Okay, I will try my best to revise the dialogue part to make it more vivid and concrete

《Help Zhang Ye find a job."

On Weibo, some people really want to help, while others are just watching the fun. Of course, there are also those who want to cause trouble. However, everyone showed their entertainment spirit and left messages expressing their willingness to provide job opportunities.

"Our foreign trade company sincerely invites Teacher Xiaojie to join us!"

"Mechanical processing plant, welcome Teacher Xiaojie!"

"Textile factory sewing machine department, Mr. Xiaojie, you will definitely know it!"

"Brilliant Nightclub hires Teacher Xiaojie with a high salary to be in charge!"

When no one in the serious TV stations wanted Zhang Ye, some scattered companies extended an olive branch and responded to the call to help Zhang Ye find a job.

"Stop making trouble!"

"What can you do in a nightclub? Reciting poems to attract customers?"

"Textile factory sewing machine department? Do you think Teacher Xiaojie has this skill?"

Finally at noon, this Weibo turned into a farce and gradually came to an end. Those who joined in the fun and caused trouble may feel that it is not good to make a joke on Xiaojie. After all, it is also related to Su's father. Su's father can't. He was just cremated, so I won’t say more. People who really wanted to help Xiaojie couldn’t help him. Almost all domestic TV stations posted Zhang Ye’s resume, but only two people responded. Although they all affirmed Teacher Xiaojie's character, they all declined and refused to accept him. Other TV stations even did not reply. Even though Xiaojie was only famous in the capital, the troubles he caused were all within the scope of the capital, and not anywhere else. Many people don't know him or know him. But after all, they are all in the TV industry. Even if they don't know Xiaojie, don't they still have a few friends? Just make a phone call and everything will be clear!

In the office area.

Take advantage of this Neck said to Xiaojie:"Teacher Xiaojie, what are your plans next? Still want to work in television? Or go back to the radio station?

Xiaojie asked,"Can I go back to the radio station?""

Xiao Wang huffed,"Xuan.

Xiaojie asked again,"Do any TV stations dare to ask me?""

Xiao Wang coughed and said again:"……hanging."

Brother Hu and Brother Fei were also very helpless. They knew that this was not a problem of"hanging"."hanging" was just a euphemism. In fact, it was impossible at all.

Xiaojie spread his hands and said,"So, it's not what I want to say next. How to plan, but there is no plan at all. Who do I want to plan? Others don’t plan on me. I can only let nature take its course and wait until the time comes. In the past few months since I graduated, although it hasn't been long, there have been too many things going on, as you know. Seeing Brother Wang Fei and the others nodding in sympathy, Xiaojie said,"I'm really tired too and want to rest for a while." Li Hua looked at him and said,"

Is there anything I can do to help?"

Xiaojie said:"Thank you, Brother Li. It's okay. I'll just take it one step at a time.""He knew that he had caused too many troubles too often. Even if Li Hua had many connections, he couldn't help him. When Xiaojie got into trouble, it was no longer possible for connections to help him!

Xiaojie He probably understood this and sighed without saying anything.

Suddenly a staff member from the human resources department came outside the door. After he came in, he greeted Li Hua politely and then looked at Xiaojie and told him that the resignation procedures were completed and he wanted him. He went over to sign.

Xiaojie hummed and followed him.

Twenty minutes later, Xiaojie came back. At this moment, he officially had nothing to do with the Beijing TV station. He packed up his things at his desk and hugged him relaxedly. He raised his head and looked around at the place where he had worked and fought for more than a month. He squinted his eyes, then weighed the box in his hands and strode out of the office area without any worries or regrets. As soon as he walked out of the corridor, They were all people! There were dozens of them densely packed together!

Xiaojie was also stunned for a moment. When he first came back, he thought to himself: Li Hua, Xiao Wang, and the others, where had they gone? There was no one in the office area. As soon as they arrived in the corridor, everyone followed them. Not only Li Hua and his colleagues were standing there, but also many colleagues from other columns of the literary channel, whom they knew or didn’t know and had never spoken to each other. They all came and stood on both sides of the corridor.

