80s Taoism

Chapter 175 Seems Weird 【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】

Narrow escape! More than a narrow escape? In fact, it is a life of death!

Everyone thought that these two people rushed into the scene of fire, not to mention they could walk out of the scene of fire, they might not even be able to leave their bodies intact. Who would have thought that someone would be able to rush out of the fire!

The fire and smoke completely enveloped the people who came out, and it was impossible to see who they were.

The person who had held Luo Changjun tightly just now let go of Luo Changjun's hand in a daze.

"Father!" Luo Changjun called out sadly, and rushed up.

When Luo Changjun rushed forward, he was surprised to find that it was his father Luo Yongming who came out! And he wasn't the only one who recognized it, he actually recited Lao Xiao. Luo Changjun froze on the spot!

"Lao Luo is fine! Lao Luo is fine!" The neighbors also exclaimed.

Lao Luo was unscathed, at least on the outside. However, the biggest injury caused by entering the fire scene may not be burns, but the inhalation of poisonous smoke and high-temperature air. Sometimes it looks unharmed on the outside, but the respiratory tract and lungs have been seriously injured.

Lao Luo was wearing cotton clothes. Most people in that era were still wearing cotton clothes. When fighting the fire just now, his body was already drenched in water, and the time he rushed in was relatively short, so the clothes on his body hadn’t caught the fire yet. Strangest of all, none of his hair was singed.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and save someone!" Luo Yongming yelled at his son.

Only then did Luo Changjun wake up like a dream, and he could clearly see that there was another person on Luo Yongming's back.

Old Xiao's situation is not very good. Although the clothes on his body hadn't been caught in the fire yet, his hair was already burnt and his face was black. Old Xiao still held an iron box in his hand. He must have hidden the money. At this time, he is still clutching the money box, he is really willing to give up his life and money!

"Quick, quick, find a door panel! A few people, let's carry Lao Xiao to the hospital." Luo Changjun shouted.

Immediately, someone went to a nearby neighbor's house and lowered a door panel, and then put Lao Xiao on the door panel.

"Take down his money box, this old Xiao, it's this time, and he still holds the money in his hand!"

"He's really good. It's okay to kill himself. He almost took Lao Luo into it. What a good man Lao Luo is. He almost didn't get killed by him."

"Forget it, I'm pitiful. I've hidden all my life savings in this iron box. Old Xiao is really true. The money is stored in the bank for interest without knowing it. It's hidden in an iron box, and it almost burned without a fire."

When Luo Changjun wanted to talk about taking away the iron box from Lao Xiao's hand, he found that although Lao Xiao's eyes were closed and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, the iron box was held tightly by him.

"Hey! This guy is really tight enough!" The young man who was carrying him was going to help Luo Changjun break Lao Xiao's hand.

Luo Changjun shook his head, "Forget it, let him keep it by himself. I don't know how much money is in it, is it enough for his hospitalization expenses?"

"It would be really ironic if what Lao Xiao desperately snatched was not enough for his medical expenses."

Luo Changjun said hastily, "Let's not talk so much, saving people is the most important thing. Send them to the hospital. Lao Xiao, when this iron box arrives at the hospital, I will count the money in it in front of everyone. I will return every penny in it to you. Your hospital money will also be taken from it. How much you spend, I will give you a certificate at that time, and everyone can testify."

"Old Xiao, you must have a conscience. Who is Changjun? The cubs taught by Lao Luo can still have problems. If it weren't for Lao Luo, you would have been turned into ashes in the fire!" The neighbor who carried the man said with some dissatisfaction.

This time, Lao Xiao let go of his hand. Luo Changjun grabbed the iron box in his hand.

"Everyone has seen it. The iron box is locked. I will hold it now. Da Mao, you are in charge of supervising me. I have to go and see my father to see if he is injured. Please send him to the hospital first. I will bring my father here immediately." Luo Changjun was still worried about Luo Yongming's injury.

"I'm fine! Just go and send Lao Xiao to the hospital." Luo Yongming walked over.

At this time, the roar of fire engines came from the street.

"Hurry up and send Lao Xiao to the hospital for treatment, and I'll direct the fire truck to fight the fire!" Luo Yongming really acted like a normal person. It took almost a minute for him to enter the fire, and Lao Xiao was burned like that. The whole thing was weird. It's just that at this time, no one will go into it.

Seeing that Luo Yongming couldn't see anything wrong, Luo Changjun and his neighbors carried Old Xiao to the hospital with a look of suspicion.

The fire trucks did come, but the streets were too narrow for the fire trucks to drive in. With the cooperation of Luo Yongming and the neighbors, all the things that could be moved on the street were removed, and the fire truck was finally led to the fire scene.

The firefighters immediately sprayed water on the fire site with high-pressure nozzles, and the fire had been in a tug-of-war with Jiefangmen, and was suddenly controlled by the surging water flow. A car of water was used up, and the fire was completely extinguished. Then began to completely extinguish the flames of the fire.

"I've been fighting fires for so many years, but I've never seen anything like this before." The captain of the fire brigade, An Linsheng, was an old firefighter. He was very surprised when he saw the scene in front of him. Usually when fighting fires, I am most afraid of encountering this kind of wooden house. Moreover, it is a whole block of wooden houses, because once it is set on fire, the whole block will be set on fire. On one side of this burning house is a newly built concrete structure house. It is understandable that it was not connected to the fire. But the other side is a little weird. It was obviously a wooden house, and the walls were all close together. The one on this side was on fire, but it was not connected to that house. This is very strange. Although this is related to the desperate efforts of the neighbors to put out the fire and bring the fire under control. But this situation is really strange.

"Captain, the owner of this house is really lucky. This side was completely burned, but this side was not caught up in the fire."

"Fortunately, it wasn't connected to the fire. Otherwise, the fire in our fire truck would not be able to save the fire. Every time a wooden house in this old street catches fire, it will burn a large area."


The fire was extinguished, but the old street was still filled with smoke. The streets are in a mess, as if in the era of war and chaos. The neighbors are still outside. The smoke has faded, and the tragedy after the fire can be clearly seen.

"Strange! The old Luo's house is not on fire!"

Someone discovered this weird phenomenon.

"Good intentions are rewarded! He has put his life out to save people and put out fires. God blesses him."

"Where did Lao Luo go?"

"Should have gone to the hospital. Lao Xiao went to the hospital. I heard that Lao Xiao was seriously injured. He also entered the fire scene, and Lao Luo was fine, but Lao Xiao was seriously injured. Do you think this is strange?"

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