The strength of these two ghosts is not strong, and at most they are comparable to the rank 6 powerhouse of ordinary gods.

With the strength of the two Jiang Chen, it was just an understatement to kill these two ghosts in seconds.


But just as Jiang Chen and the two of them solved the two ghosts, violent spatial fluctuations came again in the void in front.

next moment……

Shilaidao undead creatures filled with black aura once again slew towards the ruins of Cangyou Temple.

These more than a dozen undead creatures, the aura of each one is not weaker than the power of the sixth-order deity.

Especially the leading ghost image that is so angry that it will not be inferior to the mysterious soul.

He was unusually tall, and on the body that looked like a skeleton, he was wearing a large torn gown, and his eyes were faint and bloody, which seemed to give people a very strange feeling.

no doubt.

This guy at the head, like Xuanhun, is already an existence comparable to a realm god!

"It seems... these undead formed through mutation are really the back hand of God King Cangyou."

Jiang Chen looked at the situation in front of him, his brows were twisted together involuntarily.

God King Cangyou didn't know what method was used, so that after the death of many powerful people in Cangyou Temple, they all regenerated in the form of undead.

These undead creatures, hidden in the Cangyou Realm, have fully grown after hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

Although they are far from being compared with their lives, they are already very scary.

Just the group of undead creatures in front of me is probably enough to sweep the weaker world **** forces like Nanli Clan.

not to mention……

At the peak of the Cangyou Temple, the existence that could compete with the Great Desolate Divine Sect for thousands of years, the strength can be described as unfathomable.

If the strong people of the Cangyou Temple were all turned into such undead by the Cangyou God King. Jiang Chen couldn't imagine what a terrifying force this would be.

And just when Jiang Chen looked at this group of undead creatures.

The ghost ghost headed by the skeletons brought a group of undead creatures to a stop at a distance of kilometers away from Jiang Chen and them.

His bloody, hollow eyes were directly locked on Xuanhun's body, and his hoarse voice was slowly spreading between the world.

"Venerable Profound Soul, I have already felt your breath. You can survive in this way. It is the new life that the palace master bestows on you. Why do you want to be with the people of the Great Desolate Realm?"

As soon as the skeleton ghost said the words, Jiang Chen couldn't help but his eyes became serious.

To know.

Venerable Profound Soul had been affected by that whistling sound before, but the skeleton ghost in front of him was completely awake.


Listening to this guy's tone, it seems that he has completely awakened his memories.

From this it can be seen that the strength of this guy during his lifetime would never be below the profound soul.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?"

Xuanhun frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "Who should I be with? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

Although Xuanhun had already felt that the person who made the howling sound and the ghost of the skeleton in front of him should have a certain relationship with him.


He has now surrendered to Jiang Chen, and his life and death are in Jiang Chen's hands.

No matter what kind of relationship he had with these during his lifetime, Xuanhun didn't bother to care. If he wants to live now, he can only obediently obey Jiang Chen's orders.

"I am the left guardian of the Cangyou Temple, Venerable Cang Ming!"

"Venerable Profound Soul, as a high-ranking member of the Cangyou Temple, you have betrayed the owner of the temple and took refuge in the great wilderness."

"Today, the deity will take the place of the lord first and destroy you, a traitor!"

When Venerable Cang Ming spoke, a sharp chill also spread from his body instantly.


Venerable Cang Ming gave an order and directly directed the ten undead creatures behind him to kill Jiang Chen.

at the same time.

He himself also carried a death aura that swept across the world, and burst out at Venerable Profound Soul.

Venerable Profound Soul's complexion changed, and his figure exploded, but at the same time he quickly urged the power of the dead in his body and collided with Venerable Cang Ming.

Seeing that the profound soul dragged Venerable Cang Ming, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at the moment. He directly held the Heavenly Fire Sword, like a tiger into a flock, and killed more than a dozen undead creatures.

Knowing that the situation is not optimistic, Jiang Chen has no reservations at all.

I saw the seven-color sword light flashing on the Skyfire Divine Sword.

Every time he cleaved a sword, a ghost of a skeleton instantly turned into ashes under the colorful sword light.

Just a few breaths.

More than a dozen ghosts of skeletons comparable to the sixth rank of the gods were all killed by Jiang Chen.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that more than a dozen skeleton ghosts were destroyed by Jiang Chen so quickly, Venerable Cang Ming was also frightened.

Originally he thought.

With more than a dozen undead who are comparable in strength to the sixth-order powerhouse of the gods, even if they can't deal with that kid, they can still hold him back.

As long as he solves the profound soul smoothly, that kid is destined to be difficult to fly.


Venerable Cang Ming never expected that the strength of the black-clothed youth could reach such a powerful level.

More than a dozen undead who were comparable to the powers of the sixth-order gods were all easily killed by the opponent like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Venerable Cang Ming, the master is a super-grade **** who breaks the limit of the gods. If you want to deal with him with a few undead skeletons equivalent to the sixth-order of the gods, it would be too whimsical."

Seeing this scene, the profound soul that had been suppressed by Venerable Cang Ming couldn't help but smile proudly.

He couldn't help but shouted to Jiang Chen quickly: "Master, don't waste time, let's join hands and get rid of this guy."

This Venerable Cang Ming was indeed very powerful, and he suppressed him to death from the moment he shot.

Without Jiang Chen's help, I'm afraid he would really not last long.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, just as he was about to step forward to join forces with the profound soul to kill Venerable Cang Ming together, there was another wave of distance fluctuations behind him.


A monstrous death black gas, like a tsunami, rolled towards Jiang Chen.


A ghostly black shadow also slowly emerged from the black death breath.

"You Ying, you came just right, kill that kid quickly, and help the palace master break the seal with me!"

Venerable Cang Ming was immediately overjoyed when he felt the breath of the coming person, and hurriedly called out to the black ghost that had stepped into the air.

"it is good!"

While the black ghost voice resounded indifferently, the monstrous death aura all over his body surged directly at Jiang Chen, instantly turning the thousands of feet around Jiang Chen into a dead zone.


Jiang Chen's expression was indifferent, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword in his hand shook, and a monster flame burst in front of him instantly, and then quickly turned into thousands of flames and sword aura shot out in all directions.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The surrounding dead areas where the dark death black energy condensed instantly became fragmented under the thousands of flame sword energy.

To the end.

Even the death black energy that permeated the void was burned clean by the hot energy on the flame sword aura.

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