A Dragons Favor

Chapter 18:norma

I shut the door to the cabin softly, Ellie had to rest and regain her strength. Luckily for us there king thought she was dead. When the boys brought her to me she was practically dead, her tunic was covered in blood and the arrow protruded from her shoulder. When I removed the arrow I found her wound had already gotten infected causing her to have a raging fever that lasted for several weeks. I don't know how long she was there before they found her but luck was on our side she's recovered fairly well. I made my way to the barn and found my youngest, Anthony, tending to Silvermane he was a young boy just barely 7 years but so helpful. My next son, Jacob,was in the smithshop with his father, Jon.

"Where's Micah?" I asked anthony about his eldest brother.

"He went to go hunt something for dinner."

"Do you need help?" I questioned him softly while grabbing a brush, Silvermane came to us bleeding from her saddle rubbing her raw, she was dehydrated and starving. I figured she and Ellie had gotten separated a long while before coming to us.

"Sure mama."

"Her sores are healing nicely, you've done a good job."

"Thank you!" He beamed at me.

We brushed Silvermane for a long time, it was somewhat therapeutic for me. Soon once Ellie was strong enough we would have some serious work about us. In her fever induced coma she would have moments of clarity where she'd mumble about dragons and an egg, Micah was able to find her satchel that she hid in the forest, it now resides in the cellar beneath the cabin. If anyone from the castle were to find that satchel we'd all be in trouble.

"Hello darling." Jon kissed my cheek, "Micah is back."

"Excellent! Anthony I leave Silvermane in your care."


I strode to the fence line at the start of our property and saw Micah coming slowly from the forest dragging something heavy. Looks like his hunt was successful.

"Welcome back Micah."

"Hello mother, pickings were slim but I managed to find a pygmy deer. "

"Thank you dear, it'll be enough tonight. "

"How's she doing? "

"She woke up, she's confused and scared so let's give her some space ok? "

"Ok I'll get a fire going, bring me the meat when it's ready."

"Yes ma'am "

"Micah, she's going to be ok. Try to worry less you're more handsome without all those wrinkles. " I winked at him before going to start dinner.

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