Xiaojie smiled:" I'm leaving, everyone, take care."

After a few seconds of silence, Li Hua raised his hand and patted it! Then Xiao Wang, then Brother Fei, Brother Hu and Brother Hu. Finally, they took the lead and all the colleagues in the corridor gave Xiaojie warm applause! Pat, pat, pat.!

The entire TV station office building heard it!

"Take care, Teacher Xiaojie!"

"Well done to you! We are not as good as you!"

"Thank you for coming forward regarding Uncle Su!"

"I've said bad things about you before, I'm sorry!"

"Take care! Although the TV station fired you, it is fair and reasonable!"

"We all know what is going on, and we all know your sacrifice for others!"

Before Xiaojie's performance regarding Uncle Su shocked everyone, no one thought that Xiaojie would end up with Liu Qitian in this way. Afterwards, although Xiaojie lost his job and was blacklisted by many media, But they, Uncle Su's colleagues during his lifetime, all had a kind of respect for Xiaojie in their hearts! To do this for a person who has no blood relationship, at least they couldn't do it! The applause lasted for a long time! Xiaojie also felt sorry for him Everyone said:"Thank you, thank you all."So many people saw him off, some of whom he had never interacted with before. He was very satisfied.

Li Hua said:"Come back and sit down when you have time. Brother Hu was so excited that he went up and gave Zhang Xiaojie a bear hug,"Teacher Xiaojie, although we have only been together for a short time, I really can't bear to part with you. We can't cut off contact and drink together next time!""

Xiao Wang was even more unbearable and shed a few tears.

"Teacher Xiaojie, this is my phone number. If you need any help in the future, please feel free to contact me."Brother Fei handed Xiaojie a note.

Xiaojie nodded, took the note, his eyes were a little moist,"Thank you, I really didn't expect so many people to care about me."

"Don't say that, Teacher Xiaojie, you are a good person."A colleague next to him who he was not familiar with before said.

Da Fei also went up and gave Xiaojie a hug."If you have anything to say, please speak to me. My phone is switched on 24 hours a day."

Xiaojie also greeted them one by one and thanked them,"I don't work here anymore, but it doesn't mean that I won't interact with you in the future. We will definitely have dinner and drinks together when we have time. Thank you everyone for seeing me off. Let's all go back. Don't delay your work because of me. , then my sin would be great."

The elevator door suddenly opened, and several people who didn't seem to be from the TV station squeezed in.

"Is Teacher Xiaojie here? We would like to interview Teacher Xiaojie."A Beijing Times reporter asked politely

"Sorry to bother you, I'm a reporter from Beijing Times."Another reporter also asked

"Teacher Xiaojie, I heard that netizens sympathized with your experience and spontaneously organized to help you find a job and submit your resume on Weibo. However, in the end, no TV media took you in. How did you see it? Will you give up your career as a TV host or lecturer in the future?"The reporter from Entertainment Daily then asked.

Xiaojie looked at the reporters in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little moved. Although he knew that his resignation had caused a sensation, he didn't expect that so many reporters would come to interview him. He was deeply moved. He took a breath and said with a smile:"First of all, I am very grateful for everyone's concern for me.support. I am very touched by the help from netizens. As for whether I will continue to work as a TV host or lecturer in the future, I have not made a decision yet. However, I will continue to work hard to continuously improve my professional quality and make more contributions to society."

"Teacher Xiaojie, you are resigning today. Do you have any objections to the decision made by Beijing TV Station? Can you tell us about it?"Another reporter asked.

Xiaojie smiled softly and did not answer the question directly. He looked at the reporters and said:"Actually, there will always be some unsatisfactory things in life, but the important thing is that we have to be positive. mentality to face. It was a painful decision for me to leave Beijing TV Station, but I believe there will be better opportunities waiting for me in the future. As for whether I have any opinions in my heart, what I want to say is that I have never regretted my choice because I believe in my abilities and value."

