A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 5 Chapter 220: The most meticulous plan

Principal's office,

Mad-Eye Moody lay on a stretcher, a white cloth covering his stiff body.

Phoenix Fox sang in a low voice, like a suona in the village.

The curse continues, and death never ceases.

William touched his neck, feeling chilly.

After so long, he didn't realize that Mad-Eye Moody was also dead.

How terrible.

Fortunately, Akali's Defense Against the Dark Arts sprint class was renamed by William, otherwise he might have died early.

So, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, don't mess around.

From the year before William entered school...Professor Robert who was killed by a wild boar, Tywin who died on the toilet, and Quirrell who was poisoned to death...until now Mad-Eye Moody.

Six Defense Against the Dark Arts professors... Except for Professor Lupin, who has high magic resistance because he is a werewolf, which other professors did not die tragically?

Tywin didn't die, but that was also saved by William's time loop!

Otherwise, according to the original timeline, he would have been killed by himself!

Even if he is rescued, Tywin's life is not easy now.

When I have nothing to do, I will be reformed through labor in Azkaban;

Look...that's the terrible effect of Voldemort's curse.

Moreover, this is only the number of deaths that we know. If we don't know, it will go even further.

Just looking at this fatality rate, ask... who else! !

Voldemort shouldn't have cast the curse on this position, he should have cast it on the Minister of Magic.

Change a minister a year...that's exciting enough!

Since then, the Minister of Magic has become a leadership profession that is even more dangerous than the President of South Korea.

Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at the white cloth through the half-moon eyes, with anger flashing in his eyes.

Moody, a friend of his for many years, has now been killed.

Although William opened the time loop and was able to save Moody, he was still angry.

This also made him give up his plan to replace Snape with Dangdang next school year.

This position should not be held by one's own people!

Had to find some questionable wizards as before...and let Voldemort kill them indirectly.

It is also a good deed not to leave a name.

"William, you came to me, it seems that you have decided to leave the time loop?"

Dumbledore sat in his chair and asked as always.

"Yes, Professor." William nodded and said:

"I have a basic understanding of the whole thing, but there are still some small details. I also grabbed Barty Jr. and let him talk about it as a party."

William's wand is aimed at Krum, his appearance is changing:

The hook nose is getting smaller, and the black hair of the board is lengthening, turning into a light yellow mess with freckles on his face.

The most bizarre thing is that Barty's body and legs were gone, but the blood was forcibly stopped, and it couldn't be more miserable.

Sure enough, it was his own son who came to rob Crouch that time.

What a great dude.

Death Eaters are all filial sons.

William poured the Veritaserum into Little Barty's mouth, and the headmaster showed no signs of strangeness.

It's certainly not legal to do so, but Dumbledore is not a legally bound being either.

Barty Jr. opened his eyes, his eyes were dull, his cheeks slackened, like a Doctor Who who had just been reborn and couldn't figure out where he was.

William asked, "Can you hear me?"

Barty's eyelids trembled a few times, then nodded.

"Tell me, when did you get in touch with Voldemort." William leaned back comfortably in his chair.

"The night of the Quidditch final, I kidnapped many wizards, trying to threaten the Ministry of Magic and rescue fellow Death Eaters.

But Stark somehow found me, I was no match for him, and he hurt me badly.

When I was running away, I was caught by Winky. "

A smug smile appeared on Barty's face: "I was taken home that night. My father wanted to cast the Imperius Curse on me again, but my master came."

The smile on little Crouch's face deepened, as if recalling the happiest time in his life.

"My father was put under the Imperius Curse by his master like this. Now he is under house arrest and controlled."

"What does Voldemort want you to do?" Dumbledore asked.

"He asked me if I was willing to risk everything for him.

I said yes.

Serving him and proving my loyalty to him is my lifelong dream and greatest wish. "

William looked at the fanatical little Barty and couldn't help but pouted.

It is always said that Voldemort is not as charismatic as Grindelwald, but he can be the Dark Lord... There is no shortage of fanatics!

Isn't Barty Jr. the best example? And that Bella in Azkaban, clamoring to dedicate herself to her master.

Bella is definitely not a beauty control.

I don't know what Bella's husband thinks. After all, with a piece of Slytherin Green on his head, the object of his wife's mental derailment is still Voldemort.

"What is your plan?" Dumbledore asked.

"The original plan was to make Harry Potter a warrior and guide him to win the Big Three Cup." Barty Jr said eloquently.

"In the middle, as long as the trophy is stolen and replaced with a door key, the first person who catches it can be brought to the owner, and no one will notice the abnormality.


Little Barty paused:

"This decision was rejected. The master learned an important piece of information from my father:

The Goblet of Fire is still with Stark, given to him by the Italian Ministry of Magic.

