Satisfied, Lei Lu took Xiao Xiao to look for bamboo shoots. It happened that it was the season to eat spring bamboo shoots. Wu Xiaoyin fantasized about the various ways of tender spring bamboo shoots in his mind several times, such as stewed bamboo shoots in oil, ground three delicacies, and bamboo shoots with meat Soup, fried meat with bamboo shoots, etc., thinking about the taste of Chunsun village, it still makes a sound when you bite it down, and it feels like your saliva is about to flow down.

Seeing Xiaoxiao's eyes glowing at Chunsun, Xiaokai just wanted to be sure that there was something delicious, and quickly said: "When Xiaoxiao makes something delicious, you must let me taste it? "

Xiaokai feels a little resentful for not being able to eat small delicacies for a long time, except that the family is busy building stone houses recently, and collecting some wild vegetables and fruits that can mature in the growing season is relatively busy, Lei Lu changed his hands Cooking, when blocking Xiaokai's mouth as a foodie, can't block the heart of the foodie who wants to eat better food.

Wu Xiaoyin nodded, and repeatedly assured, "This bamboo shoot can be dried or pickled for a long time. Seeing that the size of this bamboo shoot is about to catch up with me, I don't know if it will taste a little bit astringent? Otherwise, let's do it today. Come to our house for dinner in the evening, it’s a warm nest, and it’s a celebration for friends from the new family to eat, drink and have a meal, how about it?”

When Xiao Kai heard that there was delicious food again, of course he immediately nodded his head in agreement. Bin thought that it would be good to get together during this free time. Feng made delicious food and happily agreed.

So, coolie Leilu went out, pulled out several bamboo shoots with his bare hands, found some condiments such as giant **** and giant spicy fruit, and then went back to the house to start preparing dinner.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the huge bamboo shoots and felt a little helpless. After all, the bamboo shoots were bigger than him. In the end, Lei Lu looked at Xiaoxiao's frowning, and immediately took the stone knife and began to cut it. Wu Xiaoyin then processed it into small pieces that could be imported.

Since this is a dinner party for six people and there are three orcs present, the amount must be large, so Wu Xiaoyin used the latest stone pot to make a large pot of bamboo shoots into stewed bamboo shoots, and put in giant black fruits and giant bamboo shoots. After the yellow fruit and other seasonings, a stewed bamboo shoots of the Orc Continental version came out of the oven.

As for the bamboo shoot stewed meat soup, ground three delicacies, fried pork shreds with bamboo shoots, and stewed meat with bamboo shoots, they were also prepared one by one and placed on the stone table in the living room. Everyone went back full of food, Kos and Feng still carried some dried fruit, sauerkraut and pickles packed by Wu Xiaoyin for them.

When Wu Xiaoyin discovered the giant bamboo shoots, he asked Lei Lu to inform the patriarch that he had found another edible wild vegetable, which could also be stored in large quantities. When it comes to wild vegetables and fruits, the focus is on giant bamboo shoots.

You must know that Xiaokai’s big mouth is full of yelling, everyone knows how delicious this giant bamboo shoot is, especially the more food that can be stored for a long time, the more hope of survival, so everyone digs up most of the bamboo shoots In addition to leaving a part for herbivores to eat and ensuring the good growth of the bamboo forest.

As a result, once again, the square in the tribe was covered with all kinds of wild vegetables and fruits in the sun. Wu Xiaoyin once again lamented the simplicity and kindness of the Orc Continent. But it's rare!

Just when everyone was busy collecting and hunting, the days went by like this before it was too late to feel the rapid passage of time. When Wu Xiaoyin felt that the sun was getting hotter day by day, he really realized that the hottest day in a century What kind of taste is the hot season.

I still remember that during the hot season last year, the hottest time was only 30 degrees Celsius. After all, the vegetation coverage rate in the Orc Continent can be said to be 100% on land, especially the position of the Giant Tiger Tribe is still relatively north, the hottest Although it was a little uncomfortable when I was pregnant, it was not so hard that I couldn't even get out of the door. Of course, this was only for females and cubs.

Now is the first month of the hot season, and the temperature is already at the hottest time of the hot season, and the temperature is still rising slowly. The days of the giant bear tribe, giant fox tribe and giant snake tribe further south I'm afraid it's even more difficult!

Wu Xiaoyin only dares to go out to digest food at night. I don't know why the current temperature is logically much better than the summer on the earth, which soars to 40 degrees Celsius at every turn. However, the Orc Continent is more humid, so it is also More stuffy.

It can be said that everything has pros and cons!

Although Wu Xiaoyin is now freed from the busy growing season, the basement and storage room are full of food, but the more important water has not been stored in time. After all, the water storage capacity of stone jars and stone pots is not very good. Still have to make clay pots. Wu Xiaoyin once saw how the local villagers made it when he was traveling. Knowing the specific steps is not the same as actually doing it.

And the most important thing now is to find the raw material—clay.

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