A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 582: Miss Winnie's Magical Journey

Winnie was in the line, poking her head out anxiously, a pair of golden ponytails tossing around her head.

'One, two, three, four, five, six, there are six people ahead. ' She counted silently.

From her point of view, Felix Heppe could be seen sitting behind a table with a stack of papers - which had been given to Mr. Heppe by the witch who received them this morning. Mr. Happ wrote and drew on it from time to time, and there was a bell on the table.

"Jingle Bell."

Winnie raised her head sharply, staring closely at the man in front. There is more than one person doing this like her, and the next picture is amazing enough. . Mr. Hepp pointed to the right, and in front of him the wizard Mr. Archer - Squib to be precise, in his forties, half of his hair was bald - carefully sticking out a foot, as if looking at the ground all over the place. Unseen traps.

No one urged him, everyone widened their eyes and wanted to see something from him, but like the previous few times, after he took a few steps, he disappeared out of thin air.

Winnie once again sighed at the magic of magic, more magical than she had ever seen before.

She carefully recalled that just ten minutes ago, this person who was almost her age waved and closed the huge wooden door more than twelve feet high, without even using a wand. This hand stunned the people present. One of them counted as one, and most of them couldn't even control their wands well, and the rest—there were no wands at all.

Winnie stared at Felix's black hair and blue eyes, while he was working - should it count as work? ——Looking very serious, asking questions in a leisurely manner, she didn’t know how much it would cost to hire a wizard like Mr. Heppe, she didn’t even dare to think about it, this kind of thing has never happened in reality.

She only knew about the 'Extraordinary Adult Magic Course' not far from the Sword Castle, and it would take fifteen gold Galleons for a total of two weeks of instruction. This is what she went to ask herself, and—she didn't even have the qualifications to think it was expensive. Because she's a Squib.

Aside from the lingering dark emotions of the day she was sent to foster home, Winnie doesn't have many memories of her childhood. And over the years, she has managed to gain a foothold in Muggle society, and now works in a law firm, occasionally publishing a few short and concise articles in magazines.

She wouldn't tell anyone that her brilliant imagination came from another world - a world where magic exists.

Her colleagues only know that she likes reading and listening to music, and she likes to visit various bookstores and record stores in her spare time. That's why - Winnie never hesitated to say, "I'm going to Charing Cross Street."

Her friends will ask her for niche titles or the most popular records on the market, and she always has an answer.

"Jingle Bell."

Winnie woke up suddenly, and there was no one in front of her. She took a few brisk steps and stood at the table, scrutinizing the outline of Felix Hepp, a man of her age who had accomplished so much that she could not even feel jealous.

Felix and Warren raised their heads together, feeling that the girl's eyes were a little dull.

"Winnie Valentine, 24, graduated from...Queen Mary University of London?" Felix asked, looking up.

"Yes, that's right." Winnie said in a shaky voice. "You're absolutely right."

"...It's all written on paper."

Warren looked curiously at the man with a similar pronunciation to his name, amber eyes, a little natural curls in his hair, and an artistic black and white key-shaped badge pinned to his chest.

Winnie blushed slightly, and instead of looking at those light blue eyes, she lowered her head and stared at the platypus next to her—no, it was Sniff. It's so strange... She had strange thoughts running in her mind, if she was asked to take a picture of Sniff and send it to the magazine, it would probably cause a sensation.

Felix tapped the table, and Winnie immediately stared at his fingertips. A picture flashed in her mind subconsciously: it was this hand, just with a slight wave, a gold-plated letter "O" in the hall showcase twisted and jumped down, turning into a table in front of her eyes, another letter "K" "It turned into a dark green table runner embroidered with gorgeous patterns.

If it is in the knitting goods store, it is estimated that it will sell for a lot of money.

But absolutely unnecessary, Winnie thought. She found another place where magic and technology are different: technology is convergent, magic is different. Then she sighed, and there was no way she could share those thoughts.

Felix found her distracted again and snapped his fingers in front of her. Winnie was taken aback.

"You look a little nervous? Then I won't ask the question and go straight this way." He pointed to his right.

Winnie breathed a sigh of relief, and then regretted it. Did she behave too badly? After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head and looked behind her - the table, including the young people behind the table, the sniffers on the table, the ringing bell, and the people in line... were gone.

This is what people have seen before. Winnie thought.

"Happy Nine is here for you," said a voice suddenly, startling Winnie, who turned her head to look at Felix, "you—oh," she said excitedly, "you were conjured by magic. of?"

"That's understandable," Haipu Nine said.

Realizing that what was in front of her was not a real person, Winnie was not afraid, but her nervousness dissipated a lot. She has seen many talking magic props. For example, the poster of the Quidditch team that shouted "Come on", the cup urging her to drink up quickly, the mirror on the wall reminding her that there is dirt on the tip of her nose...

The strangest talking thing she's ever seen is an elaborate dresser, mirrors, perfume bottles, drawers, standing lamps, each with their own ideas and devaluing each other's aesthetics, according to the owner," It's been this way since one particularly discerning customer tried it."

