
The black square seal was like a huge meteorite outside the sky, crashing down on the bright moon map of the sea.

This time.

Canghai Mingyue Tu could no longer withstand the energy of the black square seal.

Just a blink of an eye.

I saw that the moonlight light on the Canghai Mingyue map was swallowed by the black square seal. In the end, the entire Canghai Mingyue map was transformed into nothingness under the black square seal.

With the sea and the moon picture shattered.

Under the impact of the aftermath of the black square seal energy, the Sage Lord Cangyue stepped on the void in embarrassment and withdrew a distance of tens of feet.


Seeing this shocking scene in front of me, the square was suddenly silent.

"This... how is this possible?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with a dull expression, as if he had seen a ghost, they couldn't believe their eyes.

The holy master of their Cangyue Holy Land was also defeated?

To know.

Their holy masters are the powerhouses with the cultivation base of the seventh stage of the divine womb and the fifty-seventh in the Supreme Emperor Ranking.

In the entire eight hidden holy places, except for the old monsters that have long been hidden behind the scenes, the strength of their holy masters is already one of the few!


These people from Cangyue Holy Land didn't expect it.

With the strength of their holy masters, they were all repelled by Jiang Chen when they sacrificed the Cangyue Holy Land Emperor Bao Canghai Mingyue Pearl.

How could this kid in front of him be so evil?

"This son... how can it be so strong?"

Saint Lord Cangyue forced down the churning aura in his body, and an incredible horror finally appeared in his eyes.

Comprehending the Sword Realm of Xiaocheng Realm, breaking through the bloodline magical powers of the Emperor Qingxuan with bare hands, a sword technique that contains the laws of time and space makes the Saint Child of the Sun at a loss.

Now a mysterious seal technique made it even more difficult for her to resist using the Dibao Canghai Moon Pearl!


This son is really evil!

Rao is based on the experience and experience of Cangyue Saint Lord, and has never seen such an enchanting character.

Even Xia Yuanhao, who is known as the reincarnation of the great emperor in Haotian Holy Land, could not be compared with Jiang Chen.

"Holy Lord Cangyue, are you still fighting?"

Jiang Chen Yiyin destroyed the Canghai Mingyue Tu, staring coldly at the Cangyue Saint Lord, his proud voice resounded like a thunder in the sky above Cangyue Holy Land.

"Jiang Chen, my Cangyue Holy Land has been inherited in Shenwu Continent for so many years, and I have never been so embarrassed by anyone."

"If you let you take them away today, wouldn't my Cangyue Holy Land become a joke of the Eight Great Hidden Holy Lands, how can I gain a foothold on the mainland in the future?"

"No matter how evil you are, how powerful you are, and if you dare to be an enemy of Cangyue Holy Land, then don't blame Cangyue Holy Land for being polite!"

The eyes of the Cangyue Saint Lord froze, and immediately under the gaze of everyone, he took out a half-moon-shaped white jade symbol and smashed it suddenly.

The jade talisman shattered, and a sweet voice sounded slowly like a fairy.

The fairy sound lingered over the entire Cangyue Holy Land for a long time.

at the same time.

A vast and majestic momentum, with unmatched coercion, enveloped the entire Cangyue Holy Land in an instant.

For a time.

All the people of Cang Yue Holy Land, including the many elders of the Divine Fetal Stage, couldn't help showing a look of awe.

"Jiang Chen, this is the breath of the Supreme Elder of Cangyue Holy Land!"

Yue Qianyin's beautiful eyes stared at the void, and his face instantly became extremely pale.

She didn't expect that Saint Lord Cangyue would wake up the Supreme Elder who had been in retreat for a long time for today's affairs.

Jiang Chen did not speak.

He stared closely at the sky above Cangyue Holy Land, and there was a solemn expression in his eyes.

The aura that suddenly burst out of the void, its strength even far surpassed the Sage Lord Cangyue, I am afraid that he is already the supreme emperor of the Ninth Stage of Divine Fetus.

Without Yue Qianyin's reminder, Jiang Chen could also guess that the person summoned by the Cangyue Holy Master should be an old monster in the Cangyue Holy Land, a superb existence who truly stood on the peak of Shenwu Continent.

Under the gaze of everyone, the vast aura of the void is getting stronger and stronger.

To the end.

A mysterious brilliance bloomed over the entire Cangyue Holy Land. The sea of ​​clouds surging in the brilliance, like a magical moon, is breathtakingly beautiful.


I saw a figure in white clothes, also suddenly emerged in the magic moon.

This is a white-haired woman in a plain white robe, exuding a dusty and elegant breath all over her body.

She doesn't seem to be very old, and there is no wrinkle on her face, just like a piece of warm jade that exudes luster.

If it were not for the long snow-white hair, Jiang Chen could hardly imagine that this would be the Supreme Elder of Cangyue Holy Land, an old monster who had lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

With the appearance of the white-haired woman, countless disciples from the Holy Land of Cang Yue in the square knelt at this moment. Even the many elders of the divine birth stage were in awe to the extreme, bowing to salute the white-haired woman.

"Sun Chasing Holy Land Yang Yao, I have seen the Empress of the Moon Moon!"

Even Shengzi Yang Yao of the Holy Land of the Sun took a step forward and bowed to the white-haired woman.

This white-haired woman is the Supreme Elder Huanyue Empress of Cangyue Holy Land, and the extremely strong person ranked 29th on the Supreme Emperors List.

Such a strong person is a person who truly stands on top of Shenwu Continent and overlooks billions of people.

Even the holy masters of the Eight Great Holy Lands have to bow their heads slightly.

"Holy Lord, I said, if it's not a very important matter, don't disturb my meditation. I don't know why you awakened me?"

The Empress Huanyue turned her eyes to the Saint Lord Cangyue below, and said lightly.

"Elder Supreme, this son trespassed into my Cangyue Holy Land, and fought in the Cangyue Holy Land, intending to take away my disciples from the Cangyue Holy Land, and please also ask the elder to take it down."

Holy Master Cang Yue pointed to Jiang Chen, respectfully and authentically.


The Empress Huanyue glanced at Jiang Chen slightly, and immediately said with a displeased expression: "That's a little kid, you dignified Holy Master Cangyue, can't even solve such a small matter?"

"Elder Tai, this boy is not an ordinary hairy boy..."

Saint Lord Cangyue gave a wry smile, and immediately couldn't help but explain to the Queen of Fantasy Moon.

I heard that the Sage Master Cangyue told a story about Jiang Chen, even the Empress of the Moonlight, there was a touch of shock that could not be concealed in her eyes.

"Hehe... I really didn't expect that this seat has been hidden for many years, and Shenwu Continent has such a peerless arrogant as you. It is really amazing."

The Empress Huanyue looked at Jiang Chen and couldn't help but praised with a smile.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, neither humble nor overbearing, "Senior praised it."

"Little guy, your talented evildoer, if you give you a hundred years, no one in this Shenwu Continent may be able to get you."

" are not yet qualified to be wild in my Cangyue Holy Land."

The Queen of Moon Moon shook her head and said lightly: "Are you going to catch it by yourself, or do you want to do it yourself?"

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