Martial arts field.

Everyone looked at this scene on the ring with shocked faces, and it has been a long time for them to return from the shock.

The sixth-ranked sect Tianjiao in Hanyue Palace was killed by Jiang Chen with a single move!

Such strength is truly terrifying!


Before the Tianjiao Challenge started, almost everyone felt that this time the Tianjiao Challenge was the first place to be the palace.

But now Jiang Chen's birth turned out, directly making the situation confusing and confusing.

Although they knew that the palace was very strong, they were the top arrogant talents on the list of the great arrogances.

But even if the palace is shot, I am afraid there is nothing more than this.

In the next two games of the three-final battle, Shi Yunjian, the fourth arrogant of Zongmen, faced Lu Xiao, the ninth arrogant of Zongmen, and Morey, the seventh arrogant of Zongmen, faced Fang Ming.

The result is naturally no surprise.

Shi Yunjian, the fourth-ranked sect Tianjiao of the Cold Moon Palace, was stronger than Lu Xiao by more than one level and easily won.

And Morey also defeated Fang Ming by an overwhelming advantage to get the last three-final place.

"The ranking battle is over. Congratulations to the three of you for qualifying for the challenge. Now I will give you half an hour to adjust your breath and enter the final challenge in half an hour!"

Zhong Lishui stood proudly in the void, his faint voice resounded through the audience again.

Shi Yunjian and Morey didn't talk nonsense, and directly began to meditate and adjust their breath.

after all.

In the next challenge, they faced the most powerful genius in Hanyue Palace.

They can only maintain their peak state, and perhaps there is still a chance to compete for a place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

Jiang Chen didn't meditate and adjust his breath.

Regardless of whether it was a qualifying or ranking match, Jiang Chen was extremely easy to deal with.

Even Zongmen Tianjiao as strong as Han Feng did not cause much consumption to Jiang Chen, and naturally there was no need to meditate and adjust his breath.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

Zhong Lishui's eyes swept over the three Jiang Chen, and said lightly: "Half an hour has come, now is the final challenge. All three of you have a chance to challenge the top three candidates. The first challenger, Morey. "

Hearing Zhong Lishui read his own name, even if Morey didn't want to be the first one in his heart, he had to step forward and board the ring.

The top three candidates in the Tianjiao Challenge are the top three geniuses in Hanyue Palace.

The palace mausoleum, the first of the ten great sects of the Hanyue Palace, is the only peerless Tianjiao among the Hanyue Palace's disciples, and it is almost invincible among the disciples of the Hanyue Palace.

Yue Wushuang, the top ten sect Tianjiao of Hanyue Palace ranked second. Although it has never been exposed in the Cold Moon Palace, its strength is mysterious and unpredictable.

A few years ago.

The third-ranked Zongmen Tianjiao Bai Xingjian in Hanyue Palace clashed with Yue Wushuang and was suppressed by Yue Wushuang's three moves.

These two people are almost two legends among the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace.


Morey knew very well in his heart that their only chance was to challenge the White Star Sword if they wanted to get a spot in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

If all three of them challenged the White Star Sword, it would undoubtedly be the most disadvantaged for the first person to appear.


At this point, Morey had no choice but to face Zhong Lishui: "I challenge Bai Xingjian."

No matter what, now that he has reached this point, he has to fight for the place of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Association!

"Do you really think I am the best bully of the three?"

Bai Xingjian sneered coldly.

When he moved, he instantly turned into a dazzling white glow before falling in front of Morey, with a disdainful expression on his face: "Morey, do you want to challenge me too?"

"Bai Xingjian, stop talking nonsense and fight."

Morey roared, his eyes overflowing with brilliance, his right hand suddenly made a fist, and his fist blasted towards Jian Wuji.

A horror fist with countless thunder electric lights, like a thunder dragon, with the sky full of thunder, roared out at the white star sword.

Bai Xingjian's face was expressionless, and his right hand pointed out.

call out!

The meaning of sharpness spread out, and a sword light penetrated through the void, smashing that Thunder Fist instantly.

Sweeping vigorously, Morey's footsteps were unstable, and he stepped back several steps in a row.

"Shen Lei Heaven Breaking Fist!"

Morey roared wildly and smashed the ground with one foot, and his figure rose into the sky. The power of the silver thunder rose from his body, gathered on his right fist, and hit the white sword star again with a punch.

"An ant-like existence, dare to challenge me and defeat me!"

Looking at the thunderous fist that shattered the Baizhang Void and rolled and pressed, Bai Jianxing was still like a mountain, his five fingers stretched out, and he volleyed.


Thousands of sword auras pierced through the endless void in an instant, and then killed Morey in all directions.


I saw that Morey's Thunder Fist was strangled by hundreds of sword qi, instantly becoming riddled with holes, and finally burst open in midair.

"Heavenly God World, Ning!"

Morey's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly condensed the world of the gods, trying to resist the powerful blow of the White Star Sword.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, sword energy flew from all directions, hitting Morey's world of gods.

this moment.

I saw that Morey's world of the gods shook violently under the continuous bombardment of endless sword energy, but it never collapsed.

"It's just that I underestimated you, and I was able to block me. However, you will stop there."

Bai Xingjian's faint voice fell, and the whole person was like the same heavenly sword, bursting out an extremely sharp and striking breath.

At this moment, the White Star Sword was like a king who wandered all over, with a terrifying force of swordsmanship in his wave, sweeping toward Morey.


Just listening to the loud bang of the sword, Morey's Heavenly God World was completely shattered under Jiang Chen's sword.

Morey's figure trembled, and his whole body flew out of the ring like a broken kite.

Seeing Morey flying upside down from the ring, the whole square was full of finches. Everyone looked at the Bai Xingjian standing proudly on the ring, showing a look of awe.

"It's worthy of being the top three candidate in the Tianjiao Challenge. It's really strong."

"I'm afraid that this white star sword cultivation base has also broken through the fifth rank of the gods.


While everyone looked at their hearts in awe, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on the two Jiang Chen.

Bai Xingjian has always been the weakest among the top three candidates.

Now that even Bai Xingjian is so powerful, can Jiang Chen really succeed in the challenge?

Before everyone had recovered from the shocking scene in front of them, Bai Xingjian's sharp gaze shot directly at the two Jiang Chen under the ring, and his proud voice also instantly resounded over the square.

"You two, who else wants to challenge me, then come up and fight me!"

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