When Wu Xiaoyin woke up after a full sleep, it was already the night of the second day. Wu Xiaoyin shook his chaotic head slightly, trying to open his eyes to see the surrounding environment, when he heard Lei Lu's hoarse voice : "Little, how do you feel? Does it hurt?"

Wu Xiaoyin turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound. Looking at the moonlight outside the window and the firelight in the room, the fatigue in Lei Lu's eyes could be easily seen. Wu Xiaoyin said in a low voice, "Why do you look so tired? No way. You haven't rested yet, have you?"

Lei Lu stroked his little head, and replied: "No, I woke up after sleeping, don't talk, I'll get you water and food." After finishing speaking, he ran to the kitchen, and then Holding the wooden tray with both hands, all kinds of food are slowly dangling on it, quickly put it on the small mobile table, and feed the little one mouthful.

After eating, Wu Xiaoyin washed up and felt much better, so she asked, "Where's the baby? How is the baby?"

Lei Lu was in a good mood when Xiaoxiao first thought of himself, not their cubs. Thinking of the cubs who had just finished eating and sleeping soundly in the next room, he said with a slight curl of his mouth: "They are doing well. , I just finished eating the juice of the giant powder fruit, and now I'm asleep, I'll go and hug it for you to see."

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the three fluffy little tigers in Leilu's hand, they all followed Leilu's fur color, and they would definitely be very, very handsome tigers when they grew up. He took one of them and looked at it carefully. Wu Xiaoyin only now believes that this kind of unscientific thing happened. She didn’t have the real experience when she was born before, that is, such cute little tigers will pop out of her stomach, even if they don’t even have fluff now. Fully developed, with only a short layer, and pink flesh can be seen.

However, what pleased Wu Xiaoyin the most was that there were three cubs. This was a pleasant surprise. It was already a pleasant surprise when I knew they were twins. I didn't expect that there would be another one. I can only say that I am really lucky!

However, when Wu Xiaoyin was holding one of the little tigers in his arms and having fun, the three little tigers all smelled their father's smell and woke up. As a result, only the little tiger in Wu Xiaoyin's hand was able to lick his father. The other two cubs in Lei Lu's hands don't want to do it anymore. The desire to get close to Dad is very strong, and they don't even care about their weak arms and legs. Yes, actually wanted to jump from Father's hand into Father's arms.

Lei Lu looked at the two in his hand, smiled and said to Xiao Xiao: "Looks like you have to switch back and forth, look at them!"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Lei Lu with a funny look, clearly liking her in her eyes and being extremely careful in her movements, but her mouth was full of dislike, "Otherwise I'll hold all three of them? But which one is the boss? Which is only the second child, which is only the third child?"

Lei Lu was dumbfounded. He didn't notice at all when the little child was born, and he was carried by the priest to Dad and the others. How could he pay attention to the cub? Now I can't tell who is the boss, so I said very casually: "When they grow up, whoever is the strongest and fights the most will be the boss." After finishing speaking, he was quite proud of the addition of his words nodding.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the grunting little tiger in his hand and the two cubs in Lei Lu's hands with a dark face, thinking that the newly born baby would not be tolerated by his father like this. How can we do it later!

However, Lei Lu is very satisfied with his idea. The orcs have a very strong pursuit of their own strength, especially their brothers always want to compete with each other, and challenge them again and again. , the strength will also increase, and the most important thing is that there will be no cubs competing with me for the little one!

Wu Xiaoyin saw that the cubs in Lei Lu's hand kept wanting to come into his arms, so he put the cubs in his hand on his lap, reached out to take the two from Lei Lu's hand, and asked: "So what's a better name for us? We didn't even think about it before? Well, I spent most of my time sleeping."

Lei Lu watched Xiaoxiao teasing the three cubs on his lap. The cubs kept trying to crawl into Xiaoxiao's arms, but Xiaoxiao seemed to be watching with a bit of mischief, laughing from time to time, Lei Lu calmed down, remembering the priest's instructions, the small body still needs some time to recover, to control the state of the body, during this time there will be obvious lethargy.

Lei Lu breathed a long breath silently, turned his eyes away from the cubs, and saw the little heads bit by bit, and the eyes were already closed. It was obvious that they were asleep, and the cubs who would keep making trouble Lifted from Xiaoxiao's lap to the side, put Xiaoxiao away, covered the quilt, and placed the three cubs on the crib in the next room, watching the tired cubs squint their eyes and fall asleep again Yes, Lei Lu also took a bath wholeheartedly, and fell asleep with Xiaoxiao in his arms.

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