Xiaojie's appointment caused quite a stir within the TV station. Although he successfully passed the interview on his own merit, many employees still had doubts about his background and ability. They believed that Xiaojie came in through connections and questioned his ability and experience. Whenever he heard their discussions behind his back, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He knew he needed to prove his worth to earn the respect and trust of his colleagues.

One day, Xiaojie heard a conversation between two employees in the corridor. They talked about the new Xiaojie with disdain:"How can this guy be qualified for this job? He must have gotten in through connections." Another employee echoed:"Yeah, I heard that he didn't have any experience before. I have worked as a TV program planner, and I don’t know where he came from."

Xiaojie couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when he heard these words. It is true that he has never done TV program planning, but he believes in his own strength and talent. He decided to prove his ability to his colleagues and impress them.

Therefore, Xiaojie took the initiative to find a senior program planner and asked him for knowledge and skills about program planning. He asked questions humbly, listened carefully to the answers given by his seniors, and took detailed notes. Through continuous learning and accumulation of experience, he has a deeper and deeper understanding of TV program planning.

Gradually, Xiaojie's work performance was recognized and respected by his colleagues. His creativity and ideas impressed many people. However, some people still doubted his ability and believed that he could not produce any outstanding programs.

One day, Xiaojie had an idea and thought of a wonderful program plan. This scheme is derived from his former world and is a type of show that has gained popularity around the world. However, in this world, this type of show is not yet widely broadcast. Xiaojie firmly believes that this is the best opportunity for him to show his talent and creativity.

He quickly wrote down the plan and took it to the column planning director Li Hua. After Li Hua read the plan, he frowned, obviously not satisfied. He told Xiaojie that this plan required a lot of modifications and improvements before it could be implemented. However, he also realized Xiaojie's creativity and potential and decided to support his idea and help him realize the show.

Li Hua found the station director and deputy director with Xiaojie's plan. They listened patiently to his suggestions but were visibly skeptical of the new show. The station director expressed concern:"The concept of this program is relatively new, but we are not sure whether the audience will accept it." The deputy director also agreed:"We need to be more careful about whether this program is suitable for our station."

Li Hua tried his best to persuade the station. The director and deputy director gave this new program a chance. He said:"This program plan has high innovation and potential market value. If we can give it certain support, it may become a dark horse of our TV station." After some persuasion, the director and deputy director Finally convinced. However, they put forward a condition: the ratings of the first episode must reach 0.9%, otherwise the show will be cancelled. This condition was a huge challenge for Xiaojie, but he did not back down, but strengthened his determination. He knew this was a crucial moment for him to prove his talent and creativity, and he had to give it his all.

In order to ensure the success of the show, Xiaojie made great efforts. He works closely with team members and is hands-on from planning to execution. He took the initiative to ask questions from his colleagues, absorbed their suggestions, and constantly improved the program plan. In the process, he gradually won the support and recognition of his colleagues. Together they determine details such as the show's theme, guests and filming locations. Xiaojie also took the initiative to ask questions from his colleagues, constantly learning and accumulating experience.

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