This is to help the illiterate!

Xiaojie thought dumbfounded.

After Li Hua finished talking to the camera, he immediately rushed over without stopping. He grabbed Xiaojie's shoulders and said excitedly,"Well done, Xiaojie! That's so good!"

Xiaojie laughed. Said:"As long as I don't embarrass you"

"Are you still embarrassed? Ha ha! Li Hua said excitedly:"I tell you, this is the show I really want, and it is much better than I expected!" I didn't miss a word from beginning to end. I can definitely say that this is the best history education column I have ever heard!

Xiao Wang said:"That's right!""

Brother Fei said:"It can't be described as wonderful!

Brother Tiger raised a thumbs up and said,"Just one word - cow!""

"Did you write that poem yourself? Li Hua asked

"right."Xiaojie said

"You, you surprise me time and time again. The artistic conception of this word is unparalleled among the poems about the Three Kingdoms. It is absolutely unparalleled! Li Hua said happily:"If I had known you were so powerful, why would I be looking for Professor Ma? What kind of guests would I be looking for? I'm full and have nothing to do?" I already let you go! Well, there was an accident this time, and there were big temporary changes. The name of the program, the layout, and the lecturer were also changed, so I definitely had to apply for approval from the art station and get approval from the leadership!

A cameraman said over there:"Producer Li, it can be done in an hour. If you want to delete it, find someone to follow up and we will make adjustments." Fei Ge, who was in charge of technology and site layout, said,"

I'll follow up.""

Li Hua said:"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Once it's done, I'll take it to you.""

…… noon

《The first column of"Hundred Schools of Forum" has been produced and edited into a specified time, with explanations and introductory pictures interspersed in the middle.

After Li Hua went through it himself and felt satisfied, he found the office of Liu Qitian, the director of the literary station, knocked on the door and went in. The leader was having a meal.

"Director, where are you eating?"Li Hua laughed.

Liu Qitian, the director of the literary station, looked unhappy,"Old Li, I was just looking for you. I heard that there was a big problem during the recording of your program? In the end, even the program was changed? Also kicked out the lecturer and guests? Those are the experts and professors you finally hired. What is your column team doing? Li Hua became angry when he mentioned them,"There is no need to invite them, and there will be no need in the future. I have more suitable candidates here, and the program has been better planned and developed!" Haha, do you still remember Xiaojie who I wanted to come over? He is the lecturer now, and we no longer need hosts and guests, and the program effect can be very good! No, you don’t need these to have such a good effect!

Liu Qitian frowned,"Xiaojie?" What can a young man say? Lao Li, I know you value this young man, but you can't be too biased, right? You are a history column!"

"You'll know it just by looking at the tape. Li Hua knew that talking was useless, so he simply brought the recording to him.

Liu Qitian lowered his head and said,"Let's go.""After he went out, he also called several cadres and staff below to follow him to watch the screening.


"He said Three Kingdoms?"

"He is a young man, what does he know about the Three Kingdoms?"

But a few minutes after the screening started, everyone fell silent.

Until the one-hour screening ended, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all looked shocked, and no one said a word..

Li Hua asked:"What do you think? Is this change okay?"

A small leader from another column group felt regretful and jealous:"If I had known that this person had such great abilities, I would have argued with Lao Li! We must get him to our column group!"

"Director?"Li Hua looked at Liu Qitian.

Liu Qitian was silent for a moment,"Let's broadcast it like this! Let’s take a look at the ratings results on Saturday and see if the audience recognizes it! If the response is good, we will continue to record the Sunday show.

Li Hua said:"Would it be too late to record again on Saturday?""

Liu Qitian said flatly:"We can't see the market's reaction yet! Must be cautious! After all, this Xiaojie is young and has no qualifications! When he talks about history, the audience may not necessarily buy it! Therefore, changes and adjustments must be made according to the actual situation! Let’s test the waters by broadcasting it first! Then we will decide whether to let him continue to be the lecturer of this column!"To put it bluntly, Liu Qitian still doesn't trust Xiaojie! Such a big show! Did Xiaojie be the host or guest? Liu Qitian thought it was inappropriate! He thought Xiaojie's height and image were problematic! Now it's good! Let Xiaojie suddenly change from a casual host to the only lecturer of the show? To become the most important person in the show? This is a bit too fast!

But Li Hua was full of confidence,"Okay! Let’s look at the ratings. The young cadre who spoke before said:"

At this level, the ratings will definitely be the same!" That poem alone is a masterpiece!"

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