisais, but the two of them were not together. Rostowski and Vasily continued to wander around with Jim, that is Jim's protection is also using Jim as a bait, continue to use to call out Badadi's specific whereabouts.

It ’s not that you can find Badadi without breaking into Ais Aisi. Now the Black Devil has exhausted all methods and gathered all the resources that Gao Yang can find.

Gao Yang would like to conduct several pre-war exercises, especially in helicopters to enter and withdraw from combat, but there is no such condition in Baghdad, they are extremely secretly hidden in Baghdad, it is impossible to use helicopters to take off and land Probably using helicopters to take off and land in the city.

Gao Yang also hopes to initiate actions at night. If it is during the day, he can only give up, because initiating actions during the day means committing suicide. Although Gao Yang decided to kill Badadi at all costs, it was not really about committing suicide.

These days, everyone in Satan should say the same thing, that is, people don't unload their armor, they can't leave their saddles.

All combat equipment must be ready for immediate use, helicopters must be ready to take off at any time, body armor, guns, ammunition, and backpacks must be on hand. With a single order, they must be able to start within three minutes.

The state of combat must be maintained, but a good rest is needed, because it is not known when the action will take place, otherwise, these people of Satan should be equipped without leaving.

After waiting for a whole week, Gao Yang finally received the call.

"At 21:30 in the evening, the Mosul Kebir Grand Temple has a target occurrence rate of more than 80%, unable to respond, unable to know the exact room, and unable to confirm the guard force."

Gao Yang was eating, and he received a call from Tarta. After he finished speaking hurriedly, Tarta hung up immediately.

The situation in Talta was not very good. It should have been the only opportunity to send a message to the place where the satellite phone was hidden, but no more detailed communication was possible.

Gao Yang's heart began to thump, this is the only intelligence that has been worth attacking in the week after waiting in Baghdad, with a probability of more than 80%, enough.

Gao Yang glanced at his watch. It was 5:17 in the afternoon. The time was too late. The location was one of the iconic buildings in Mosul, and it was very clear. Tarta said that Badadi would appear.

Time, place, people.

Let's live together.

Gao Yang suddenly stood up and shouted: "Ready to go!"

Wait, wait, it ’s impossible for people to stay nervous all the time, everyone is either listening to music or lying in bed, but when Gao Yang suddenly yelled, everyone suddenly bounced like a tight spring stand up.

Carrying his backpack quickly, everyone in Satan quickly lined up, and then moved closer together.

"Introduction on the road, everyone gets in the car!"

Gao Yang shouted loudly, then said to Polovic, who hurriedly ran: "Notify the airport that we are going to take off immediately."

Polovic took a deep breath and nodded suddenly, then he immediately picked up the phone and started calling the person he contacted.

When the US troops left Iraq, they left a lot of equipment, tanks, armored vehicles, cars, helicopters, these weapons used to arm the Iraqi Defence Force did not have much effect, and the people in charge of these weapons are more willing to change these expensive things. Make money.

In order to be able to use these two aircraft, Gao Yang spent a full 20 million US dollars, and not bought these two aircraft, just use it.

The price is very high, because it is really not possible to spend less money. For these two helicopters, I do n’t know how many people are going to take a huge risk, let alone, a group of unknown people go to the military airport in Baghdad and board The two helicopters went away, and it took a lot of joints to get through.

But Gao Yang felt very valuable because he had two transport helicopters available.

Polovic did not show up. None of the people belonging to Ivan will appear. All the people who should have contacted in the early stage have been contacted. The rest is Satan ’s own business.

Everyone pulled off the hood, rushed into the car, and drove towards the military airport. The airport arrived soon, and a car belonging to the Iraqi Defense Forces was waiting for them.

Seeing the agreed vehicle appear, Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he waved his hand gently, a total of seven cars approached the car waiting for them outside the airport.

When Satan's convoy approached, the waiting vehicles began to move forward slowly, and Satan's convoy followed. When the convoy approached the airport post, Gao Yang was still slightly nervous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The leading car was at the post Stopped before, the window shook down, and after a salute saluted, the barricade was immediately evacuated, and a convoy drove slowly into the airport.

Unimpeded, the convoy stopped in front of the two Blackhawk helicopters on the helipad.

Gao Yang walked off the car, and Irene and Taylor got out of the car respectively. Gao Yang looked at Irene, pointed at one of the helicopters, and then leaned his head toward Taylor, pointing at the other helicopter.

Irene and Taylor got on the plane, and soon Irene raised her thumbs up in the helicopter cockpit. Following the climate, Taylor also gave her thumbs up.

The helicopter was okay. Yang Yang nodded and waved at the car that stretched out his hand. Five people came down and each took a box from the trunk of the car and placed it next to the car that led the way.

There is money in the box, and a deposit of five million dollars has been paid. These are the remaining 15 million dollars.

A man got out of the car, he opened five boxes one after another, looked at the contents inside, and took out a few of them. After confirming that all the money was inside, there was no count, so he looked up and pointed The person who always sat in the back seat nodded.

After the person in the car signaled, the person who came to see the money immediately began to put the box in the trunk of the off-road vehicle. When he put all the money in the car, he nodded his head high and waved his hand. Gestures that can take off.

Reversing the car, the car that came to trade with Gao Yang drove away, and Gao Yang waved his hand, and everyone in Satan began to board the plane quickly.

The transaction is over and there is no word throughout.

According to the plan, everyone boarded the helicopter he was supposed to get on, and Gao Yang glanced around. There was no abnormality. There was no one nearby, so he quickly waited for the helicopter.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Take off."

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