A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 251: 3 suggestions

Hermione faintly returned to the Gryffindor common room until she saw the idle Harry and Ron playing with a pair of high boulders. She didn't want to understand which of the three suggestions the professor gave him was better. Be more reliable.

‘Maybe the professor is just joking? ’She thought to herself.

Ron put his entire face on the table, and the stones in his hand kept making gestures, "I think this will work. Dean told me a Muggle marble technique—" He flicked his fingers, the stones in his hand. Flew straight out, drawing an arc in mid-air.

The pebble belonging to Harry swelled abruptly, spraying a stinky, slimy liquid from inside, smearing Ron's face.

"Oh, **** it!" Ron wiped his face, his eyes were blurred.

"Gentlemen, can you be more mature!" Hermione said grimly. She pulled out her wand and said to Ron, "Clean up!" The slime on his face immediately disappeared.

"Want to say something, Hermione?" Ron said with a chuckle.

Hermione sullenly said, "I don't spend my time on children's games."

Ron retorted: "This is not a kid’s game. My dad told me that there is an official Gobstone Club on the seventh floor of the Ministry of Magic, and they have won honors internationally. Hogwarts actually has a Gobstone Club. But you never pay attention..."

He looked at the expression on Hermione's face and stopped talking.

Harry changed the subject: "What did the professor say about Barcobic?"

"He gave me three suggestions," Hermione said, breaking her fingers: "First, postpone the hearing on the grounds of incorrect procedures, and change the department responsible for this case to the Department of Fantastic Beast Management and Control as much as possible;"

"Sounds great, how do I write to the Ministry of Magic?" Harry said excitedly, which is much easier than going to the library to read through a large number of boring precedents.

"Ordinary people can't do it, I guess the Ministry of Magic will not take care of it." Hermione said: "Professor Haipu's suggestion is to get the support of a powerful figure, not afraid of the power of the Malfoy family, and it's better to be related to the field of magical animals. , Familiar with the corresponding laws." Hermione said.

"How can such a person know us?" Ron said discouragedly, and he picked up the high cloth stones from the ground.

Harry thought about it seriously. He only knew Hagrid who was related to the field of magical animals.

"The second method, secretly let go of Barcobic." Hermione held up a second finger.

Harry was very moved by this suggestion, but he quickly shook his head: "The official letter from the Ministry of Magic says that Hagrid is optimistic about Barcobic. If he loses it, he will be in trouble. Malfoy must expect Hagrid to do this. , Then he can put Hagrid in prison."

He didn't quite understand Hagrid's fear of the wizard prison in the past, but after several encounters with the dementors, he had fully understood Hagrid's thoughts.

Hermione was non-committal and made one last suggestion: "Third, let Lucius Malfoy take the initiative to withdraw the complaint." She hesitated a bit, and stated what Professor Haipu said in full. "The professor may be joking at the time, you guys. Just listen-he suggested that Hagrid ask Malfoy out and force Malfoy to submit. He also said that if we want to try this method, he can provide limited support..."

Ron's eyes lit up: "That's a good idea, I already have the picture." He only saw his father fighting with Malfoy last year, and now he only needs to replace his father with the tall and burly Hagrid. He muttered: " Little chicken..."

Harry miraculously understood what he meant-compared to Hagrid, Lucius Malfoy was indeed like an underdeveloped chicken.

Hermione said sharply: "The professor must be joking!" As she said, she was a little uncertain, "It should be a joke? But anyway, this method is too dangerous."

"Professor Haipu must be teasing us, because he knows that you absolutely cannot agree to this approach." Harry said sullenly, "In this way, the only real feasible suggestion is not to go to the library to check materials. ——"

"But where do we go to find relevant people with real power?"

"Maybe you can ask Hagrid?" Ron suggested. "He should always know one or two friends who have the same interests? He is a professor of magical creature protection."

"Hold on—" Harry stared at Ron suddenly, "You just said, the professor of the Conservation of Magical Creatures?" His eyes lit up, and he lowered his voice and said, "Hagrid only got this position this year, do you remember The last professor...who is it?"

"Professor Silvanus Kettleborn," Hermione said without hesitation, "I heard that the reason for his retirement is that he needs more time with his little naughty."

She froze for a moment, and then reacted: "Yeah, I didn't expect that Hagrid must know Professor Kettleborn!"


Hogwarts kitchen.

Felix gently said to a house elf: "I heard from Professor McGonagall, can I ask you to send Christmas gifts?"

"Yes, sir." said a house elf in a uniform made of tea towels, bowing deeply, "but it's only within Hogwarts, we cannot leave easily due to our responsibilities."

"No problem, I have already sent the gifts outside of school." Felix said lightly, "Then I will trouble you."

"This is our honor." The house elf said.

Felix led the elf back to the office, pointed to a small pile of gift boxes in the corner and said, "It's all here. There are names on them, but there are not many people... But I don't know if you know the exact location. ."

"Don't worry, sir, we clean the rooms in the castle every day. We know the names of the wizards."

Felix nodded and smiled: "Thank you then."

The little elf got busy, his figure disappearing and appearing constantly. After a dozen times, he appeared empty-handed: "It's done, sir."

Felix looked at him curiously, "Where did you put it? At the foot of the bed?"

The elf replied: "I put the gifts of several students at the foot of the bed to ensure that they can see them in bed together; but the professors can’t, we are not allowed to appear in the professor’s bedroom, so I put it in the office. Under the small Christmas tree, or at the door of the bedroom."

Felix nodded, the same way he received the gift last year.

The elf said: "If there is nothing else, Uncle Yun will leave first."

"Uncle Yun is your name?"

"Yes~www.novelmt.com~ Mr."

Felix took out a book from the ring, and flew out some colored paper and silk ribbon from the corner. They wrapped the whole book, and finally the silk ribbon tied a beautiful bow.

"This is your Christmas present, Uncle Yun."

"This, Uncle Yun can't want--"

"Take it, it's just a recipe book from all over the world, but I have always wanted to find the opportunity to recommend it to you."

Uncle Yun bent over to accept the gift, and glanced at him with wide eyes, "Thank you, sir." He bowed deeply and suddenly disappeared.

Felix looked at his own gift in the corner, and he decided to save the surprise for tomorrow.

Before going to bed, he deliberately left the window so that the owl could come and go freely. Then he turned and walked into the bedroom, looking forward to Christmas the next day.

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