After listening to Annie's words, Liu Xiaofeng nodded secretly in his heart, sure enough, it was because of this incident, but he didn't know what kind of compensation Annie would give him......

"You're the youngest of the contestants, and you're neither a chef nor your own restaurant, so we've decided to compensate you extra. How much do you know about our WGO?" Anne suddenly asked Liu Xiaofeng.

Liu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Anne asked like this, and after thinking for a while, he said: "WGO, is a worldwide professional review organization, as a reviewer, giving professional and fair judgments to restaurants around the world. "

"That's right, as you know, as executives, we must be fair when conducting on-the-spot evaluations, and at the same time, the ability to taste the food is extremely important, if we can't even taste the quality of a dish, then we are not worthy of the most WGO executives. Anne said.

The more Liu Xiaofeng listened, the more confused he became, didn't he say that he would make separate compensation? How did he get involved with these seemingly useless things?

"Miss Anne, though you are quite right...... But what does this have to do with my compensation? I don't like people beating around the bush, so just say what you want, even if the compensation is a little worse, I can accept it. Liu Xiaofeng said to Annie bluntly.

After hearing this, Anne was still unhurried, and said slowly: "In our WGO, there are four levels of executives, namely the highest level of special executive officer with only one person, and then down to the first class, the second class, and the outermost third-class executive. Now, in my capacity as a WGO First Class Executive, I formally invite you to join our organization, would you like to?"

Liu Xiaofeng, who was about to take a sip of tea from the teacup, suddenly froze in mid-air with his right hand holding the teacup when he heard this.

It took him a while to react and say, "Ahhh Wait, join the WGO, what the hell?"

Liu Xiaofeng wasn't unhappy, but he felt that it was too sudden...... It's like when someone suddenly wants to give you millions, but you don't dare to accept it, for fear that there will be fraud in it.

Seeing Liu Xiaofeng's look of surprise and surprise, Anne smiled and said, "You heard it right, we want to invite you to join WGO and become a member of our organization." "

"We?" Liu Xiaofeng grasped the key words.

"To be exact, that's what the Grand Executive meant......" Anne said bluntly.

Nagi Nagi is invited to join the WGO, do you mean?

Liu Xiaofeng vaguely guessed something in his heart, but still asked with doubts: "Miss Annie, although I am very happy to receive your invitation, I am still a little worried." This kind of good thing came so suddenly, can you tell me why? Don't say it's just to make up, I won't believe it. "

"Compensation is one thing, and the main reason is because you have the 'Tongue of God'!" Anne explained the real reason.

And so it was...... I see, no wonder my review materials were unexpectedly passed, is it also because of the "tongue of God"?

It's really self-defeating.,I didn't expect the competition with Erina at the beginning.,It led to a series of things.,This makes everyone think that they have the "tongue of God.。

Liu Xiaofeng couldn't laugh or cry, he wanted to say that his taste ability was not a "god's tongue".

"That's why it's because of this, but it's okay to join, but I'm just a student now, so it really doesn't matter?"

Liu Xiaofeng deliberately said this, in fact, the implication was to tell Anne that she was going to class, and after joining, she couldn't take care of WGO's church activities every once in a while.

"Of course I know this, of course, after you join, it is important to give priority to completing your studies, after all, as an executive of the WGO, it is not enough to have excellent taste ability, professional cooking knowledge is also a necessity! Anne stood up and said to Liu Xiaofeng.

In this way, Liu Xiaofeng became one of the members of WGO with some blindfolding, and was awarded the identity and certificate of WGO "third-class executive" by Annie.

In this way, the youngest executive in WGO history was born.

However, until Liu Xiaofeng got the executive certificate given by the WGO, he was still a little confused, to be precise, there was a feeling of "entering the pit".

He always had a feeling in his heart that the reason why Anne invited him to join WGO was not just as simple as she said on the surface, there should be a deeper reason in it, and the reason was very likely to be related to Nagi Manaki.

But what the exact reason is, he has no way of knowing.

But for Liu Xiaofeng, becoming an executive officer is not a bad thing.

In this way, this year's BLUE competition was terminated, which also caused a lot of turmoil after that, but these are not things that Liu Xiaofeng and others need to care about.

That night, Liu Xiaofeng also fulfilled the promise he made with the two seniors at the third door, and invited them to "rub together" on the famous snack street in Osaka City.

And Kadozaki and Kikuchi Engo were also surprised after hearing that Liu Xiaofeng became a WGO executive. Subsequently, Liu Xiaofeng told the two of them about having the "Tongue of God", and the two were not too surprised after listening to it.

"You actually have the 'Tongue of God'? No wonder, WGO is going to use your talents for them, this innate taste ability, it is very convenient to taste the food!" Kadozaki said to Liu Xiaofeng while eating meatballs.

Kikuchi Yuanguo also nodded and said, "Indeed, with the ability of 'God's Tongue', you will be treated preferentially wherever you go. Ah, now Xiaofeng is also an executive officer, does that mean that in the future, the restaurant will be rated, and you can be asked to evaluate it? If that's the case, then you will have to reduce the difficulty of the evaluation for the senior sister and me~~~~"

"Well, that's tantamount to going through the back door, anyway, with the strength of the two senior sisters, there's no need for that at all. Liu Xiaofeng said embarrassedly.

"Aren't I worried that something will go wrong during the judging, if I have an acquaintance, it will definitely be much better......" Kikuchi Sonogo said worriedly with that weak look again.

However, whenever he shows this appearance, he will be ruthlessly complained about and criticized by Kadozaki Taki.

"Having said that, Senior Sister Taki and Sister Yuanguo, what are the stars of your restaurant now?" asked Liu Xiaofeng.

"Neither I nor the restaurant with the big breasts have been rated yet, because it is a new restaurant that has only recently been established, and we are not eligible to apply for the rating, which is why we accepted the invitation of the WGO to participate in the competition, just to be able to get the ......right to judge the restaurant," Kadozaki explained.

However, after this incident, it is believed that the restaurants of Taki Kadozaki and Kikuchi Enguo will also start preparations for the "one-star restaurant" immediately.

That night, Liu Xiaofeng also bought and booked three tickets back to Tokyo, because he was on the same road as Kikuchi Enguo and Kadozaki Taki, so they ordered them together, and the next morning, the three of them took the plane back to Tokyo.


(To be continued.) )

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