80s Taoism

Chapter 116 Anaconda

Zhang Jiaohua took a look at Falling Star Lake, feeling a little dizzy, and her heart was beating a little. I didn't insist any more. But he took out two talismans from his pocket, "This is an amulet, you carry it with you, it will keep you safe."

Liu Zongtai was about to reach out to pick it up, but Zhang Jiaohua withdrew his hand back. When Liu Zongtai looked up at Zhang Jiaohua wonderingly, Zhang Jiaohua spoke.

"The amulet is the same as the Anzhai charm, and it costs five yuan each."


Liu Guocai and Liu Yunjun burst into laughter at the same time.

Liu Guocai smiled and said, "Master Zhang, are you Zhang Youping's cub? Zhang Youping is very cool."

"You can choose not to." Zhang Jiaohua said angrily.

"Yes." Liu Zongtai also smiled, and took out a small plastic bag from the hidden pocket on the trouser pocket. Few people in the countryside have a special wallet. Many people clean the plastic bags used to pack salt and use them to store money. This is very convenient. After putting the money in, the plastic bags can be folded up so that they can be placed in the hidden pocket on the right side of the trousers. It is also waterproof.

Liu Zongtai is a barefoot doctor in the village. Unlike other farmers, he often has living money, so he always brings tens of dollars with him. He opened the plastic bag and counted two five-yuan coins inside, and handed it to Zhang Jiaohua.

Zhang Jiaohua handed over the two amulets to Liu Zongtai's hands after the money was spent.

"I've activated the amulet, you keep it close to your body. It can save your life." Zhang Jiaohua said solemnly.

"I hope you don't need to use this amulet of yours. It costs five yuan a piece, which is too expensive." Liu Zongtai made a joke with Zhang Jiaohua.

Zhang Jiaohua knew that Liu Zongtai didn't quite believe the power of his amulet, so he didn't bother to explain it to him, anyway, the money had already been obtained.

Liu Zongtai and Liu Yunjun went down, while Liu Guocai and Zhang Jiaohua stayed on the Falling Star Lake.

"Be careful." Liu Guocai said a few more worried words.

"What is this? This kudzu vine is so lush, it just went down casually." Liu Yunjun said disapprovingly.

Zhang Jiaohua frowned. There was one thing that he hadn't figured out. What is it that said that Liu Zongtai's buffalo came here? Is this the "destination" of this buffalo? If not, what caused the buffalo to fall into the pool of stars?

If so, since the thing drove the buffalo over, why didn't it do anything? The buffalo has been injured and can't move at all. If the thing wants to do something to the cow, isn't it the right time now? Why are buffaloes still alive?

While Zhang Jiaohua was thinking, Liu Zongtai and Liu Yunjun had already climbed down two or three meters away. The vines are really lush, and it's as easy as getting off a ladder.

"If only I could bring the fishing rod over, I would be able to catch a big buffalo. Haha." Liu Guocai said, looking at the buffalo in Falling Star Lake.

"Can your fishing rod catch a cow? Bragging!" Zhang Jiaohua gave Liu Guocai an angry look. But soon his expression changed. That buffalo is bait!

"Quick! Quick! Come up quickly! It's dangerous! There's danger in the pool!" Zhang Jiaohua panicked and shouted anxiously to the two people who were almost at the bottom of the pool.

Liu Yunjun was full of vigor and strength, he climbed the fastest, and soon reached the bottom of the pool, he was ready to jump directly.

"It's too simple. Zongtai, I'll go down first." Liu Yunjun was ready to jump down.

At this moment, the two of them heard Zhang Jiaohua's panicked shout.

Liu Zongtai quickly said, "No hurry!"

But Liu Zongtai spoke a little late, and Liu Yunjun let go of the pick.

At this time, the Diamond Mountain Leopard, who had been standing beside Zhang Jiaohua, suddenly stood upright and faced the Falling Star Lake in a defensive state.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Liu Guocai could tell that Zhang Jiaohua was not joking.

"Bait! That cow is bait! There is something in the pool!" Zhang Jiaohua panicked. After all, he was still a child, and in reality, this was the first time he encountered such a life-and-death situation! There are two lives below!

Liu Guocai also quickly shouted, "Junzi! Zong Tai! Come up quickly. Leave that cow alone! It's dangerous! Come up quickly!"

Liu Zongtai stopped in the middle, and Liu Yunjun, who was about to walk towards the buffalo, stopped quickly. Ready to retreat to the pool.

At this moment, there was a sudden crash in the center of the pool, like a fountain, a stream of water suddenly spouted high from the center of the pool. A black shadow rushed out of the spray.


Liu Yunjun's complexion turned dark, and he ran to the edge of the pool as fast as lightning, and climbed up the kudzu vines by the edge of the pool in no time.

Liu Zongtai also hurriedly climbed up, much faster than the speed down just now.

But no matter how fast they are, how can they compare with the shadow in the water?

Zhang Jiaohua and Liu Guocai could see clearly from the water pool, it was not an ordinary thing, it was a huge anaconda. The body of this anaconda is probably thicker than an adult's thigh. With his mouth open, it might not be a problem to swallow a child as old as Zhang Jiaohua in one gulp. Shouldn't be able to swallow that cow. Perhaps because of this, the buffalo has been able to survive until now.

The anaconda was like a dragon in the water, its speed was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it had almost jumped on Liu Yunjun who was struggling to climb up.

"What can I do? What can I do?" Liu Guocai was in a hurry, picked up a rock the size of a head, and threw it at the anaconda.

The anaconda was very flexible, and easily dodged Liu Guocai's attack with a flash. Instead, he hissed furiously at Liu Guocai who was attacking it.

"Bastard! There's something coming at me!" Liu Guocai wanted to keep hitting him with stones, trying to irritate the anaconda and let the two people who were climbing on the pool wall temporarily escape from danger.

Liu Yunjun and Liu Zongtai climbed up quickly. Although Liu Yunjun was far behind, he quickly caught up. Liu Guocai delayed Anaconda so much, he had already caught up with Liu Guocai.

Zhang Jiaohua did not stand idly by either, he knew the danger of the anaconda. This is a psychic beast, and even knows how to work with the ghosts. They drove the buffalo here. Although it may not be to attract the villagers, their purpose must be to devour the flesh and blood of the buffalo. If it weren't for the fact that the buffalo is too big, although the anaconda has a big appetite, if it wants to swallow a big buffalo, it still has to worry about the danger of choking to death if it doesn't swallow it. This anaconda is psychic and intelligent, and its force value is extremely high, so it is quite difficult to deal with it.

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