A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 631 Golden Turtle Son-in-law

Qin Sanlang reminded: "Really want to eat it? If you eat it, you can't sell it for money."

From the moment he cured these hams, Xiaoyu has been thinking about selling them for money. He has been thinking about it for three years, and now he wants to eat the biggest ham. He is afraid that she will not be able to sleep because of the pain.

Gu Jinli struggled for a while, and finally said boldly: "Eat!"

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this. He jumped up, swung the knife in his hand, and cut the rope binding the ham with a whoosh sound. When he landed again, there was already an extra ham in his hand, but it was not the one Gu Jinli had designated. Just: "Eat this one, it looks good."

Gu Jinli was happy and said in agreement: "Yeah, just eat it."

She took the ham, sat on the floor, took out the white cotton cloth she brought with her, wiped the ham, took out the dagger, and started to slice the ham.

First cut off the top layer of skin and fat, then slowly slice off the pink layer of ham and hand it to Qin Sanlang: "Here, eat it."

Qin Sanlang: "It's not cooked yet."

Not cooking?

When did the little fish like to chew raw?

"Ham that is more than three years old can be eaten directly without cooking it." Gu Jinli urged him: "Take it and eat it quickly. Are you afraid that I will poison you?"

Qin Sanlang was naturally not afraid. He took the piece of meat she handed and ate it.

When the ham slices entered his mouth, his eyes lit up. The taste: "It's delicious, with a mellow and fragrant aroma."

Gu Jinli smiled: "It's delicious."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "If Yanfu Tower has this signature dish, it will definitely attract gourmets from all over the world. It tastes so good and is especially suitable for drinking."

Gu Jinli nodded and gave him another piece of ham: "Eating ham must be paired with wine."

Then he asked: "Do you want to drink? There is wine in the next room, but it is green plum wine. It is sweet, and you may not be used to it."

Qin Sanlang was a soldier. To hang out with people from the military command post, he had to be good at drinking, and the drinks he drank were all strong liquor.

Qin Sanlang said: "I like to drink green plum wine."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli glanced at him and said, "Wait, I'll get it for you."

She ran to the next room and quickly brought a jar of green plum wine. She took out the bowl in the food box and poured a bowl for Qin Sanlang: "Here you go."

Qin Sanlang took it and finished the bowl of green plum wine: "It tastes good."

Gu Jinli said angrily: "Why do you drink so fast? This is not water. The way you drink it, it won't be enough for you."

After he finished speaking, he poured another bowl of wine for Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang sipped his lips slightly this time and looked at her and smiled.

Gu Jinli frowned and said angrily: "Why are you giggling? Hurry up and slice the ham. I haven't eaten a bite yet. Do you want me to give you a slice and you keep eating it?"

Qin Sanlang's smile grew stronger and he took the dagger from her: "Here's a piece for you."

His knife skills were better than Gu Jinli's, and his movements were fast. In a short time, he sliced ​​up a plate of ham slices and handed them to Gu Jinli: "You eat."

Gu Jinli put the plate on the floor, and after eating three slices with satisfaction, he called to him: "You eat too. Are you stupid just watching me eat?"

Suddenly I felt that Brother Qin was not very smart. When he came back to meet her this year, he always liked to be in a daze and giggle, and his brain was not very clear.

Qin Sanlang listened to her words and ate with her. After eating, he started to slice another plate. The two of them had to eat half of the ham before they stopped.

"Are you full?" Gu Jinli said, "If you're not full, you can't eat. It's not good to eat too much at one time."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "You are full, are you sleepy?"

It had been more than an hour since they came out, and he was afraid that she was sleepy.

Gu Jinli nodded: "It's too late, hurry up and go back to bed. You have to go back early tomorrow morning."

Qin Sanlang moved very quickly, packed up his things in a few seconds, carried the ham and torch out of the house.

But the moment he stepped out of the house, he felt that he was moving too fast.