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the elevator gradually became heavy. Several reporters were silent for a while, and then continued to ask questions. Xiaojie answered every question seriously, showing his sincerity and confidence. Suddenly, the elevator door opened After opening it again, several TV station employees walked in. They frowned when they saw the reporter in the elevator, obviously dissatisfied. One of the employees said:"Who asked you to go upstairs? Did you get permission to interview?"

The reporters ignored the employee's question and continued to ask Xiaojie questions. One of the reporters asked:"You only joined the TV station for a month and you were fired. Do you really have no ideas?"

Xiaojie glanced at the reporter, then smiled and read a poem. It was a masterpiece by Lu Xun in his world.——《self-deprecating》!

"What do you want when you are transported to Huagai? You have already met before you dare to turn over."Xiaojie read

"I pass through the bustling city with my broken hat, and my boat is full of wine."He read again

"Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox"

"Hide in the small building and become one, regardless of winter, summer, spring and autumn!"The last line of the poem jumped out of the elevator.

The elevator door closed!

Xiaojie also left!

This poem is not as easy to understand as Xiaojie's previous modern poems. Many people did not understand it at first, but this poem The poem is not that obscure, so everyone smacked it and understood it all at once!

This poem is about Xiaojie's mood at the moment!

What do you want if you have good luck? If you have bad luck, what else can you expect? Demand. I bumped my head before I dared to turn over? I didn’t even dare to turn over in bed, but I still bumped my head. When I went to the street, I lowered my head and covered my face with a broken hat, lest I be seen; it was like sitting on a leaky boat filled with wine. Wandering around in the middle of the river, I was always in danger of drowning. Faced with the enemy's accusations, curses, and curses, I just turned my back on them. When facing the masses, I would rather bow my head like an old cow and be a coward!

Isn't this what I said? Xiaojie himself?

Aren't these what happened to Teacher Zhang Ye these days?

What a cold-hearted person who pointed his fingers at thousands of people! What a person who bowed his head and was willing to be a coward! Many people are questioning Xiaojie's bad temper and sabotaging the live broadcast. , has no regard for the overall situation, and often causes troubles!

But what is the attitude of Teacher Xiaojie? The description of a cold eyebrow and a thousand fingers is so apt! He is such a person! He doesn’t care what others think of him! And For one of his terminally ill fans, for a deceased colleague who had no blood relationship with him, he bowed his head and became a coward! He was willing to do anything! What kind of integrity is this? This poem shows it vividly!

Especially Xiao Xiao Teacher Jie’s final words after entering the elevator: Are you scolding me? Questioning me? Fire me? OK! I’ll hide in the small building and become my own entity! You don’t care about winter, summer, spring and autumn!

"What a poem!"

"This was obviously created on the spot, right?"

"Definitely is! Otherwise, how could it be so appropriate!"

"Teacher Xiaojie’s casual poem is so awesome, right?"The reporters are all bright-eyed! They hurriedly recorded this poem, and today's manuscript is available again! And no need to ask, this poem will definitely be popular! In fact, this is nonsense! Whether it is modern poetry or ancient poetry, Xiaojie, None of them have received more than one million clicks on the Internet! This has already passed the test of the market and time!

I didn’t expect it! I really didn’t expect it! Teacher Xiaojie is Teacher Xiaojie! Before I leave, I still have to Everyone was shocked!

The elevator door closed and Xiaojie left! This poem exploded among everyone like a bomb! Everyone was shocked by this poem and impressed by Xiaojie's talent and integrity.

"What a great poem!"A reporter exclaimed

"yes! It completely expresses Teacher Xiaojie’s mood and attitude!" another reporter echoed

"I think this poem will become a classic!" Another reporter said.

The moment the elevator door closed, Xiaojie knew that his decision was right. He didn't want to continue working at this TV station, he needed a new beginning. This poem was a gift he gave to himself , it was also his feedback to all those who supported him.

The moment Xiaojie left the TV station and walked out of the building, he felt more relaxed and free than ever before. He knew that his future was full of infinite possibilities and opportunities. He believed in himself We will definitely be able to create a more brilliant future.

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