After the previous rounds of duel, everyone remembered the corresponding numbers for the talented disciples who performed brilliantly in the qualifying rounds.

The first set of No. 6 vs. No. 11 is exactly Jiang Chen vs. Shi Yunjian!

These two are also the last two in the first group to maintain a nine-game winning streak.

In other words.

Whoever can win this battle will be able to get the first place in this group in the qualifying round.

Under the gaze of everyone in the martial arts arena, Jiang Chen and Shi Yunjian stood opposite each other on the No. 1 arena.


Both of them just stared at each other quietly, never making a move.

a long time.

Jiang Chen finally broke the tranquility on the ring.

He glanced at Shi Yunjian on the opposite side, and said lightly: "Don't waste time, are you going to fight this battle or not?"

"I want to fight you, but not now."

Shi Yunjian's eyes flashed, and he immediately looked at the referee on the side: "This time, I give up!"

In the previous battle between Jiang Chen and Lu Chuan, the strength displayed was unfathomable. Even Shi Yunjian did not have absolute certainty in defeating Jiang Chen.

If it changed to normal, Shi Yunjian wouldn't mind directly fighting Jiang Chen.

But now it is the Tianjiao Challenge of Hanyue Palace.

Shi Yunjian's sole purpose is to enter the final challenge and win a place to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

Now for the first place in a qualifying group, fighting against a strong opponent like Jiang Chen is not a choice of name.


When Shi Yunjian said this, it seemed as if a stone was thrown into the calm lake, causing a thousand waves of waves.

"I... I heard you right? Shi Yunjian, as the fourth-ranked Tianjiao of the sect, unexpectedly chose to give in?"

"You heard that right, Shi Yunjian did take the initiative to give in."

"This is incredible, right?"


If Jiang Chen took the initiative to surrender, everyone might not have had such a big reaction.

after all.

Shi Yunjian is the fourth sect Tianjiao in the Hanyue Palace.

The top three Tianjiao in the sect were the top three candidates in the Tianjiao Challenge and did not participate in the previous competition.

It can be said

Shi Yunjian is definitely one of the best in today's qualifying competition.

He chose to surrender to Jiang Chen, causing many people to show incredible expressions.

After Jiang Chen and two stepped down, the game continued.

Not long after, the tenth round of the game ended.

The three referees in charge of the game reported the results of the group victory.

In the first group, Jiang Chen ranked first without any surprise with a record of ten wins.

Shi Yunjian and Lu Chuan both won nine victories in ten matches, tied for second place.

The last place for promotion is Fang Ming, who has won eight victories.

Soon, the other two teams qualified for the ranking competition were also announced by the referee.

Almost none of the ten major sects of Hanyue Palace, Tianjiao, successfully entered the rankings.


The remaining few promotion places are also well-known inner disciples of Hanyue Palace.

The qualifying round is over.

Zhong Lishui returned to the center of the martial arts field again to preside over the next ranking match.


The twelve disciples who advance to the Ranking Tournament will face off against each other by drawing lots.

The winner advances to the top six, and the loser is eliminated directly.

The top six players will compete in the second round of draws to determine the top three in the ranking.

And the top three in the rankings can enter the final challenge, get the qualifications to challenge the top three candidates, and compete for the place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

After Zhong Lishui announced the next rules of the game, he quickly pinched a seal with both hands.


In the center of the martial arts field, three finished glyphs of thunder came, as if being drawn by some kind of force, at the same time they moved closer to the center.

Just blink of an eye.

The three arenas merged into one, evolving into a giant arena over a thousand meters in size.

After Zhong Lishui merged the three arenas into one giant arena, the loud voice resounded through the audience once again!

"Now, in the first round of the Ranking Tournament, the top six battle begins!"


As Zhong Lishui's voice fell, the atmosphere of the entire martial arts venue burst into flames, and the audience blasted into the sky.

To know

Those who can pass the qualifying rounds into the ranking rounds are all geniuses in the Hanyue Palace genius.


The rule of the ranked game is to determine the outcome, everyone wants to enter the next round, must burst out 100% strength.

These levels of battle are obviously much more intense and beautiful than qualifying matches.

With countless expectant gazes around the martial arts field, Zhong Lishui draws lots to announce the opponents of the first game.

"The first game of the first round of the ranking, Lu Chuan played against Han Feng!"

There was a commotion around the martial arts field after hearing the first match.


They also didn't expect that the first matchup of the ranking match would be so fierce that the top ten Tianjiao disciples of the two major sects would meet directly.

Lu Chuan and Han Feng did not hesitate, and successively boarded the central ring.

Han Feng looked at Lu Chuan and said lightly: "Lu Chuan, you are not my opponent, give up."

"Whether it's an opponent, you won't know until you have played it."

Lu Chuan sneered coldly, and directly urged the power of the four gods in his body to evolve a world of gods covering a hundred feet of space.

The cold light in Han Feng's eyes skyrocketed, and it was also the evolution of a heavenly world that collided with Lu Chuan's heavenly world.

One of them ranked eighth in Hanyue Palace's sect Tianjiao, and the other ranked sixth, with little difference in strength.

For this ranking match that determines the outcome, the two have no reservations at all, and almost showed their strongest strength when they shot.


The worlds of the gods of the two were intertwined above the ring, each evolving various supernatural powers to collide together.

If it weren't for the battle arena to evolve from the world's artifacts, it would probably be enough to knock the sky above the entire martial arts field.

"Is this the real strength of the top ten arrogances of the sect? It is really scary."

"It seems that in the qualifiers just now, they all hid their strength and didn't take it seriously at all."


Seeing the two fighting in the ring, the eyes of countless Hanyue Palace disciples were shocked that could not be concealed.

"Jiang Chen, do you think either of them can win?"

Shi Yunjian looked at the two people who were fighting **** the ring, and didn't ask Jiang Chen beside him.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "The ranking of your top ten sect Tianjiao is quite reliable. If nothing else, Lu Chuan might be defeated."

The difference between the two in the ring is actually not that big.

However, Jiang Chen could clearly feel that the power of the world in Han Feng was stronger than that of Lu Chuan.


Among the power of the world controlled by Han Feng, there is the power of the way of life.

On the endurance of the battle, Lu Chuan is even less popular.

If this continues, Lu Chuan will almost certainly lose.

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