Gu Jinli lit a torch, locked the door, and the two of them left the yard one after another.

Qin Sanlang didn't walk very fast this time, but it was not very far from the main courtyard and it only took more than a quarter of an hour to arrive.

He handed half of the ham to Gu Jinli, but Gu Jinli didn't want it and said, "Take the ham back. If Xiao Ji sees it, he will be verbose again."

Tonight she secretly took Brother Qin to eat ham, which was against the rules in Dachu. If anyone found out that they were together in the middle of the night, they would have to be arrested and taken to the church, so no one could know.


How do you feel about wanting to be a thief?

Qin Sanlang nodded, followed her example, and said in a low voice: "Well, you go back to sleep, I'll take the ham, and we'll go home together tomorrow morning."

Gu Jinli waved to him, turned around and entered the main courtyard, locking the door.

Qin Sanlang did not leave immediately, but stood outside the courtyard door, listening to her footsteps gradually disappearing, and only after hearing the sound of the back room being locked, did he return to the guest courtyard.

Gu Jinli got up early the next morning. After packing his things, he took Xiaoji and followed Qin Sanlang back to the village.

Today's Dafeng Village is very different from three years ago. This season is the time when the last season of aphid grass is harvested. Entering the Dafeng Village area, there are red spots all along the way, which are the mature aphids. .

Many people were already harvesting aphids on the roadside. When they saw the Gu family's mule cart passing by, they all said hello.

Of course, there were more people saying hello to Qin Sanlang.

As soon as he arrived in the village, someone shouted to Qin Sanlang: "Hey, the Qin family boy is back. How long can he stay this time? He won't stay for a long time and then run away, right?"

The speaker was He Laoqiao's wife, a leader among the older generation of talkative women. She had been eyeing Qin Sanlang since he became a member of a hundred households, and she dreamed of wanting Qin Sanlang to marry her granddaughter.

Qin Sanlang pretended not to hear, and with a sullen face, rode towards the end of the village.

He Laoqiao's wife was anxious and immediately ran over to block Qin Sanlang's path: "Qin family boy, the old lady is talking to you, you should answer her."


Qin Sanlang took out the sword from his waist and chopped down a small tree on the side of the road.

He glanced at the face of He Laoqiao's wife with murderous eyes, and asked slowly: "Did you hear the sound? What other sounds do you want to hear? I can take you to the torture chamber of the Yamen to listen."

With a plop, He Laoqiao's wife was so frightened that she squatted on the ground, trembling.

Qin Sanlang rode past her without even looking.

"Pfft~ Auntie Laoqiao, we have already said that Sanlang doesn't like your granddaughter, but you still insist on dreaming about it. Why, seeing that Sanlang has become successful, you want to recruit him as your granddaughter-in-law. You are so imaginative." The village women who were watching the theater laughed at her when they saw her.

He Laoqiao's wife felt deeply embarrassed, but she would not give up Qin Sanlang as her grandson-in-law.

He Laoqiao's wife got up from the ground, put her hands on her hips and cursed: "You guys are laughing so hard, don't think that the old lady doesn't know your thoughts, don't you want your girls, nieces and nephews at home to marry a rich husband? You have been interested in it for a long time. The Qin family's young man just doesn't have the guts to say it, but the old woman dares to say it."

"Why do you say that Sanlang of the Qin family has a strong evil spirit? That evil spirit comes from his official position. Master Baihu, you don't have any evil spirit to control the soldiers below?"

The village women were told what she was thinking and immediately retorted: "Whatever you dare to say, Qin Sanlang must also like your granddaughter. If he doesn't like her, it's useless even if you say it with all your voice!"

He Laoqiao's wife was angry and shouted: "It's useless? You shrews don't even think about it. Which man in the world is willing to be a bachelor? The Qin family boy will be nineteen next year. How can he survive the night without marrying a wife? Big It’s a young man’s, the fire is strong, don’t burn him to death.”

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