Mr. Qin was overjoyed when he heard this. He took the poison and antidote from Gu Jinli and said, "With these two things, the old man will have some confidence when he takes action."

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this, looked at the tiredness on Mr. Qin's face and asked, "Grandpa Qin, but there are changes in Yushu Village?"

Mr. Qin is a very calm old man. He is like a needle that stabilizes the sea. No matter how many winds and waves he goes through, he will never loosen up. I have never seen him complain. But from what he said, it seemed that the operation over at Yushu Village had encountered difficulties.

Mr. Qin said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that we don't have enough manpower, and I'm old. I have to keep an eye on that group of people day and night, which is a bit tiring."

He patted the bag containing the poison and said with a smile: "With what you gave me, I can breathe a sigh of relief. If I really get my hands on it, my chances of winning will be better than before."

Mr. Qin's words were concealed. Sanlang said that he didn't want Xiaoyu to take risks, and he didn't want Xiaoyu's hands to be stained with blood. If there was blood on his hands, he would do it.

Gu Jinli heard it.

She checked Zhang Niuzi's group and found that there were quite a few people, about thirty, but except for Zhang Niuzi and three of his confidants, the others were all soft-footed shrimps. Mr. Qin knew very well that to capture the thief first, capture the king. With his ability, he could capture Zhang Niuzi and the three henchmen by himself.

As for the others, just leave them to the four soldiers from the Division of Military Affairs to deal with them. If he couldn't solve it, he wouldn't worry if he was wanted again in the future, but now he looked worried.

Gu Jinli said to Mr. Qin, "If you need any help, just tell me."

Mr. Qin said with a smile: "No, no, no, although the old man is old, it is still not a problem to deal with Zhang Niuzi and the others. Just take Kan Liu and the others to protect the end of the village."

Seeing that Mr. Qin didn't want to say more, Gu Jinli had no choice but to give up. He got up and went home to get a bag of bean dregs cakes and a bag of roasted dried beans and gave them to Mr. Qin: "These bean dregs cakes and roasted dried beans are not seasoned. They have a light fragrance. You Find some strong-smelling weeds to cover it up so that Zhang Niuzi and the others won’t smell it when they’re watching.”

In addition to not being able to make any noise, they are also not allowed to carry anything with a strong smell. Otherwise, if other people smell something wrong, they will also lie about it.

Mr. Qin took it: "Well, I'm interested, girl. You go back and let Wang Yongfu and the others guard the intersection at the end of the village. Don't let in the untrustworthy people these days."

These days are the most dangerous times, so they need to be extra careful.

"Okay, don't worry." After Gu Jinli said a few words to Mr. Qin, he went home.

Mr. Qin quickly took his things and left. He is now sleeping outside Yushu Village with the people from the Military Division, and is no longer going home for the night. Fortunately, Mr. Qin was here. If he hadn't been able to scout in the army, the four soldiers from the Division of Soldiers' Post would not have been able to keep an eye on Zhang Niuzi and the others.

After Gu Jinli returned home, the third grandmother came over and asked, "Xiaoyu, what did Mr. Qin tell you? How long will it take for this to be over? I'm so worried every day that I can't sleep well at night."

Since Zou County Cheng's accident happened, their families have been taking turns to keep vigil. Fortunately, this time there were Wang Yongfu, Lao Zhu and his son, Kan Liu, Mutong, and Ye Dakou. The old man and Dashan didn't have to go to watch the night, and could stay at home at night, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sleep.

Several other families, including Luo's father, Gu Dalin and Gu Dafu, are going to keep vigil.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Don't worry, Third Grandma, we'll have the results after a few more days."

Gu Jinan has followed Shang Xiucai to the county seat and handed over the signs given by the Zheng family to the officials. As long as the encirclement can be completed and the water bandits are captured, they will be safe. There is no need to worry that the water bandits will reach the village from the Qin brothers. To do evil.

After Gu Jinli mixed the prepared antidote with hot water, he called his family over and asked them to drink a cup each. After drinking, he gave the antidote to them: "Take it all, remember to take it once every three days. You also have poison, and when you are in danger, you will spread the poison, and you must not be lenient."

Ms. Cui was very scared, but she just held the medicine bag and Brother Cheng's hands: "Yes, mother has remembered."

Brother Cheng said: "Second sister, I also remember it."

Gu Jinli smiled, pinched his little face and said with a smile, "Be good."

In the evening of the same day, Village Chief He brought He Dazhuang and the others back from the county seat. As soon as he came back, he ran to the end of the village and told Grandpa Third about what was going on in the county: "Zou County Cheng, who is suffering from the plague, is really vicious. He actually did something like this." When it comes to selling good people, a lot of them are sold. I heard that six or seven hundred people were sold. It is so unscrupulous that the people being sold are all men serving as slave laborers, all of them are the mainstay of the family. How much harm has this done? It’s a family!”

"The eldest and second sons of my cousin's family were all gone. The eldest son was newly married at that time and had not yet left a seed, so he asked the second son to serve in the corvee first. He said that he was dead and it would be difficult to transport the body, so he buried it on the spot. I brought back a set of old clothes from my uncle’s house.”

"A few years later, the eldest son went to do corvee labor and said he was dead. When my cousin got the news, he couldn't even breathe, and it just passed away. Fortunately, the eldest son had a son, otherwise he would have been extinct."

"And from the Lu family, even one of Lu Tianya's uncles was sold! Humph, that was Mr. Lu's cousin, and even Zou County Cheng sold it. It's really the retribution of the Lu family."

Village Chief He scolded Zou County Cheng for two quarters of an hour, and only stopped when he was tired of scolding.

Third Grandpa asked: "What did the county magistrate say when things got so big?"

Village Chief He said: "The county magistrate said that this matter is too big for him to make the decision, so he has to report it to the prefect's Yamen. In a few days, the prefect's Yamen will send someone to verify it, and he will give us a word at that time."

The third grandfather nodded after hearing this: "It's as it should be. This matter is no longer a matter of Tianfu County, but a matter of the entire He'an Prefecture."

He sighed again: "Magistrate Xu is a good official. He is about to be transferred and is still helping us with this case."

Village Chief He nodded and said: "The old man didn't expect that. In the past, I only thought that County Magistrate Xu was as timid as a mouse and didn't dare to offend anyone. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be brave before leaving."

After village chief He had a conversation with Third Grandpa, he stood up and left.

Before leaving, Third Grandpa reminded him: "The incident involving Zou County Cheng has caused unrest in the entire Tianfu County. Our village should also wake up to prevent some gangsters from taking advantage of the chaos and sneaking into the village to do evil."

Village Chief He: "Brother Gu is right. I will tell the villagers and ask them to patrol the village and not let strangers enter the village at will. We will wait until Zou County Cheng is dead."

Village Chief He had just returned from the county town. He still remembered the farmers in the county town who were crying and scolding each and every one of them. He was afraid just thinking about it. Fortunately, Lieutenant Jiang County and his people stopped him, otherwise something would have happened.

In the next few days, the whole Tianfu County was still noisy, and Magistrate Xu was very worried.

After receiving Magistrate Xu's letter, Magistrate Liang was frightened and immediately sent people to Tianfu County to help Magistrate Xu deal with the matter of Zou County Cheng selling good people.

When people came from Fucheng Yamen, a group of people also came from Fucheng, but instead of going to Tianfu County, they went straight to Yushu Village.

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