Wu Xiaoyin was startled, subconsciously covered her stomach, pressed against Lei Lu's hand tightly, looked up, it turned out that it was Kos who was helping to build the stone house, Le appeared and purposely approached Kos, but Kos didn't respond yet When he came over, Xiao Kai saw it at a glance, so there was such a loud roar.

When Kos heard Xiao Kai's voice, he hurriedly walked towards Xiao Kai, and said with a silly smile, "Xiao Kai, why are you here? This place is full of rocks and dirt. Go farther away, so as not to get dirty."

Xiao Kai looked at Kos, who was completely unconscious, and raised his hand to wipe off the mud on Kos's face. While answering Kos's words, he observed Le who was not far away, "Oh, we just came here to see what you're doing. How are you doing? Are you working hard?"

Kos looked completely flattered, and asked with a look of surprise: "Xiao Kai, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Now Xiaokai doesn't care about Cos's words at all, and his attention is always on Le's body. Seeing Le's chest rising and falling, the happier he feels, so he doesn't take Cos's words to heart, and still says cheerfully He said: "No, I'm in good health, and I'm looking forward to pairing with you at the Harvest Festival this year! Then we will have a tiger cub like Xiao Hebin and the others, do you think it's okay?"

Listening to Xiao Kai thinking about their future, Kos was so happy that he couldn't find his way, and repeated his voice: "Okay, okay, you can say anything, but this year's Harvest Festival really wants to come soon!"

Kos stared straight at Xiao Kai, and the cheeky Xiao Kai couldn't bear it any longer, and said a little annoyed, "What are you looking at?"

But when he saw Le who was not far away, his face flushed with anger, he quickly softened his voice, and said, "What are you looking at, I'll let you see it when I go back."

Kos has completely lost his IQ, and he only knows to look at Xiaokai's red face and smile silly.

Xiaokai looked at Le, who had already run away, and put on a small appearance of a winner. He looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, then turned to Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, the method you taught is really useful. I think that Le is almost angry." died!"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the childish Xiaokai, and said, "Enough is enough, be careful to get angry at him, maybe he will think of some way to punish you!"

Xiao Kai obviously also thought that the Le before the small novel might be the person who mixed the Ketan beast meat with Xin's family, and even the Ketan beast that Lian got last time was the ghost of Le, so he stopped and touched it. My head stopped talking.

While stopping Cora's sabotage with Feng, Bin said, "That is to say, you have to be careful until you and Kos are paired up?"

Xiao Kai said with a taught look: "Yeah, I know, I will definitely be careful."

After seeing the work of Kos and Feng, he walked back slowly. On the way back, Wu Xiaoyin looked at the vacated land on the river bank, thinking that the growing season had come, and it was time to start planting giant rice, cotton, and wild vegetables.

Wu Xiaoyin was carried all the way to the priest's house by Lei Lu, and only realized when he was touched by Uncle Luo's cold hand, and asked Lei Lu, "Why did you come here to sacrifice? I don't feel uncomfortable?"

Lei Lu comforted Xiao Xiao's back, and said to the priest, "Sacrifice, isn't Xiao Xiao's belly too big?"

Luo looked at the small belly with a dignified expression, then turned around and entered his bedroom, took out the Continent Atlas that had been treasured and improved over the past dynasties, handed it to Lei Lu, and said, "Take a look."

After reading the part pointed by the sacrificial priest, Lei Lu's breathing rate changed. He put the Continent Atlas on the table and said repeatedly: "No, Xiaoxiao will be fine."

Then, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, he said to the priest: "Uncle Luo, you must have a solution, right? Xiaoxiao will be fine, right?"

Luo was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "You also know that there is no pregnant woman who is pregnant with two cubs and survives in the entire Beastman Continent."

Upon hearing this, Wu Xiaoyin asked in surprise, "You mean I'm pregnant with two babies?"

Lei Lu saw that Xiaoxiao was not worried at all, but instead had a joyful expression on his face, thinking that Xiaoxiao was a treasure bestowed upon him by the beast god, and would never leave easily, so he said with the last glimmer of hope: "Xiaoxiao, you So happy, is there a female with two cubs in the place where you lived before?"

Wu Xiaoyin said happily: "Of course, it is a symbol of good fortune in our place, that is, we are lucky to have two babies, and even some mothers, well, it's daddy, who can give birth to four or five babies at once." What a blessing, baby!"

Hearing this, Lei Lu asked the question he was most concerned about: "Are those females who gave birth to so many cubs okay?"

Wu Xiaoyin recalled the mothers of multiple births seen in the news, and said: "It's nothing, but they don't seem to be born naturally, and most of them are born by caesarean section. But it's better than natural birth. Generally, it's nothing. event."

Lei Lu asked in confusion: "What is a caesarean section?"

Wu Xiaoyin said calmly: "It is to stab a knife in the stomach, cut the stomach open, take out the baby, and then sew the stomach up. It is called a caesarean section."

After Wu Xiaoyin finished speaking, he looked at the startled Lei Lu and the sacrificial priest, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why do you look so unhappy?"

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