Half an hour later, Felix and the old lady Longbottom stood in front of an old red brick department store. The plaque indicated that its name was'Tao Tao Co., Ltd.'. It looked decayed and deserted and hung on the dusty door. With the big sign "Closed for renovation".

Felix was looking at the tattered plastic dummies in front of him through the shop window. One of them was the ugliest. She moved crookedly, her eyelashes stuck to her face, and she was wearing a green nylon skirt.

"I guess it's never opened here?" he said in a positive tone.

"What stupid thing to say, the Ministry of Magic took a lot of thought to find a suitable place." Old Lady Longbottom said absentmindedly, her hands tangled together, and she kept rubbing the string of the big red pocket in her hand, "You really Are you sure, Professor Haipu? I have experienced too many disappointments over the years."

"I can't give a definite answer, ma'am. This is a compensation measure that I temporarily thought of. After all, my request may seem...not so close to favor." Felix said.

The old lady Longbottom pursed her lips: "The magic riot you mentioned...Are you sure there is no danger?"

"Are the magic riots of the little wizards growing up in danger?" Felix asked rhetorically.

The old lady Longbottom said with a serious expression: "You have asked about my knowledge blind spot. My experience tells me that every little wizard will go through this step, but it is not worrying. But man-made magic riots..." She shook Shaking his head, it seemed incredible.

Felix explained: "Madam, it may be that I have a special physique. I myself have experienced more than one magic riot. Although this process is very uncomfortable, I have benefited from it.

In fact, I realized its value early on, and I also made possible guesses. It's just that this experience belongs to me personally and there is no other proof. Until this summer vacation, I finally came into contact with a very rare example. "

Mrs. Longbottom pursed her lips, "If you can cure...no, I won't ask for more, but I need Dumbledore to be there, I believe him."

Felix curled up his lips, "No problem, ma'am."

The old lady Longbottom said to the particularly ugly dummy: "I'm coming to see Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom." The dummy nodded slightly and waved at them.

The two then went through the window glass and entered the Saint Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries.

Felix found himself in a waiting room, and he looked around with interest: a dozen witches and wizards were sitting on shaky wooden chairs, and two therapists in green robes recorded their symptoms.

In the front left is the information desk, with a blond-haired woman standing behind, patted a long line in front of her. Behind the woman is the logo of Saint Mungo, a pattern of wands and bones that cross each other.

The surrounding walls are covered with portraits of therapists and some labels.

At this moment, a middle-aged wizard showed his right hand to the healer, and a black water bottle was biting on it firmly, dark green blood oozing from the wound, he shouted angrily—

"Can't you see—curse, I am cursed—a birthday present to me anonymously—don't let me know who it is! Whoops—this stupid kettle—" He kept shaking his arm.

"Don't move, you are shaking so I can't see it clearly." The young therapist holding the writing pad looked at it carefully for a moment, "You are going to the fifth floor of the Curse Injury Division."

Felix read the sign: Utensils Accident Section-first floor (cauldron explosion, wand misfire, broom collision, etc.);

Biological injury department-second floor (stings, burns, punctures, etc.);

Strange bacteria infection department-third floor (infectious diseases such as dragon pox, vanishing disease, lymphomycitis, etc.);

Pharmacy and plant poisoning department-fourth floor (skin rash, nausea, more than laughter, etc.);

Curse Damage Division-fifth floor (curses that cannot be removed, spells used wrong, etc.);

Tea room and shop-sixth floor.

"We're going to the fifth floor," Mrs. Longbottom said to him, as they walked up a sloping staircase to the fifth floor platform, passing some double-door wards, until they saw a long room— —The doors here are all locked.

A therapist wearing a gold and silver wreath on his head came out of the enclosed ward, smiling and saying hello: "Mrs. Longbottom, will you come to visit your family? I'll take you in."

"Thank you, Merlem."

The therapist Mei Limu read "Arajo Cave Open" and led them into the room, crossed several beds, and walked to the innermost place where there were two beds enclosed by flower curtains.

She opened the curtain and said happily, "Frank, Alice, your mother is coming to see you again."

It was the first time Felix saw the Longbottom couple ~www.novelmt.com~ Both of them were wearing pajamas, their faces were thin and haggard, and their hair was half-gray. Neville's father sat on the bedside blankly, seemingly able to sit like this. When the world is old, the eyes sometimes turn; Neville's mother reacts more obviously, holding a snack bag in her hand, and reading it carefully.

The two of them didn't respond at all to the therapist's words.

"She was actually just looking at the pattern above," the therapist said, "Most of the memories are gone, you should understand."

"Merim..." said the old lady Longbottom, "Can you give us some time?"

"No problem." She closed the curtain and left.

The old lady Longbottom walked to the hospital bed, took Neville’s mother’s hand, and stroked the dry hair on her head. “This is also one of the aftereffects of the heart-drilling curse. It ages faster than ordinary people. I am worried that they Will walk in front of me..."

"If you don't mind, ma'am?" Felix asked softly.

"What, oh, of course, what do I need to do?" the old Longbottom woman asked nervously.

"Nothing needed..." Felix snapped his fingers lightly, and suddenly the sky was spinning, everything in the room was distorted, colors and shapes entangled, like some kind of abstract painting.

Felix stood on the edge of the room, looking at this weird scene, the dim fluorescence flashed sporadic pictures from time to time, there were men and women—

A baby with a small round face, old lady Longbottom, a few vicious faces, Dumbledore, an ugly man with false eyes, Lupin, a man who looks a lot like Potter when he grows up...

The one who appeared most often was a woman with a round and friendly face. She looked very young and her eyes were very gentle. Even if her appearance changed, Felix recognized her at a glance-Alice Longbottom , Sitting on the hospital bed next to him.

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