80’s: Lucky and Delicate Girl

262 Slap in the face on the spot 7

There are not enough ingredients, there are so many mouths outside, today is such a good day, how ugly the scene is if you can't get enough to eat? The top will also feel incompetent.

"I'm running out of ingredients. It's really unfortunate. If I didn't have enough here, I would want to lend them to you."

Li Cuihua said gloatingly, looking forward to Yunzheng's embarrassing situation for a while, when the group she was in charge of would be able to eat hot meals, while the second group could only watch, and would definitely blame Yunzheng for this.


Yunzheng was really stumped, this clever woman can't cook without rice, and without ingredients, she can't do it with all her skills.

Although she has no shortage of space, but now so many people are watching, she can't take out the ingredients from the space.

Just when her head was bald, she suddenly smelled a stench, and following the smell, she saw two men walking out carrying a huge wooden barrel.

She immediately walked over to stop them, lifted the lid, and revealed the pig's blood, pig intestines and belly inside, "Where are you going to get this?"

The two men smiled and said, "You said these viscera, these are the ones that have just been taken out and haven't had time to deal with, and they stink here, and no one eats them, so we plan to give them to military dogs. "

Yunzheng thought about it and said, "Then you can give it to me, I have a way to make it."

When these words came out, everyone was surprised.

Li Cuihua laughed even more tears came out, "Sister Yunzheng, are you crazy? These are all for animals to eat. It's too immoral for you to eat them for researchers?"

Seeing everyone's questioning and dissatisfied expressions, Yunzheng explained, "My family lives in the countryside, and we all treat our internal organs as treasures. I have a way to make them, and the taste will never disappoint."

In this era, materials are scarce, and a lot of seasonings are needed to make the internal organs delicious, so basically no one wants to eat this, and the taste is too great when boiled directly, which makes people nauseous, and the internal organs are eaten by animals over time.

So when Yunzheng said that there is a way to make it delicious, everyone didn't believe it.

But now Yunzheng's ingredients are not enough, and it seems that there is no other way out except this method.

Yunzheng got the internal organs and started to make them.

Li Cuihua sneered for a while and then did her own thing. Since Yunzheng was going to die, why should she stop her, just wait and watch the show.

At that time, if you bring out a table of smelly internal organs and treat the researchers like animals, you will definitely be punished.

Li Cuihua was instantly overjoyed, feeling that all the fuss she had suffered before had been repaid in a short while.

What she cooks are ordinary home-cooked dishes, which are very fast. She cooked them earlier than Yunzheng, and then let people take them out one by one.

The location of the bonfire party was arranged at the training ground, and a table was set up on it for the performance of the art troupe in the evening.

There were also two huge long tables under the table. Now the researchers from one group and two groups have all sat there, and the leaders have all arrived, chatting and laughing with each other.

Li Cuihua put the dishes one by one, and the researchers who had been hungry for a long time began to drool.

The second group of researchers asked why when they saw them. Li Cuihua rubbed her hands together and said, "Your second group is your Huo team's daughter-in-law doing it. She cooks internal organs, which is a bit slower than me. You can eat it after a while. "

[6, another day of being scolded]

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