County Magistrate Xu was frightened when he saw the large group of people rushing toward the Yamen. He patted the tree and said, "Stop them, stop them."

Then he pointed at the crowd rushing in and said angrily: "Bold, this is the county government office. It is a serious crime for you to break into the county government office privately. Get out of here quickly, don't hurt yourself!"

"Bah, you bitch, you are so anxious to ask us to step down, do you want to protect the person named Zou?" Someone was anxious, pointing at Magistrate Xu without hesitation and yelling: "You are the magistrate, Zou Youlian sells clothes. As a county magistrate, you are a good citizen who is doing corvee work, but how can you not know that? Or maybe you also have a share in selling people for money!"

Magistrate Xu almost cried. Is he protecting Prime Minister Zou? He sells people for money? If it hadn't been for him, would Zou Xiancheng have been caught and brought to court?

It was an unjust death. It was really an unjust death.

Magistrate Xu gave Master Tian a hard look, and Master Tian hurriedly said: "Fellow folks, folks, the county magistrate is definitely on your side. He is from a peasant family, and he is still so poor after being an official for so many years. If it weren’t for the dowry of the county magistrate’s wife to support the expenses of the house, magistrate Xu wouldn’t even be able to afford pen, ink, paper and inkstones, let alone clothes for all seasons.”

Magistrate Xu's face turned green. Although Mr. Tian was helping him, there was no need to treat him so miserably.

Master Tian showed the correspondence between Zou County Cheng and the clerks, district chiefs, and village chiefs of several towns and said: "These cases were all from ten years ago. County Magistrate Xu did not come to Tianfu County ten years ago to take office. You are wrong." If you want to blame me, blame your ex and the adults of your ex!"

The ordinary people in the city were very honest. Master Tian told them the matter very straightforwardly, so they understood and stopped scolding Magistrate Xu.

However, some angry people still wanted to rush into the court and beat up Zou County Magistrate, but were stopped by Jiang County Lieutenant: "Folks, don't be impulsive. The county magistrate has arrested Zou Youlian, and Zou cannot escape this time." . Don’t worry, it’s not worth it to commit the crime of trespassing in court for this kind of beast, just exit and listen at the yamen gate.”

County Lieutenant Jiang has a high prestige in the county. The people in the county are willing to listen to him. After hearing this, they exited and said: "We listen to Mr. Jiang. As long as he is here and County Magistrate Xu is here, we will definitely be given justice." .”

Some people felt that the scolding of Magistrate Xu just now was very inappropriate, so they wanted to say good things to Magistrate Xu, and raised their voices and said: "Well, didn't you listen to Master Tian? Magistrate Xu is from a peasant family, so he must be a picker." People who have done manure, transplanted rice seedlings, and threshed grain are the same as us. We must trust the county magistrate and not cause trouble for him."

Magistrate Xu's face is not green, it's completely dark... Can you please stop mentioning the matter of picking manure for farming? It's been decades, okay.

Moreover, his family is a well-to-do family. When the family is busy in farming, they will hire workers so that he does not have to pick up manure.

"Sir, you have to make the decision for us. When the Yamen said that my man died in the corvee service, my man was only twenty-three years old, and I became a widow before I was twenty... Look at my face. This is the result of hard work. I am only forty-four now, but whoever sees me will not tell me that I am nearly sixty?"

"If the men in my family were still here and there were men supporting the family, I wouldn't have to age like this?" The old woman who was sitting on the ground and crying had already kneeled down to Magistrate Xu with her grandson, begging Magistrate Xu to make the decision.

When other people who had sons, brothers, and fathers who died in corvee work but had no bodies to transport home saw them, they also knelt down and cried: "Your Excellency, the county magistrate, you have to make the decision for us and find out the truth about that year. This Is the person dead or alive? Where is he now? There has to be an explanation. Even if he is dead, we still have to give us a corpse. If you don’t see people alive and don’t see corpses, what does this mean? "

County Magistrate Xu was a little moved when he saw them crying miserably, and said to them: "Don't worry, I am holding a court trial today to find out the truth of the matter and give justice to the people. But the trial case cannot be completed in a day or two. As it turns out, Zou Youlian is an official, so even if the evidence is conclusive, the case must be sent to the Fucheng Yamen, and only after the Fucheng Yamen has tried it can Zou Youlian be punished."

Then he said: "Let's do this. If someone in your family goes to do corvée work and is told that he has died, but no body has been brought back, you can queue up and let the yamen do the registration, and the yamen will investigate for you. If you are really betrayed by Zou You, you will definitely I’ll give you an explanation.”

"Hey, let's queue up and register right now." The people watching the excitement immediately started to move, some queued up to register, and some left in a hurry.

"There are also people in our village who went to do corvee labor and ended up dead or alive. They were probably sold by Zou Youlian. If it doesn't work, we have to go back to the village chief and ask the villagers to come to the Yamen as soon as possible."

"There are some in our village too. I have to go back and call for help."

"Haozi, stop carrying the work, something big has happened, we have to go back to the village and call for help!"

For a time, the entire county was in a commotion, and farmers were all running out of the city and back to the village to look for people.

Magistrate Xu was afraid of this. He pointed at the running farmers and glared at Zou County Cheng: "Zou Youlian, look at the good deeds you have done. Now you have harmed the entire Tianfu County. You are committing evil."

There are so many villages in Tianfu County, and it is estimated that many of them have people who have served as laborers and been sold. The farmers in the countryside also have a saying: "If you bully one person in our village, the whole village will come and beat you." If all the men in the village Dingdu came to the Yamen with a hoe on his shoulder, so he didn't have to live another day.

Zou Xian Cheng was calm and composed: "Your Majesty the County Magistrate, although you are the chief official of a county, you are not qualified to sentence me. This case must be decided by the Fucheng Yamen."

Zou County Prime Minister looked at County Magistrate Xu and sneered: "Besides, the evidence Zou Jiang presented is perjury. I am not guilty, but I was framed!"

Magistrate Xu was so angry when Zou County Cheng said that, he shook his hands and pointed at him and said: "The evidence Zou Jiang submitted has been tested by the Yamen, and everyone thinks it is true. How dare you say it is perjury."

The Prime Minister of Zouxian County is here: "Has it been tested? Did your master and Jiang Dahu test it? Not to mention the fact that your Excellency wants to make meritorious service and be promoted, just because Jiang Dahu has a grudge against me, he is not qualified to test the evidence. Even if After testing, even what he said cannot count.”

Master Shao was so excited when he heard this that he almost shouted... Perjury, why didn't he think that these evidences were perjury.

"Your Excellency, County Magistrate, Mr. Zou is right. We were framed by the false evidence created by Zou Jiang. We are innocent! Zou Jiang..."

Before Master Shao could finish his words, a government official blocked his mouth with a linen ball, making him unable to speak.

"Uh huh!" Master Shao was so angry that he glared at Team Leader Yang's nephew, wanting to kick him to death.

Zou Jiang looked at Magistrate Xu who was sweating on his forehead and knew that Magistrate Xu could not defeat Zou Youlian. He said, "Sir, as long as you check with County Lieutenant Jiang, the head of the government office, Mr. Xing Ming, and the experienced scribes, After passing the evidence and confirming that all the evidence is genuine, the defendant can be taken into custody. The case and its evidence can then be handed over to Fucheng Yamen, who will take over the investigation. As a suspect, Zou Youlian has the right to question But I have no right to interfere with your Excellency’s handling of the case.”

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