A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 5 Chapter 140: painful scar

Gryffindor Common Room,

After the hilarity, a mess.

Harry was alone in front of the sofa by the fireplace, waiting for Ron.

He decided to have a showdown with Ron. He just couldn't stand the cold war.

In William's words: it's called cold violence.

It was only now that Harry suddenly realized that Ron was a master of cold violence. In other words, he especially likes to use cold violence.

In first grade, she isolated Hermione, spoke ill of her behind her back, and was overheard by her.

Then, on Halloween, Hermione went to the bathroom and cried all afternoon and ran into the troll.

Akali's mystery shop sells Malfoy stuff, and he blames the twins. Then, he took the initiative to agree to Malfoy's duel and went on a night tour in the middle of the night.

As a result, he was hunted down by Filch and met Lou Wei.

In third grade, because of Crookshanks and Scabbers, ignored Hermione. As it turns out, Crookshanks spotted Scabbers' anomaly.

Now, because of the warrior thing...

Harry sighed and looked up at the clock on the wall.

It's all this time, and Ron hasn't come back yet. It should be said...he hasn't come back since Bagman told him to stay.

Naturally also missed the evening celebration.

Harry was about to go out when there was a creaking sound from the door.

The Fat Lady turned away and Ron climbed in through the portrait hole.

His wounds were almost healed, but his face was very pale and his head was covered with dust.

Seeing Harry, he froze.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked eagerly, jumping up. "I have been waiting for you!"

Ron didn't speak. After a moment, he muttered, "Walk."

He was still wearing a tattered robe, as if frozen.

Harry hurriedly said: "Come and sit down, the fireplace is warm here!"

Ron walked to the fire and sank into the chair furthest from Harry, daring to look at him.

"Ron, I want to talk to you." Harry summoned his courage.

"It's time for us to reconsider our relationship and I don't want to go on like this.

Otherwise, the two of us will drift farther and farther, and we will never go back to the past..."

"I'm sorry," Ron murmured, looking at his toes.

"What?" Harry thought he had heard it wrong.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper at you." Ron bowed his head and said, "I shouldn't have believed the Skeeter woman's report.

I was so stupid. "

"You finally figured it out?" Harry said angrily. "Long enough time."

"Just understand, forget about it, let's start over, okay?"

Ron nodded, looking sadly at his robes.

After a while, he said in a muffled voice, "This is the worst I've ever felt in my life.

At that time, when I faced the fire dragon, my mind was muddy. "

He looked at the fire and murmured, "I shouldn't have been a warrior... I regret it."

"The other two projects can't be so dangerous, absolutely impossible." Harry comforted.

He can only say that, otherwise he can say... It's more difficult later? !

"Thank you, Harry, I'm in a much better mood." Ron looked around. "What's going on here, so much garbage?"

"There was a celebration at the academy for Hermione's first place. And George he..."

Harry shut his mouth abruptly and, realizing he had said the wrong thing again, glanced cautiously at Ron.

When Ron heard the celebration, his face was a little reluctant. He pulled out an ugly smile:

"It really should be celebrated, Hermione and George both got good marks..."

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

"What about Hermione, have you returned to the dormitory? I haven't congratulated her yet." Ron asked casually.

"She seems to have gone out in the middle of the celebration and hasn't come back yet..." Harry shook his head.

The portrait of the fat lady was suddenly pushed away, and a familiar female voice came.

The girl seemed to be saying goodbye to someone else, but after a few minutes of goodbye, there were bursts of laughter, and it was over.

Harry and Ron turned to look at the door, and soon saw Hermione walking in.

She was blushing, with a smile she couldn't hide.

"Hey, you two haven't returned to the dormitory yet?"

Hermione was also surprised to see that there were still people in this lounge.

Usually, no one is there.

"Why did you go?" Ron asked curiously. "Come back so late, went to the night tour?"

"Nothing, I always come back at this point."

Hermione sat down on the sofa. She restrained her smile and stared at Ron, her tone slowly being as stern as Professor McGonagall:

"Ron, I was just about to tell you, but I haven't found a chance... about the black magic of today."

"I didn't know the game couldn't use black magic," Ron said impatiently, apparently not wanting to mention it, "or I wouldn't use it!"

"It's not a question of knowing or not! You used it once in your second year and nearly killed Malfoy that time." Hermione shook her head.

"That's the black magic taught by the mysterious man, twice, you should remember the lesson! Never use his magic again!"

