A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 486: Falling in love with Jinchuang Medicine

"Little boss, the various medicinal materials you requested have been ground and placed in the pharmacy." Ye Jingzi saw Gu Jinli coming and knew that she was here to prepare Jinchuang medicine, so he said to her.

"Okay, I understand." Gu Jinli nodded and entered the first room on the right. This was her own pharmacy, specially used to prepare new medicines.

There are two wall shelves in the pharmacy, which are equipped with various pharmaceutical tools, bottles and jars.

There are several small stoves near the window of the house, used to boil other ointments and fry medicinal materials.

Ye Jingzi is a girl, she is 18 years old. She and her brother Ye Dakou have been crushing and brewing medicine with Dr. Wu since they were young, and they are quite capable. Moreover, she works meticulously and neatly. She helps Gu Jinli with all the trivial matters in this pharmacy. Now she is Gu Jinli's most powerful assistant in the pharmaceutical workshop.

Gu Jinli looked at the various ground medicinal materials on the long table, took out a small copper scale, and began to prepare the golden medicine. After the preparation is completed, light the small stove and start frying the prepared gold medicine.

After these golden medicines are slightly fried, their efficacy is maximized, allowing wounds to heal faster.

Half an hour later, she prepared five kilograms of gold wound medicine, put it in a jar, and walked out of the pharmacy with the medicine jar in her arms. She said to Ye Jingzi who was boiling the scar removal ointment, "I'll go to Qin's house to make some medicine." Come on, watch this yard and don’t let anyone who is not a pharmaceutical factory come in."

"Hey, I know my little boss." Ye Jingzi sent Gu Jinli out of the courtyard and closed the door.

Before he left the fourth house, Kan Liu ran over and said with a smile: "My little boss is going to the Qin family to deliver medicine again? Can you take me there? I want to see how the Qin brothers are recovering from their stab wounds?" "

When the Qin brothers came back, he went to show them their injuries. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk.

That day, he used a knife to clean out the bits of flesh from the wounds of the Qin brothers. Wounds like that are difficult to heal, and in the hot weather of late summer and early autumn, once the wound festers, people say Once it's gone, it's gone.

But it had only been ten days since he had used Xiaodong's medicine. This morning, he had already seen the Qin brothers going into the mountains to cut firewood and look for mountain treasures. This was too fast.

Gu Jinli knew that Kan Liu had been thinking about Jinchuang Medicine for a long time, so he nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go together. We can just change the medicine for Brother Qin and the others."

"Hey, thank you, little boss." Kan Liu was very happy and followed Gu Jinli to Qin's house.

When passing by his house, Brother Cheng saw Gu Jinli, ran over, and went to Qin's house together. He saw the Qin brothers coming back with Shanzhen carrying dry firewood.

In the bucket Qin Sanlang was carrying, there was also a bucket of big, lively carps.

Brother Cheng climbed on the edge of the bucket, looked at the carp inside, and sighed happily: "Brother Sanlang, what a big fish, do you want my second sister to help you roast it?"

Brother Sanlang likes to eat fish. Every time he goes into the mountains, he goes to the pond to catch fish. Every time he catches fish, he asks his second sister to help him bake it. He is used to it.

Qin Sanlang looked at Gu Jinli with some embarrassment: "Is it okay?"

"How many times have I baked it for you, and you still ask such nonsense?" Gu Jinli placed the medicine jar on the stone table in the courtyard of the Qin family, and said with a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "Your injuries are not fully healed yet. Go into the mountain and get a cure." Forget about the firewood and go down to the pond to catch fish. If the wound collapses again or becomes infected, you will be doomed."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Then next time I will only chop wood and not fish in the pond."

Qin Erlang frowned when he heard this, feeling very unhappy. What does the Gu family girl think she is? How could you talk to Saburo like this? What did Saburo do that it was her turn to criticize? Is she qualified to control Saburo?

Qin Erlang snorted coldly and went to the kitchen carrying firewood.

Gu Jinli directly ignored Qin Erlang and said to Qin Sanlang: "Hurry up and put the firewood down and let Uncle Liu look at your injuries."

Now that there are outsiders here, Ms. Cui specifically told her about the defense between men and women, so she only came to deliver medicine and would not help Qin Sanlang with his injuries.

Mr. Qin was also at home. Hearing Gu Jinli's voice, he walked out of the main room and said, "Xiaoyu is here to deliver medicine again. The gold medicine you made is a good thing. The stab wound on Erlang and Sanlang's body is almost healed."

The reason why the Gouhe knife is famous is because the serrations and barbs can make the wound difficult to heal. He was also injured by a knife when he was young, and it took him more than two months to recover. The skin and flesh festered under the blood scab, and he had to open the blood scab and cut off the rotten flesh underneath. Well raised.

Gu Jinli's eyes widened with a smile, he patted the medicine jar on the stone table and said, "I know Grandpa Qin likes this kind of gold medicine, so I sent you a jar."

Mr. Qin was very happy: "That's good. Erlang and Sanlang will inevitably get injured in the military training camp. With this medicine, the old man can feel more at ease."

Then he looked at Brother Cheng next to him, pointed at him and smiled: "Brother Cheng is fat again."

In the past, this child was very thin and timid and didn't like to talk much. After settling down, he became bolder and gained more flesh on his face. He looked chubby and very cute.

Brother Cheng wrinkled his nose and said, "Grandpa Qin, I don't call this fat, it's a blessing. Third Grandma said that a little kid of my age should look like this."

"Haha, yes, yes, our brother Cheng is white and fat, like the fairy boy in the New Year pictures." Mr. Qin was very fond of brother Cheng. The little chubby boy of four and five years old is the most lovable.

Seeing Mr. Qin laughing so freely, Qin Sanlang also had a smile on his face. After calling him grandpa, he said to Kan Liu: "Uncle Xiao Liu, come in with me."

As he spoke, he picked up the medicine jar on the stone table. He didn't know what he thought of, but his ears suddenly turned red. He hurriedly took big steps into the house where he and Qin Erlang lived.

Gu Jinli shook his head. This guy was even shyer than she was. He was applying medicine in the main room and she couldn't see him. She had to sit with her back to the main room.

Mr. Qin also laughed when he saw it. He picked up Brother Cheng and taught him a set of punches and kicks.

Brother Cheng has been learning boxing and kicking from Mr. Qin every day for the past six months. Although he only has small arms and legs, he can fight with style.

Mr. Qin was satisfied: "Yes, I will be a good martial arts practitioner in the future."

But Brother Cheng doesn't like practicing martial arts. He thinks it's better to use his brain to trick people like his elder brother.

Gu Jinli said to Mr. Qin: "Grandpa Qin, if you are free, please go to my home to teach my father more often. He is old, his hands and feet are stiff, and he is a slow learner. Without your constant supervision, it will be difficult for him to make progress."

The water bandit incident was a wake-up call for her family. In the past, Gu Dashan felt that he was old, his hands and feet were stiff, and he couldn't learn boxing or kicking, so he didn't learn much. He only occasionally practiced a few moves with a few children as a form of physical training.

But now he felt that as the head of the family, if he didn't have some skills, he wouldn't be able to protect his family if someone came knocking on his door, so he decided to learn how to box.

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