Winnie took the initiative to look for the topic: "Then what have you changed? Gold-plated letters, teacups, parchment, inkwell, detergent..."

"Neither," said Hep Nine, "I am a memory."

Winnie thought for a moment, then lowered her voice and said, "Ghosts?"

"No, it's just a temporarily constructed memory. My task is to guide you to do some tests to make the magic in your body move a little bit." said the person who claimed to be Haipu No. 9.

Can memory exist on its own? Winnie can't figure it out. It's obviously not related to technology, but it's magical, isn't it?

She doesn't know much about magic herself. Although she has read a lot of books, as a Squib, especially a Squib who went to college, her attitude towards magic is closer to 'observation', just like she occasionally goes to a record store Like observing other guests, with a natural sense of alienation.

Haipu Nine walked ahead to guide her.

"Be careful not to run into someone else's territory," he said.

Winnie looked around and found that she was walking on a long and strange road, surrounded by a membrane like soap bubbles, but it was magnified thousands of times, and the contents inside were blurred, but Winnie could vaguely understand the color according to the color. She can roughly guess the shape and shape: she sees a quiet, deep forest river in a soap bubble; to the right is a colorful garden, but she can't see what flowers are planted in it.

Then she saw another towering castle, just an outline, and she knew what it was.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"What are these?" she asked curiously.

"You guys feel comfortable and good memories," Hyp Nine dutifully explained, Winnie jumped over what looked like a small puddle and accidentally stuck her head in a 'soap bubble', she was terrified and worried about herself Will destroy the dream-like environment.

But the quality of the soap bubbles was better than she had imagined, and she smelled the sweet air, so sweet that it was so sweet.

There are sweets and sweets everywhere. With just a cursory glance, she found a dozen candy piles, a stocky wizard with tears in his eyes, and an identical 'Felix Hepper' quietly whispering inside. what are you talking about.

The next second, she was dragged out from the outside.

"Tell you to be careful."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's all right," said Hip Nine, who stayed here for a few seconds, patching up the big hole Winnie had banged her head in - until then, sweet air was blowing out of it.

"The—you in there," Winnie wondered how to define their relationship, "what's the number?"

"Number seven."

They walked for a few more minutes, and finally, Hyp Nine stopped, "Here it is."

Winnie found herself standing in front of a beautiful display case, a wooden shallow disc with silver smoke wafting from it. She realized that she was still in the lobby on the first floor of the Future World Company.

"what do I need to do?"

"Memories." Haipu Nine said, "Take out the strongest feelings about magic from your memory, good or bad, but I recommend happy memories."

Winnie searched her stomach, and for a long while she and Haipu No. 9 stared at each other.

"Can't you find it?" Haipu No. 9 asked, is this girl having a miserable life? Can't see it at all.

"Too many," Winnie said.

"Then pick the one that makes you the most comfortable." Haipu No. 9 said blankly.

Winnie thought about it carefully. She was a Squib. She had little to do with magic in her childhood, and she didn't have many commendable memories. However, after she went to college and took psychology as an elective, she gradually let go of her past experiences and was able to view problems from a more positive side.

So one day in her sophomore year, she walked into the Leaky Cauldron Bar with an uneasy mood...

Hyp Nine reached out and pulled an ebony wand out of the air. With his help, Winnie's imagination appeared in reality. Felix behind the table raised his head, his eyes penetrated the soap bubbles, and stared at the small and old bar.

Starting at the Leaky Cauldron, the scene changes so quickly that it's almost like a Diagon Alley travel guide.

The wall behind the bar slowly opened to form a wide arch bridge that connected to the winding, cobblestoned street at the other end. There is Diagon Alley. The sun shines down, and shops come into view, such as crucible shops, pet shops, drugstores, bookstores... one after another.

In the end, they were in a thrift store, surrounded by a dozen or so wooden boxes, which were classified into various second-hand magic items: tattered wands with unicorn hair on their cores, shaking Old wobbly scales that never align, old medicine-stained cauldrons, old patched cloaks with suspicious blood stains that don't seem to have been cleaned, magic books with loose spines and missing covers...

Winnie took a deep breath, a sense of relief in every pore.

Felix, who was sitting behind the table, was a little strange, but he did feel a positive, vigorous vigor and joy. From the perspective of magic, the thin magic in her throbbed. He quickly recorded several symbols on the parchment.

"Do you like it here?" Haipu Nine asked.

"Yes," said Winnie cheerfully.

"Has there been any wonderful stories here?"

"Oh, just for me personally... I bought my first magic book here, my first cauldron, and my first wand," she said deeply. "It cost me nine Galleons, I can't use it yet. It's said to be about the same price as the first wand Ollivander sold to the little wizard, but I'm an adult and it's more expensive."

"Can you get the money?" Hep Nine asked. He knew that Winnie had been in the Muggle society, and even if she was not short of money, he estimated that Gringotts would not help her exchange it casually. Those goblins are in this regard. Control is very strict.

