The five Jiang Chen discussed and decided, and then they went back to their rooms to rest.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen hadn't awakened from the state of cultivation, and a rush of bells suddenly resounded above Feiyunguan.

This bell ring represents the enemy's attack!

"Is the Blood Moon Realm going to attack again."

Jiang Chen opened his eyes abruptly, then stood up and strode out of the room.

Not long.

Jiang Chen came to the city wall east of Feiyun Pass.

In the void tens of miles away from the city wall, the people headed by the Tianpeng Divine Emperor and others have already gathered an army of thousands of people and are waiting here.

very quickly.

In the distant sky, a huge figure of blood and blood appeared, and the invisible murderous air rushed forward directly across the Baili Void.

"Tsk tusk... My son thought you would shrink, but I didn't expect to have the courage to run out."

A burly, blood-haired young man exuding fierce evil spirit walked and stood proudly in the forefront, and the voice that contained a monstrous blood evil spirit came directly.

This person is no one else, but the sixth son of the Blood Moon Palace, Tu Yuan!

"Tu Yuan, stop talking nonsense, fight if you want to fight."

Tianpeng Divine Emperor snorted coldly: "Even if my Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is destroyed today, you must pay a heavy price for it!"

"Hehe... Do you think this is the son of the old man or the old nine is not a waste?"

A sudden burst of blood burst out of Tu Yuan's eyes: "Just relying on a few of you, you also want to block the pace of this young man. It's just a foolish dream, kill me!"

"Six Young Masters, Tianpeng Shenhuang and the others knew they were invincible, but they still chose to go out to fight. There must be something strange."

You Tiankui hesitated slightly and said: "We are attacking the Heavenly Peng Kingdom this time. Jiang Chen, who can defeat the Heavenly God Realm, has never appeared. I am worried..."

"so what?"

"Even if that kid is here, I can't imagine making any waves in front of my son."

Tu Yuan directly interrupted You Tiankui's words and said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, do it for me!"

Thinking that the Sixth Young Master's combat power was not under him, even if the kid named Jiang Chen suddenly appeared, he could fully cope with it. You Tiankui no longer hesitated right now, and directly took the lead in killing.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately afterwards, the other four Blood Moon Realm Heaven God Realm powerhouses all erupted one after another, killing them towards the Tianpeng Divine Emperor.

The Tianpeng God Emperor looked cold, and directly faced You Tiankui, the second-order Tianshen.

Yan Chang and the old man with white eyebrows each faced a Celestial God Realm, and the remaining two were controlled by Jinqiuyang.

Although Jinqiuyang's strength is not weak, he has reached the late stage of the first order of the gods, but one person is still a little reluctant to contain the two strong gods.

And the three of Tianpeng Divine Emperor couldn't spare Jinqiuyang for a while.

Just a short while.

Jinqiuyang was already at a disadvantage under the joint attack of the two heavenly gods.

This was still in the case that the Sixth Young Master Tu Yuan of the Blood Moon Palace hadn't made a move, their side was already hard to resist.

If Tu Yuan also shot directly, I am afraid that the four of Tianpeng Divine Emperor would be defeated in an instant.

Looking at Jinqiuyang who was about to be unable to support it.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, his figure stepped directly from Feiyunguan, and burst out facing the place where Jinqiuyang and the three were fighting.

call out!

Jiang Chen accelerated with all his strength and directly turned into a stream of light, and appeared in the blink of an eye less than a thousand feet away from one of the blood moon gods.


Jiang Chen stared at the Blood Moon Realm God in front of him with murderous expression, spit out a cold word directly in his mouth.

The next moment...

The divine power in his body and the power of the Seven Paths exploded with all strength, evolving into a small world of colorful chaos, and fiercely suppressed the blood moon world god.

The Blood Moon Heaven God, who was about to continue to attack Jin Qiuyang, also felt a hint of crisis instinctively.

He suddenly raised his head and saw a majestic and colorful little world that was rapidly expanding in his eyes.

"Drive me!"

The blood moon heaven **** yelled, the power of the **** world burst to the limit in an instant, and then turned into nine **** blades, slashing towards the colorful world.


Under the suppression of the Seven Colors Small World, the Nine Dao Baizhang Blood Blade had no resistance at all.

Just blink of an eye.

The Seven Colors Small World had already blasted the blood blade into nothingness, and then suppressed the blood moon world **** below without any reduction in power.

"Do not!"

Looking at the unstoppable colorful little world, the blood moon heaven god's face was pale, and his mouth could not help but let out a desperate roar.

A burst of brilliant blood burst out all over him, trying to resist Jiang Chen's small real **** world.


The true **** small world that Jiang Chen is now fully condensed can be resisted by ordinary gods in the first stage.

Only a clicking sound was heard.

The defensive power of the blood moon heaven god's body was shattered, and his figure was instantly submerged by the colorful small world.

He didn't even have time to scream, the whole person was already bombarded and killed by the terrifying force of the colorful small world, and there were no scum left.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was only a simple and neat move, he killed a blood moon god, Jin Qiuyang and others were all refreshed.

Now that the Blood Moon Realm has fallen another Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, but they have more of Jiang Chen's existence, and the pressure on them is much smaller in an instant.

"Liu Gongzi, be careful, that kid has appeared!"

Seeing Jiang Chen suddenly appearing and killing a Heavenly God Realm with the momentum of thunder, You Tiankui, who was fighting the Tianpeng Divine Emperor, hurriedly cried out in anger.

Seeing that in an instant, there was a Heavenly God Realm falling into Jiang Chen's hands, and Tu Yuan's expression was also extremely gloomy for an instant.

Jiang Chen shot too fast just now, and it was a spike.

Even with his strength, there is no time to rescue him, and he can only watch the blood moon world **** being killed by Jiang Chen into nothingness.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Boy, dare to kill my blood moon **** in front of my son, you are still the first one."

"Today, only if my son kills you, can I dispel my hatred!"

Tu Yuan burst into anger with a scream, and the overwhelming blood and sharp sword aura intertwined, spreading toward Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, directly urging the power of the Seven Dao, and fiercely banged together with Tu Yuan.


Two extremely terrifying forces collided in mid-air. Baili Void collapsed in an instant. The endless storm of destruction was also centered on the battle between the two, spreading crazily.


Jiang Chen stepped on the void and exploded back hundreds of feet in the void.

He raised his head and looked at Tu Yuan, who stood proudly in the void, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

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