If this magical item intervenes rashly to make Potter a warrior, he might know who is moving the Goblet of Fire.

The master is very jealous of Stark and does not want to make extra troubles. "

That's true, if someone moved the Goblet of Fire, the red dragon would definitely tell him.

"The owner has made a new plan and is going to find other warriors to help him win the top three cups." Barty Jr continued.

"Just at the last level, exchange Potter and the man with the Potion Potion."

"So, you chose Ron?" William asked. "Use the Imperius Curse to control Ludo and help him win the championship?"

"Yes." Barty Jr nodded and said, "The original plan was to catch Mad-Eye Moody.

He was someone Dumbledore trusted, and if he was turned into him with Polyjuice and mixed into Hogwarts, no one would doubt it.

But Wormtail said that Stark had a map of Hogwarts, could see other people's names, and the Polyjuice couldn't hide it.

And Moody's willpower is strong, and if he were to be remotely controlled with the Imperius Curse, he might break free, adding to the risk.

Wormtail and I found Ludo, who was better to deal with, and used the Imperius Curse to control him during the summer. "

William thought about it, and there was indeed news that Ludo was attacked during the summer vacation. At that time, everyone thought that the debtor would do the job.

And Ludo lost a lot of money gambling, and was still a good friend of Ron's father. Even if he approached Ron to help him, no one would doubt it.

"Ludo was being controlled by Wormtail, and I used Potion Potion to look like my father.

We both have the same name and there will be no holes in the map. "

There was an annoyed look on Barty's face.

"But there were two surprises in the middle.

Ron is so stupid, no matter how to help him, he can't learn the magic of dealing with fire dragons.

Ron then scored zero in the first item.

And another omission..."

"Wormtail didn't control Ludo and let him run away in a semi-conscious state!" Barty said angrily.

William nodded slightly. This was also the reason why Ludo disappeared for a long time after the first project ended.

But everyone thought that he ran away to avoid debt collectors.

"I had to go after Ludo, and without Ludo's help, Ron missed the second event, again zero."

Barty's angry teeth were creaking, as if he wanted to kill Ron and Ludo.

These two spoil the most perfect plan.

"I tracked it for a long time, and after I caught Ludo, there was another accident, and my father also escaped from Wormtail."

The pig teammate that Barty wants to kill has added another person.

William seriously suspects that it was Little Tom's order to make Wormtail cause Voldemort trouble.

"I received orders from my master to stop my father, but Stark was there, and he nearly killed me."

It was at that time that William cut off Barty's legs with a spell.

"Fortunately, because of Ludo's disappearance, the master became vigilant and cast a curse on my father to prevent him from revealing anything about us."

A confused look appeared on Barty's face.

"But somehow, Stark and Granger, guessed that I wasn't dead.

The Aurors from the Ministry of Magic are here, and we have to run away, continue to control Ludo, and respond at Hogwarts. "

Barty Jr. said unhappily: "The original plan was here, but it can no longer be implemented."

"There's no way that Porter could have won the Triumph from Granger.

The plan can only be changed one more time, and that is to order Winky and take him away in the labyrinth. "

"But the master doesn't want Dumbledore to suspect us, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by his resurrection.

After the resurrection, he still needs time to gather the old part to find those dark forces.

Therefore, it is necessary to create the appearance of Potter's natural death. "

"You're targeting Krum? Krum was knocked unconscious by Ludo, right?" William said.

Harry had taken Krum with him on that trip to Hogsmeade.

Later, Harry suddenly stopped going, and Krum was walking up the stairs, not knowing who had attacked him.

Near the incident, there are Harry, Mad-Eye Moody, Filch, Ron... and Ludo.

Krum thinks Filch did it, but now that I think about it, it can only be Ludo.

"That's right, knocking Krum out to get his hair," Barty Jr explained.

"Before the game, I turned into him, sneaked into his room, and controlled him.

Ludo asked Ron to invite Potter to help him train, and then took the opportunity to control Potter, making Potter and Krum swap identities.

It was also Ludo who was driving the magical creatures near the labyrinth and deliberately drove Cedric near Harry.

Cedric was drawn to the screams and watched Krum kill Ron.

He is the witness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wand is the physical evidence.

There was no omission in the whole plan, and no one would suspect that we had taken Potter in secret. "

Barty had a crazy look on his face.

"And I used Krum's face to get close to Karkaroff, control him, make him look like Krum, and finally die in Myrtle's bathroom.

I destroyed the whole ship in revenge for Karkaroff's betrayal..."

William leaned back in his chair and sighed softly. This process is basically the same as what he guessed.

The final result undoubtedly deceived both William and Dumbledore, and successfully brought Harry to Voldemort's side.

Sure enough, no one can be underestimated...even this mad Voldemort.



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