After condensing the image of his father Jiang Wuya.

Jiang Chen condensed the images of his mother Ji Wushuang, Meng Qingxue, and Gu Feng'er.

When he left the Profound Spirit Continent, the Human Race had already defeated the Blood Spirit Race, and his mother was the only Void God Realm powerhouse in the Profound Spirit Continent. It was only a matter of time before the Blood Spirit Race was suppressed.

Based on his understanding of his mother Ji Wushuang.

After the matter of Xuanling Continent is resolved, he will definitely come to God's Domain to find his father Jiang Wuya.

And Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng'er, presumably would not stay in the lower realm forever.


Jiang Chen also wanted to try if he could pass the Tianji Tower and find his mother Ji Wushuang and the others.

"Old gentleman, you mainly help me find the person in the first image. As for the other three people, I am not sure if they have come to God's Domain now."

After Jiang Chen introduced the information of the four, he couldn't help speaking to the old man in black.

"The old man understands."

"Since little friend Jiang Chen is waiting for news in Tianji Building, I will let someone arrange a place for you."

"It happens that there is an auction in our Tianji Building ten days later. If you are interested, you can also participate."

As the black-clothed old man said, he directly took out a token engraved with the sky and handed it to Jiang Chen with a smile on his face.

This son is talented close to the demon, compared to the peerless evildoer of the Nanli Clan who is famous in Nanlizhou, I am afraid that there will be no inferiority.

Such a genius, the old man in black naturally wants to make friends.

"Oh? I've heard that the Tianjilou auction is extraordinary. Now that I have encountered it, I have to see it."

As Jiang Chen said, he was not polite, and directly accepted the token from the old man in black.


The old man in black called a maid and arranged for Jiang Chen to stay in Tianji Tower.

After Jiang Chen stayed in the Tianji Building, he practiced alchemy every day while waiting for news from the Tianji Building auction and the black-clothed old man.

Waiting like this.

Ten days passed in a flash, and soon came the day when the Tianjilou auction was held.

This day.

The Tianji Building, which had always been relatively deserted, became extremely lively.

after all.

The Tianjilou auction is well-known throughout the great wilderness.

It is said that every item auctioned by Tianjilou is a masterpiece that has been carefully selected. Sometimes there are even some gods of heaven and earth that make the world gods extremely greedy.

It is precisely because of this.

This auction of Nanli Shencheng Tianji Tower attracted almost all forces from Nanlizhou.

"Tsk tusk... This time the Tianji Building auction is really lively."

"The Tianji Tower auction, there was another time it was not lively. I heard some news that it is said that this time a divine object was born in the auction, which can make the Heavenly God Realm cultivation level rise."

"Hey! If this is the case, the many forces in Nanlizhou are afraid that they will have a bloodshed."


When Jiang Chen came to the auction hall, the auction hall was already full of people, and the voices of a lot of discussion came directly from his ears.

"At the Tianji Tower auction, there is actually a divine object that allows the Heavenly God Realm cultivation to rise to the first level?"

Hearing the surrounding discussion, Jiang Chen was also taken aback.

Heavenly God Realm is mainly to cultivate and comprehend the origin of martial arts and condense the power of the world.

The divine object at the Tianji Building auction can make the Heavenly God Realm cultivation level rise directly, which means that the divine object has the terrifying ability to directly elevate a martial art origin to the perfect state.

If he could get this divine object, wouldn't it be possible to instantly make him reach the fifth rank of the gods?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then swept his eyes slightly, and found some familiar figures in the auction hall.

Including Zhao Tiancheng, the grand elder of the Zhao family in the south of the city, and Ning Yuanzheng, the grand elder of the Ning family, almost all of these savvy people in Nanli Shencheng attended this auction.

Jiang Chen did not come forward to say hello either.

He took out the Tianzi token given to him by the black-clothed old man, and sat directly in the room on the second floor of the auction hall under the leadership of a maid.

Only the most distinguished guests can be seated in these rooms, and there is a magic circle carved on the strong wall. Although not as powerful as the trading room, it is also difficult to detect the situation in the room.

Soon, the auction began.

An auction master from the Heavenly God Realm of the Tianji Building boarded the round platform in the center of the auction hall.

"Everyone, this time the Tianji Building auction is starting now. The first item is a 10,000-year-old Nine Underworld Ice Grass, collected from a very gloomy place. It is of great help to the cultivation of the cold attribute of the martial art origin... …"

Following the introduction of the auction master, the auction hall suddenly became a commotion.

Many people who master the origins of the Yin and Cold attribute of martial arts have begun to bid for bidding.


Jiu Ming Bingyou Grass was photographed by an old man of Tier 3 Celestial God with five hundred high-grade crystals.

He paid for the Jiu Ming Bingyou Grass on the spot, and then asked for a secret room from the Tianji Building, planning to use the Jiu Ming Bingyou Grass for cultivation in the Tianji Building, obviously afraid that someone would steal it secretly.

The first auction item is completed and the auction will continue.

Every auction item in the Tianjilou auction is a carefully selected treasure, and every bidding is naturally very fierce.

The next few listed items were all auctioned at a very high price.


Although the auction items of the Tianji Building are extraordinary, there is nothing that really fascinates Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen has never made a move.

Soon, the tenth item was sold at the auction.

"The tenth auction item, Chiyan Divine Pill, God-level Seven-Rank Tianshen Pill, its effect can enhance the origin of Fire Dao, and its more important function is to make the power of Fire Dao world reach the perfect state. The auction reserve price of Chi Yan Divine Pill is one Thousands of crystals!"

The auction master spoke and opened the red sandalwood box in front of him.

I saw a crimson, like a blood-colored agate, with a vaguely fire-stripe elixir on it, directly in front of everyone.

God-rank 7-Rank Heaven God Pill Chiyan God Pill!

In the auction hall, there were countless Celestial God realms that had mastered the power of the Fire Dao world, and the gaze looking at the Chiyan God Pill instantly became extremely hot.

Every time the Heavenly God Realm masters the power of a world, it takes a large amount of world to complete its cultivation path to the realm.

However, if the Heavenly God Realm wants to break through the Realm God Realm, it is necessary to cultivate all the powers of the six realms to the Consummation Realm before the six realms can be unified and become a realm god.

This Chiyan Divine Pill is undoubtedly the ultimate treasure for the Heavenly God Realm where the power of the Fire Dao World has not yet been completed.

"A thousand top grade **** crystals."

"One thousand five hundred high-grade **** crystals."

"Two thousand high-grade **** crystals."


The price of Chiyan God Pill rose instantly, rising steadily, and even the top powers in Nanli Shencheng began to bid.

The seven-tier god-level pill, this is an extremely rare and peerless god-level pill for any god-level force.

With the Chiyan Divine Pill, it will undoubtedly allow the Heavenly God Realm that has cultivated the power of the Fire Dao world to save thousands of years of the world.

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