The next day, Minami Hideyoshi slept until three poles in the sun before getting up!

   After getting up, I didn't see Yuko Miyamoto, but I saw the prepared breakfast on the dining table. This girl is really careful.

  Minano Shuichi ignored where Miyamoto Yuko went, he could probably guess it anyway.

  After washing up, Minano Shuichi started to eat breakfast, which was very simple, porridge. Originally, Yuko Miyamoto planned to make rice balls, but last night Shuichi Minano ordered her to make porridge. He is really not used to eating groups in the morning.

   When Minami Hideyoshi was halfway through eating, he saw Miyamoto Yuko returning from the outside in a state of despair. I saw that there were still tears on her tender and pretty face, obviously she had cried.

   "Your mother is gone?" Minano Hideo didn't even have to think that Miyamoto Yuko must have gone to her house to see her mother.

   "Yes." Miyamoto Yuko nodded stiffly, her expression a little sad. That's right, can you not be sad when your dearest person leaves you? It was as if he had been abandoned.

   "Okay, don't be sad anymore, let's have breakfast quickly." Minami Hideo and Miyamoto Yuko laughed.

   "En." Miyamoto Yuko nodded obediently.

   After breakfast, Shuichi Minano went to Nemuro Fishing Port alone with his savings. Beiwan Village is not far from the fishing port, after all, it is on a small peninsula. The place where Shuichi Minano was located was dominated by coastal fisheries and aquaculture fisheries in his previous life. The unloading volume of Nemuro Port in 2005 was the first in Hokkaido. Therefore, it is a natural fishing port.

   Although it is not very prosperous now, it will definitely be super prosperous in the future.

   To rent a fishing boat, you must go to this fishing port to rent it. Since the fishing boats in the fishing village were not suitable and could not meet the requirements of Minami Shuuichi, they had to rent them.

   Minano Shuichi came to the fishing port more than half an hour later. This is the first time Minano Shuichi came to the fishing port. In his previous life, he used to go there as a hanging silk?

  The Nemuro Fishing Port looks a bit depressed now, there are not many fishing boats going in and out, and not many unloading goods.

   "It seems that there are not many people going out to sea to fish!" Minami Shuichi sighed. But think about it, the island country is not yet a big exporter of aquatic products, and the domestic consumption level is now estimated to be a record low. Anyway, there are various reasons that have caused the current downturn in the fishing industry.

   However, Shuichi Minano, who is familiar with history, knows that the spring of the fishing circle is not far away! It should start in a few years! It won't take ten years to think about a blowout development.

   After getting rid of these thoughts, Minami Shuuichi found a fishing boat rental shop in the fishing port, and it was the only one.

   "Boss, what type of fishing boat do you have here?" Minami asked after entering.

   This boss is an old man in his fifties, a little fat and blushing, his name is Matsushima Harada.

   "Sir, we have fishing boats ranging from 10 tons to 300 tons here. I don't know what type you want to choose?" Matsushima Harada said to Minami Hideyoshi with a smile on his face. In the past few years, the chartering business has not been easy to do, and of course he laughed when he saw someone coming to the door.

   "Do your fishing boats have a refrigeration system?" Minano Shuichi asked first. The most important thing in ocean fishing is that the fish caught must be kept fresh. If there is no preservation technology, even if you catch more fish, it will be no use. Who wants it all stinks?

   Pelagic fishing generally means that fishing in waters with a depth of 200 meters is considered pelagic fishing. General ocean fishing goes out for several months, so fishing boats basically have refrigeration systems and refrigerated rooms.

   But now it's the 1950s, and Shuichi Minano doesn't know if the current fishing boats have refrigeration systems and refrigerators! Although Minano Shuichi doesn't plan to go fishing too far, it will take a week or two to go out. Therefore, the preservation of fish is extremely important!

   In fact, many fishermen go out for a week at most and then come back, otherwise the fish will stink. Of course, you can go out for a month if you want, the question is whether you have a fishing boat with a cooling system!

   Fishing boats with refrigeration systems are very valuable, and most people really can’t afford them. You know, even in later generations, it takes hundreds or 10 million fishing boats to have a refrigeration system! Not to mention the 1950s.

   "Yes, fishing boats over 60 tons have refrigerated rooms, but there is no refrigeration capacity and no refrigeration system! Fishing boats over 150 tons have refrigeration systems!" Matsushima Harada introduced.

  The refrigerator is to put some ice cubes in it to lower the internal temperature, so as to achieve the effect of refrigeration. But this effect is often bad. It won't refrigerate for long. It won't work for a week at most. But yes, fishing boats of about 100 tons are not very large, and they cannot go too far to fish.

   "How much does it cost to rent a 150-ton fishing boat a day?" asked Minano Shuichi. Minano Shuichi, who has no refrigeration system, doesn't want to think about it! A fishing boat of about 150 tons is about 16.7 meters long at the longest. But it was enough for Shuichi Minano.

   "70 yen a day!" Matsushima Harada smiled.

   Minamino grinned after hearing this, the fee for this day is the monthly salary of an ordinary worker! But thinking about it is right, such a fishing boat is very expensive, and such a price is normal.

  If Minami Shuuichi wants to go to sea for a month, he will have to rent it for a month, which is 2100 yen in total. Don't underestimate this 2100 yen. Now the average worker's monthly salary is only 6.70 yen! Can you imagine that 2,100 yen is a small sum of money?

   This is still the money for renting a bed alone. At that time, you will have to buy supplies, fuel, etc. for going to sea. These will cost money, and in the end, you will have to pay the employees. After all, Shuichi Minano felt that his 3,000 yen was not enough to go to sea for a month! By the way, this is not even the money for system cooling, it also costs money for cooling!

   However, this is an industry with big investment and big returns!

  It is certain that the investment is large, which is why there are many fishing companies that cannot continue, and no one can guarantee that they will catch fish every time they go out to sea. If you can't catch it, then your investment in ocean fishing this time will be in vain!

   However, if you catch a fish, you will definitely earn it!

   After some bargaining, Shuichi Minano finally won the 150-ton fishing boat for 65 yen a day! The boss is not too stingy. He said that the fishing nets on the fishing boats are used casually, but if they are damaged, they will definitely lose money. In this way, Minano Shuichi doesn't have to buy fishing nets.

   Nanye Xiuyi plans to rent for two weeks, or fourteen days! He felt that he would definitely be able to return with a full reward, and he did not need to rent for too long to waste money.

  The next step is to buy supplies, refueling materials, etc., and hire a driver and a few sailors. These all cost around 500 yen! Including the rental boat, the total is 1410 yen!

   When the time comes, Minano Shuichi will also invite a group of people who help him catch fish!

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