"I know! I said today was just an accident!"

Ron leaned on the sofa and said irritably, "I'll go to the principal early tomorrow morning and tell him that I won't participate in the following games."

"The Goblet of Fire has chosen the Warriors, which is equivalent to signing a contract and must participate in the following games." Hermione said angrily.

"Where you say you don't participate, you won't participate."

Seeing Ron and Hermione arguing again, Harry felt a terrible headache.

I knew I wouldn't be waiting here tonight.

He rubbed his forehead. There are two two scars on it. They were left by Voldemort and Tom respectively.

In an instant, the scar left by Tom suddenly felt severe pain. The pain was ten times stronger than before.

He covered his face with his hands. The scar was still burning and hurting, as if it was about to explode, causing his tears to come out.

"Harry! Harry!" Ron seemed terrified. "How are you doing?"

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked hastily.

Harry rolled on the couch in pain, screaming incessantly.

His cry alarmed many students, and many people rushed over from the dormitory.

Seeing Harry moaning on the sofa with Ron on the side... a lot of people thought he attacked Harry.

It's entirely possible.

Because now Ron's reputation is not very good. Everyone thought he was secretly learning black magic.

"Did he get attacked by Weasley?" said a terrified voice. "Are you going to call someone?"

"He needs to go to the hospital!" said another wizard, bewildered. "He looks like he has a rabies attack."

"Nonsense, this is obviously epilepsy!"

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, revealing a safety watch, and hurriedly said:

"I called William! He just brought me back, and it shouldn't have gone very far!"

Niko invented a sound transmission screw similar to a double-sided mirror.

William also transplanted this alchemy technique into the safety table.

William really didn't go far, he didn't even walk out of Gryffindor Tower when he heard Hermione's cry.

Two minutes later, William pushed away the portrait of the Fat Lady and entered the Gryffindor lounge.

The crowd automatically moved out of the way, and he walked over to Harry.

Harry was still screaming in pain.

William tapped him with his wand, took out sedatives and painkillers, and poured them into his mouth.

It was still painful, but Harry gradually calmed down.

After a while, he opened his eyes with sweat on his face, and said in horror:

"William, I see Tom!"

William's expression gradually became solemn, he nodded and said, "Let's go, I will take you to see Professor Dumbledore."

"It's all gone." He raised his head again and said, "Go back to sleep."

"William, do you need me to accompany you?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"No, it's very late, you've been tired all afternoon, go back to bed early." William touched her head.

He waved his wand and turned Harry into a stretcher.

Harry sat on the stretcher and floated towards the door.



The two soon came to the headmaster's office, and Harry got off the stretcher.

Harry covered his head, looked at the stone beast at the door, and asked worriedly, "William, do you know the password of the principal's office?"

"I know." William said softly: "The principal usually uses his favorite snacks as a password, such as... a heap of cockroaches!"

The monster came alive and jumped aside.

Harry was stunned.

"A pile of cockroaches?" he said in surprise. "There are still people eating this stuff..."

"Dumbledore's tastes have always been unique." William shrugged.

The two walked through the gap in the wall and up the spiral stone staircase, the door closing behind them.

The stairs rose slowly and automatically, leading them to a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker.

William knocked on the door and found no response, so he pushed the door and walked in.

The portraits of the principals in the office were all empty, and the old principals who pretended to sleep during the day were gone.

Apparently, their nightlife is plentiful too.

Dumbledore didn't seem to be in the room, but there was a stone basin on his desk.

"Fox, is Professor Dumbledore in there?" William looked at a shelf next to the table.

Fox was pouting his ass, grooming his tail feathers, and didn't have time to pay attention to William.

William walked over, bent his fingers, and flicked his **** hard.

Not to mention, the little things... are quite elastic, and they are all wavy.

Fox was furious and seemed to want to spit William's hot saliva.

William took out his favorite snack and handed it over.

Fox sighed, but did not spit out the flame~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Harry stared at the stone basin, looked at the silver gas inside and asked, "What is this?"

"Is this? It's called a Pensieve." William approached and looked under the Pensieve.

He could see a Ministry of Magic interrogation room, which appeared to be being interrogated.

It doesn't seem to be anything sexual.

For example, the private past with Grindelwald...

Since it's not the principal**, it's easy to handle.

William said: "Let's go, your business is more urgent, let's go inside and find Dumbledore."

His head touched the Pensieve and got in first.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.)

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