A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 5 Chapter 5: St. Mark's Basilica hasn't chimed yet!

Santa Lucia Train Station is the only train station on the main island of Venice.

It is a low building, grey stone and concrete, exuding a unique elegance.

The train station is designed in a minimalist style, with a beautiful building facade, without any signage, just a symbol.

——Flying FS two letters.

The logo representing the Italian national railway system.

torrential rain,

William and Hermione held an umbrella, walked out of the train station, and broke into this foggy water capital.

First of all, there is a strong salty and wet taste. William felt...the smell of the sea in an instant.

Also, salty and wet is not a shallow sea, but a deep sea!

Even with such a heavy rain, the square at the exit was still full of vendors selling strange souvenirs.

Like most tourist cities, these things may be wholesaled from the same place.

There is also a pungent diesel smell in the air. It's the smell of those watercraft's engines when they're idling.

They formed a long queue on the Grand Canal at high tide. Just like the old taxi guy at the exit of the Tianchao Railway Station in the previous life.

Even the action lines are the same, dozens of captains, waving to tourists in Italian and other languages:

The Governor's Palace is one place away! Come on, just one more! Hey, get in the car and go! "

After going up, you will probably find that it is not just one person missing, but only one person.

It's not like getting in the car and leaving, but waiting for "one minute"...and leaving.

This "one" is a function word, generally greater than ten.

So, don't look at Venice, there are no cars, no black car drivers, but black car captains blocking the waterway... everywhere.

There are also a lot of tourists queuing up. The most people in the city are not Venetians, but foreign tourists.

Too lazy to wait in the heavy rain, William spent a lot of money and directly rented a beautifully styled gondola.

A gondola is a black flat-bottomed boat, richly decorated, with a crescent-shaped bow at both ends, and a hook-shaped bow, which can easily explore the height of the bridge hole.

This unique Venetian pointed boat has a history of more than a thousand years. It has always been a means of transportation for the Venetians living on the lagoon.

The pilot of the boat was a woman in her twenties. It looks cool, wrapped up and down in a black leather jacket.

She is slender, with a dark spiky head, full of unrestrained wild beauty.

"My name is Treanne Sand!" she said, giving William a sneak wink as they welcomed William and Hermione aboard.

William was fifteen years old, had been using the time converter for a few months, and was very tall.

But the woman in front of her was a head taller than him.

"Wine? Limoncello? Champagne?"

Realizing that the two were probably underage, Terenei added: "Or ice Coke?"

"None of them, thank you," William said in Italian.

He is proficient in French, while Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese... these languages ​​belong to the Romance language family.

Although the pronunciation is completely different from the overall language, or even completely opposite. But the grammatical system is basically the same, and the similarity rate of many words is also very high.

Being proficient in French, you can't learn Italian quickly, but it's still easy to master some everyday language.

"You're from France?" Treanne asked in French. "I went to Paris last year and I got a little Parisian accent."

"No, England."

"Then your French must be very good," Treni said again in English.

William looked at her in surprise, a boatman proficient in three languages?

"Just a little bit of understanding." Terenei lifted her spiky head and said with a smile:

"It's nothing. Venice is full of foreign tourists. Only by knowing a little bit about everything can you attract people."

William nodded slightly. But it still feels incredible.

"Hey, if you don't mind, can I be your tour guide in Venice?" Terenei licked her **** lips.

"I know the city like the back of my hand... It's free, and it's idle anyway."

Seeing her staring at William, Hermione rolled her eyes and couldn't help interrupting:

"Excuse me, can you send us to St. Mark's Basilica as soon as possible?"

It's not the first time I've seen this kind of scene, and there are many girls who strike up a conversation along the way, and even want to go with them.

"Of course, let's go!" Trine finally took her eyes off William.

She looked at Hermione and chuckled lightly:

"My gondola is the fastest boat in Venice!"

She deftly tipped the boat away from the shore. Then, he turned the steering wheel to the right, stepped on the accelerator, and passed through a group of gondolas.

It was only then that William discovered that Terenei had added an engine to the boat, instead of relying on the oars.

"Keep pace with the times, or you will be eliminated." She stepped up the accelerator.

The suddenly accelerated gondola caused a lot of water splashes and splashed on several gondola boatmen in striped shirts.

They gave Terenei their middle fingers rudely.

"Sorry!" Terenei laughed, whistling defiantly.

In seconds, they were off the crowded waterway in front of the train station and galloping south along the Grand Canal.



Piazza San Marco, the southernmost point of the Grand Canal in Venice.

This is also one of the most famous buildings in the city.

William, sitting in the stern, looked up at the coastline ahead, and there was a small park with lush trees by the water.

Above the treetops, against the blue sky, the red brick spire of San Marco's Bell Tower towers into the clouds.

At the top was a golden archangel Gabriel, looking down from a dizzying height of three hundred feet.

Napoleon once called St. Mark's Square "the living room of Europe", not without reason.

William said to Terenei: "Can the boat stop as close as possible to Piazza San Marco?"

"No problem!" Terenei waved her hand, like an old driver, she saw a needle in the densely packed boats.

As the boat approached the berth, a crowd gathered in front of the palace. The men were crowded on a bridge, all pointing to a narrow canal that bisected the Governor's Palace.

"It's the Bridge of Sighs!" Hermione's eyes sparkled.

The Bridge of Sighs is one of the most famous sights in Venice and a must-see for couples.

According to Venetian legend:

If two lovers kiss under this bridge when the bells in St. Mark's Basilica are ringing, they will be in love forever.

"Need to go? Miss?" Terenei's voice was teasing.

"No!" Hermione shook her head firmly without thinking.

"Why not?" Terenei teased, "I thought you two were lovers."

William also looked at the girl.

Hermione looked at the bridge with her cheeks raised, dazed. After a while, he blushed and muttered softly:

"St. Mark's Basilica . . . the bell has not yet rung."

The ship slowly docked.

William jumped first, Hermione jumped too, he stretched his arms around her and stood firm on the shore.

"Sir, am I waiting for you here?" Terenei said enthusiastically.

"No need~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We can't come out for the time being, goodbye."

William took Hermione's hand and walked towards St. Mark's Basilica.

This year's Wizards United Convention will be held here. However, the meeting will not start until a few days later.

They need to go get Dumbledore something first.

Terenei watched the two leave, she fell back, lay straight on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and took out a newspaper from her pocket.

She squinted carefully.

The headline of the newspaper, with a photo of the event:

It was William and Hermione.



(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

Thanks to "Ace101" and "Lonely Snow A745" for their rewards. )

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