As a result, Wu Xiaoyin would often see all kinds of leopards, tigers, lions, elephants, etc., edible animal meat that he had never seen before, and it was prey that was completely excluded by the orcs before. Wu Xiaoyin is now able to make all kinds of dried animal meat, fried meat and stewed meat with the Beastman Continental Version Thirteen Fragrances without changing his face.

Looking at my home except for the bedroom, the basement, kitchen, living room, and storage room are full of all kinds of food. Two-thirds of the food here is obtained through Leilu's hard work, and the remaining one-third is obtained through Wu Xiaoyin's wisdom was rewarded by the clan. For this, Lei Lu is very proud. Whose female can be as good as his own!

The days were spent in Wu Xiaoyin's continuous rest, and soon the fifth month of the harvest season was ushered in. Before, Wu Xiaoyin was worried that he would not be able to collect fruits and wild vegetables in time. Lei Lu would bring back his favorite fruits and vegetables on the way back from hunting, the orcs and females in the tribe, and even the cubs would secretly send fruits, wild vegetables, and beasts to Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu's doorsteps. Meat.

Wu Xiaoyin was once again very grateful for being in the Beastman Continent. After all, in the previous world, you would not be rewarded for doing good deeds. Although Wu Xiaoyin did these things, he was only repaying what the Giant Tiger Tribe gave him. The warmth, but, with the response, I am naturally very happy.

Therefore, the smile on Wu Xiaoyin's face can dazzle Hualeilu's eyes, but when he thinks about Xiaoxiao's weight that he can't get up, he is worried again.

In particular, after suddenly getting the news that the Japanese patriarch will also lead the team to the center of the mainland, he must want to unite the forces of the various tribes to survive the hardships of this cold season. This time I have to take care of Xiaoxiao, so I will definitely not be able to participate in the exchange day activities. At that time, I will ask Kos and Feng to help me exchange some honey and gauze that Xiaoxiao likes.

While thinking, Lei Lu walked back, and before he reached the door of the house, he could already smell the fragrance. Thinking of Xiao Xiao not listening to his own words and cooking by himself, Lei Lu felt very warm and at the same time felt a little bit Angry, because Xiaoxiao always thinks that her body is very good and doesn't need to be taken care of. Although Xiaoxiao never expresses anything, but Xiaoxiao seems to be a bit careless.

When I walked to the living room, I saw my favorite buns, potato stew, barbecued meat with sauce, and fried crispy meat on the table. I couldn’t get angry. I walked to the only stove in the kitchen that was not full of food and saw that it was stirring Holding the spoon, Xiaoxiao hugged Xiaoxiao in his arms.

"Didn't you say that when I come back, I can cook again?" Lei Lu stroked the small and thin back.

Wu Xiaoyin felt Lei Lu's depressed mood, and thought that he hadn't listened to Lei Lu's words to take a good rest, so he said hastily, "I'm afraid you will be hungry when you come back from hunting, and you will be tired from cooking too much."

After hearing the little explanation, Lei Lu couldn't say anything, so he just hugged and kept hugging.

"Put me down quickly. I seem to smell burnt. Is my soup boiled dry?" Wu Xiaoyin's keen nose broke the warm atmosphere.

After eating, Wu Xiaoyin, who was forced to take a nap by Lei Lu, thought that Lei Lu would come back today much later than usual, and asked, "You came back a little late today, what's the matter?"

"The patriarch said that this time he will personally lead the team to participate in the exchange day, and then he will exchange the door and bed making methods, animal skins and herbs at a lower price to other tribes. The patriarch asked me to ask if you can do it. I will exchange it back at that time I will give you the hides and herbs."

Lei Lu was breathing and talking around Xiaoxiao's neck, which made Xiaoxiao want to hide but had nowhere to hide, her limbs were hugged tightly, and her head was fixed on Leilu's chest. Wu Xiaoyin said in a muffled voice: "Of course. That’s ok, didn’t we exchange with the tribe like this before, even though I said no.”

"This is a matter of principle, Xiao Xiao, the orcs of the giant tiger tribe will not accept it for nothing. By the way, what do you want to exchange on this exchange day, is it honey and gauze?" Lei Lu quickly changed the subject.

Wu Xiaoyin thought about what her family needed, and it seemed that there were only honey that could satisfy her appetite and light gauze that didn't irritate her skin, but then she thought again: "Lei Lu, let the patriarch make some time for the females to make The pottery pots and pots are all exchanged. This can’t be exchanged cheaply. They are all made by the females. The pottery can store water better, and it can also make the storage time of food longer. Maybe at that time It can also become a special product of our tribe, just like the coarse salt of the giant snake tribe and the light gauze of the giant fox tribe."

Mountains of pottery piled up in caves in the tribe flashed through Leilu's mind. Hearing his little one's rare witticisms, he never believed that his little one would open his mouth like a lion, but it is indeed very feasible , the pottery that only the females of the giant tiger tribe can make, the orcs are very proud of!

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