"I have a good relationship with the owner of the thrift shop," Winnie said. "Do you know that street in the London Antiques Market? I sometimes pick up some interesting knickknacks for the owner of the thrift shop..."

"Okay." Haipu No. 9 clearly realized that this is still a broker. "You'll have a real wand soon, and although there are spellcasting limitations, it's...not bad."

"I thought it was a liar when your staff approached me, but luckily they finally came..." Winnie said excitedly, "How much does it cost?"

"Oh, it's free—currently only. Your wands are custom-made and require various tests to match you as closely as possible. Let's get back to the point, first, Miss Valentine, I'm going to evaluate you The magic of the game, scored in terms of activity, quantity, and quality... rest assured, it's just a general estimate, because I haven't taken the time to figure out the general rules."

after an hour.

The soap bubbles in the hall of Sword Castle gradually disappeared, Winnie's head turned left and right, the scenes said to be constructed from memory existed in the air for another ten seconds, and then they were like ancient ruins that had been exposed to the sun. , quickly fading in color and shape. Winnie stared at a particularly beautiful clock tower disappearing in front of her eyes, and slowly exhaled.

There were also nineteen 'Hips' that disappeared together, from No. 1 to No. 19. Hyp Nine finally waved at Winnie and melted into the air. Winnie felt lost, as if she had lost a friend she had known for a long time.

"Everyone, wait a moment, I need to spend some time making your own wand. You can visit the showcase."

After Felix disappeared, the hall fell silent, and then some people gathered together.

"It should be true," said an old wizard, who had taken off his scarf, revealing a wrinkled face.

"Old Borg, do you think someone as big as Mr. Hepp is going to lie to you?" exclaimed another.

"Of course not!" Borg, who was talking at the beginning, blushed and retorted angrily.

Winnie didn't participate in the discussion, she started pacing around the showcases in the hall. The lobby on the first floor of the 'Future World' company is occasionally open to the public, inviting some wizards to experience products that have not yet been finalized, and modify them based on feedback. She's been here a few times before, but has only been selected once, and the product she's experienced is an anti-curse cap.

That thing is incredible, just staring at the person who is chanting the curse can make the spell bounce back, it's a completely spontaneous reaction. She also gave her own opinions seriously. Well, she couldn't find any faults, but she hoped to have more styles. For this reason, she drew a few sketches of women's hats.

Ten minutes later, Felix appeared again.

He came prepared, and all kinds of materials were ready-made, but he just needed to correct the frequency of magic. Once skilled, the speed will be very fast.

He lined up a row of wands studded with colorful little gems, and his gaze slowly swept across a pair of longing eyes.

"Everyone, most of you actually signed up for introductory magic courses from newspapers, but Cremy should have told you the truth earlier, right?"

The people present nodded.

"Currently this research has not been made public, so you need to abide by some conventions."

"There are two confidentiality contracts, one from Future World Corporation, which prohibits the disclosure of this research; the other from the Ministry of Magic, which prohibits performing magic to non-magical people. If it involves immediate family members, you can report to the Ministry of Magic. ."

"In addition, because this work is of a research nature, you don't need to pay extra money, but you have to cooperate to do some tests, and the staff of the future world company will observe your spell casting data to make improvements. In the long run, this will promote the advancement of this product..."

"Anyone who disagrees with this?"

Felix waited for a while, "Very good." A wand flew to them, "The magic above is fixed, but it is very practical, there are dozens of application scenarios for the floating spell alone... You have half After an hour of getting used to my wand, we started testing it."

Winnie stroked her wand, liking it more and more. From the curved arc of the wooden stick to the small gemstones inlaid on it, it is like an outstanding handicraft. She stared at a dark red gem, which seemed to hide a vortex, spinning slowly.

Following the guidance of the disappeared Haipu No. 9, she tried her best to mobilize her emotions, so that the desire to successfully cast spells filled her whole body, and then she raised her wand and chanted the incantation: "Fluorescent flashes." The tip of the wand released a light.

Winnie was panting, she raised her head in disbelief, looked around, someone had successfully cast a levitating spell, levitating herself three feet above the ground, and he was frightened, kicking his legs like a frog .

"Think about what you are going to do, don't restrict your imagination." Felix reminded from time to time.

A morning passed quickly.

Winnie and the others reluctantly handed over their wands, Mr. Hepp will make adjustments based on their casting performance today~www.readwn.com~ Winnie left a small note with her own thoughts, she wants an exclusive wand There can be one more movement spell on it, this magic can make the object move.

The way Mr. Archer next to him directed two shoes to dance made her very envious.

She was walking towards the door when she suddenly heard someone calling her name.

"Miss Valentine?"

She raised her head, met Felix's gaze, and pointed to herself in surprise.

Felix nodded at her, which meant "yes, that's you."

Winnie walked over nervously.

"I read your profile again, you study law at university?" Felix asked.

Winnie nodded.

"So—interested in making some extra money? The short-term kind." Felix asked softly, and Winnie stared at him. "I have some industries in Muggle society, not many, but need advice from someone with a professional background..."

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