A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 217: Opportunity to explain

When the word werewolf suddenly popped out of Felix's mind, what had seemed unreasonable was explained all at once.

Lupin had always given him a weird feeling, and he thought it was Snape's words that had affected him. It does not seem to be the case now, but he has captured some characteristics of the werewolf's untransformed form, pupils, hair, and if there is no dark creature breath;

Unfortunately, Felix didn't think about it at all.

In addition, Lupin has always given people the impression of poor health, but when is this impression most obvious? Around the full moon! Especially in the last two days, any cold is not good, it is an excuse... It should be just after the full moon.

Madam Pomfrey's craftsmanship is not that bad.

"It's too obvious! I didn't even find out, the clues are all in front of me." Felix looked at the information he had written on the parchment and compared the past one by one.

‘Lupin is destitute because he has no serious work at all. In order to conceal his identity, he has to be ready to move and change his identity at any time. ’

‘He must have a very rich experience in cover-ups, but once is accidental, twice is coincidence, three or four times? For the werewolf, people around you will find the abnormality within a few months, because no amount of excuses can change the fact that the werewolf will definitely disappear at the full moon! ’

‘He has a distaste for the Minister of Magic, Fudge, who took office a few years ago, because Fudge presided over the amendment to the Werewolf Registration Act-he tied the list of werewolf registrations to the wolf poison potions. If you don’t register, you can’t buy potions. This also explains why Lupin will come to Hogwarts this year. He can't get this kind of potion to stay sane during the full moon transformation from elsewhere. ’

You must know that the transformation of werewolves consumes energy. Before there is no wolf poison potion, they will madly attack anyone they see. Even if they are locked in a cage, they will be mad to lose their mind, slapping and tearing the obstacles in front of them. .

The sequelae caused by this behavior are strong and often last for three or four days, or even a week, depending on the individual's physique.

With the wolf poison potion, the werewolves are much more comfortable. They can stay sane at the full moon, find a hidden place to hide themselves, and return to normal the next day-at most tired, but not strong It will let people see the flaws. This is a thousand times better than being recognized as a werewolf.

Felix remembered that Snape was called back by Dumbledore two weeks before school started. He was in a bad mood and said that it was to make a'disgusting' potion. In addition to the wolf poison potion, there was also Is it possible?

Felix couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth. It was hard to imagine that Snape was crushed by Dumbledore and made potions for someone he hated.

‘Severus’ expression must be very funny! ’

There are some small details worth paying attention to.

For example, Snape once said to him, "Lupin's true face will surprise you", which should be implying his identity as a werewolf;

Before the school dinner, Professor McGonagall deliberately avoided Snape when introducing Lupin. This meant that Professor McGonagall knew the contradiction between them. In other words, she also knew Lupin's identity as a werewolf.

Who else knows otherwise?

Dumbledore must know that even...

Felix calculated the time. When Lupin went to school, Dumbledore was already the principal. He could come to school only with the principal's approval.

Even the whole plan was promoted by Dumbledore. He might not pretend to be human, but came to persuade himself...

In order to receive a werewolf little wizard to Hogwarts to school, a series of protective measures must be prepared for him-including the place where the werewolf transforms, as well as the care and treatment after the transformation.

Felix has no way of knowing the former. Theoretically, you can choose any abandoned classroom. With Dumbledore’s ability, you can cast all kinds of silencing spells to isolate the howling of the young Lupin when he deforms. .

‘Hagrid once said that many werewolves were rejected by the entire wizarding world and would rather live with wolves, but for the young Lupin, he could not make this choice. The biggest possibility is that his parents locked him in the house and used a silencing spell to prevent neighbors from hearing...’

‘Think of it this way, will Lupin have a huge psychological shadow on the Muffling Curse? ’

As for the latter, Lupin personally admitted that Mrs. Pomfrey helped him a lot when he was in school.

Felix suddenly thought of an interesting question. Harry's father, James Potter, as well as Sirius Black and Peter Pediru, do they know Lupin’s identity as a werewolf?

‘It should be known,’ Felix guessed silently, ‘otherwise Lupin would not miss that time so much. He thought of the smile on Lupin's face when he introduced his school experience, and his eyes seemed to glow.

This made Felix more doubts, not for Lupin, but for Sirius Black.

Judging from the information he pieced together, there is an obvious sense of fragmentation in this person's behavior, and this feeling has even reached an abnormal level.

When he was a teenager, Blake was a Gryffindor with a sense of justice, and strongly rejected Slytherin and even his own family. Although judging from some of the prohibited records that Felix saw, this man was a bit brainless...

After graduation, Black joined the Order of the Phoenix almost immediately, becoming the backbone of the fight against Voldemort and his Death Eater army. From this perspective, he is a fearless warrior.

‘When did Black start to deteriorate? Was it the power that couldn't fight family affection and was inspired by his family of Death Eaters, or was it caught by Voldemort in a certain action and threatened with death and his family? Or just simply can't stand the torment of the Heart Drill? ’

‘Will it be like this? After savoring the taste of pain~www.novelmt.com~ changed from bravery to cowardice...’

Felix suddenly felt upset, and if things were as he thought, he hated the story.

Especially when he saw that the Longbottoms were completely tortured by the Death Eaters and never revealed any information, this kind of strong contrast made him contradictory to the extreme.

Putting this matter on him, how would he choose? Will you betray your best friend for some reason? Sacrifice as 75zhongwen.com Sacrifice as bang minus bxwx.Co汜

"The hypothesis simply doesn't hold." After thinking for a long time, he murmured.

Felix suddenly found out in his heart that he hadn't made a close friend during school. The first three years were busy studying and fighting. The middle fourth grade completely ignored everything around him in order to practice the spell, and waited until the end of the fifth grade. Everyone looked at him in awe.

‘By the way, when I was in school, several Slytherin girls gave me chocolate, but I suspected a curse, so I threw it away. Mi He Mi

‘Am I missing something? ’

Felix chewed on his own experience, and for a while, he laughed dumbfounded.

"I'm really boring enough, but... Sirius Black, whether it's for the book collection in Black's old house or to confirm whether you are hiding a despicable soul, I will give you a chance to explain."

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