A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 276: Chase and escape

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The edge of the forbidden forest.

Felix saw a little wizard fleeing in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. He raised his wand, estimated the distance, and shook his hand and threw a spell at the moment he landed.

The little wizard turned his body to avoid the spell, as if he had expected it, his agility was completely incompatible with his age.

"Sirius Black, we might as well talk."

Felix walked towards him step by step, the effect of the compound decoction that Black had taken before was disappearing, and his body gradually changed. He grew a little taller, and his body was stretched and widened.

He panted heavily and staggered forward. When he stepped into the forbidden forest, his whole figure seemed to be punched hard, his body stiffened for a few seconds, and finally fell down.

The transformation began.

He curled up, trembling all over, wheezing in his throat, and the skin on his body was like hot pewter with fine bubbles, and his fingers began to grow bigger and thicker. A thin, thin piece of The adult's hands scratched the brown moist soil on the ground, the joints protruded due to force, and the nails were sunken in them.

Blake let out a low growl, his shoulders widened, and the loose robe was propped up, but it was not broken. There was no flesh on the man.

Felix waited quietly. It might take two or three minutes before the others rushed over. He had enough time.

The deformation is over. Black lay on his back, gasping for breath, seeming to give up resistance, and said hoarsely, "Who are you? Such a young man, it should be—" He got up and shot a coma spell from his wand.

Felix had been on guard for a long time, even in the most painful time, Blake did not put down his wand in his hand.

He waved his magic wand to bounce the spell, and a red flame flew towards him, which exploded in mid-air. With the humanoid iron armor curse, he was unscathed. At the moment, he frowned and looked at the place where a magic wand was left, and Blake The figure has disappeared.

Felix double-checked that the wand was real, not transfiguration, which surprised him a bit.

"Turn into Animagus to escape? Is this giving up resistance? How can you be my opponent without a magic wand? You even lost the last hope of Apparition."

Felix knocked on the ring on his left hand, a flying broom suddenly appeared, Felix riding the broom into the sky.

Below are large patches of fuzzy brown and gray. He gently lifted the broom handle and climbed up, fifty feet, one hundred feet away. From a distance, he saw a **** dog hurling along the rugged road in the forbidden forest. OK, his speed is amazing, like a faint wisp of black smoke.

But now the weather has just warmed up, and the trees in the forest only have dark brown dead branches, and the leaves on the branches are sparse, completely unable to act as a barrier or obstructing the line of sight, which makes Felix never chase after him.

By the side of a stream, he caught up with Black, and a blazing red beam hit the **** dog and knocked him far away.

After six or seven meters, Felix stopped: "Come back, become a person, Sirius Black."

The **** dog struggled to raise his head and stared at him. After a while, his body began to deform for the second time. This time the deformation was very fast, but it was also peculiar. His body was shrinking, and a dirty man appeared. original position.

If he was motionless, he would look like a corpse, and many people would think that he had suffered inhuman torture during his lifetime-his long, filthy, tangled hair hanging down to his elbows, it looks like a long time. It hasn't been taken care of; mud is sticking to his body, and the pale skin can be seen vaguely against the fleshless cheeks.

Black smiled low, his eyes look like wolves. He said with a hoarse voice: "Are you a student of nasal mucus? Felix Haipu...he is so famous, I saw the cover of "Witcher Weekly". To be honest, it doesn't look as good as you."

Felix said calmly, "Although I have a lot to ask you, but—"

He pointed his wand at Black, "Clean it up!" A string of bubbles came out of Black's mouth. He coughed, and it took him a long time to stop.

He took pictures of his teeth with the help of the stream without hesitation. "It's a creative idea. We used nasal essence when we were young, and James left a scar on his face for this."

Felix shook his head, "I have heard your story from many people. In their eyes, Sirius Black looks handsome, wild and unruly, and inadvertently brings out a bit of elegance. Look at you now—"

He waved his magic wand and rolled up a tornado-shaped water vortex from the stream, and swallowed Black completely backwards.

Blake's eyes widened suddenly, and he opened his mouth, "Old-Rat -" made a difficult voice, but the water covered his words and was choked on the contrary.

The water flowed on him, and after almost ten seconds, a cloud of muddy water was thrown back into the stream. After some cleaning, his appearance is much better than before. Although he is still skinny and skinny, he can vaguely see a trace of his youth.

Black hung in the air, tilted his head, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "You don't want to kill me?"

"Why? I said, I have a lot to talk to you, your betrayal, your escape-oh, needless to say the latter, Animagus, it's already very obvious."

"Take me to Dumbledore! I will confess everything without reservation."

"Can't tell me now? I am very curious, but some questions are not suitable for asking in public, such as the grievances between Severus and the Potter couple, such as some information about Voldemort."

"Heh! Are you going to sell me to the Ministry of Magic or give it to the snotling as a gift? You must be his favorite student, he even told you these secrets..." Black laughed and said, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up. His body couldn't stop shaking.

"I don't like what you call me. If you insist on provoking me—" Felix gestured his wand and blinked his eyes. "You will definitely suffer."

Black said nonchalantly, "Torture, to someone who has been in Azkaban for twelve years? Everything you do will only make me feel alive—"

He was so cold that his teeth trembled, but his eyes were still fixed on Felix.

Felix's wand hit Black's chest, and a large cloud of steam erupted from his body, and his body suddenly became dry.

Blake fell to the ground. He moved his hands and feet, staring at Felix with amazement, "Aren't you afraid of me running away? Don't you tie me up?"

"You can think that I am expressing goodwill to facilitate the subsequent communication." Felix said.

Blake stared at him with sunken eyes and grinned, "I like you a little bit, but-I still can't believe you, you and Snape are too close."

Felix found that ~www.novelmt.com~ his expression became calm, so he asked tentatively: "Is it important to you whether you believe it or not? Do you have any choice?"

"Of course, don't underestimate anyone. Go back and tell Dumbledore that that kid, the one from the Weasley family and Harry is a classmate, and his pet mouse is an Animagus." Black said, he was not yet Know the news of Shaban’s disappearance.

"Animagus?" Felix repeated.

"Yes, he is Pettigrew Peter, he is not dead-damn it! I thought he was dead!" Blake said suddenly violently, cursing frantically, after a long time, he barely calmed down, "Sorry, let you Seeing this, but I was depressed for too long."

"Do you want to say that Peter is a traitor? In the case of you as a secretive?" Felix said.

"It wasn't me—we exchanged at last! I and him, we exchanged, and he is the secretive! Dumbledore will understand. As long as you catch Peter, everything will come to light."

"I think you'd better tell Dumbledore about these things in person."

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