80’s: Lucky and Delicate Girl

115 Grandma's accident 1

"Uncle Jiang, do you have a daughter?" Yunzheng was surprised, because the original owner's personal interview on financial news about him in his previous life stated that he was single.

Moreover, the reporter also made a very official reply to his personal feelings. The richest man who can shake three times in Beijing is very clean.

It is said that he was hurt by love when he was young, and since then he has avoided women, and when he is in his 40s and 50s, he is all alone.

Why is there another daughter coming out? Could it be this Jiang Pei is not the other Jiang Pei?

"Yeah, but I'm not blessed. Not only did I fail to see my daughter born, but my lover was also lost." Jiang Pei's eyes dimmed, and he recalled some past events. In fact, he wasn't sure if his lover was pregnant. Daughter, but he often dreams of girls, so he thinks that is the daughter.

"I'm sorry, I brought up Uncle Jiang's sadness." Yunzheng pursed her lips apologetically, but couldn't help but ask, "I take the liberty to ask, are your lover and daughter missing?"

After all, the times a decade ago were very turbulent, and it was common for many people to be sent down and go missing.

Jiang Pei usually never takes the initiative to talk about his personal affairs with others, and suffers from bitterness alone, but he is particularly eager to talk to Yunzheng, "I had an accident, my lover might be disappointed in me and left me, For so many years, I have been waiting for them to come back and be able to reunite as a family."

So this is the reason why Jiang Pei changed the name of the jewelry store into a wife stone?

Jiang Pei's eyes were full of years of longing, and the corners of his eyes were slightly wet, "Actually, I was just joking, as long as my daughter can come back and recognize me, even if she is not as smart and cute as you, even if she is short of arms and legs, life can't be. I will take care of myself, I will love her very much, I just want to be able to say to her one day, I am no longer a wild father without a daughter!"

"Uncle Jiang, if you love your wife and daughter so much, they will definitely feel your expectations and come back to you. Your daughter will also tell you that she is no longer a wild child without a father." Yun Zheng sincerely sighed that he was a little envious of Jiang Pei's daughter. To have such a good father is not only a wealthy, proper daughter slave, in contrast, the original owner's father is not worthy of his shoes.

"According to your auspicious words, I will keep looking for it." Perhaps Yunzheng's eyes were too sincere, and Jiang Pei was inexplicably poured into infinite power, and he felt that the future was bright.

He rubbed his sore eyes, didn't want to mention heavy things anymore, and changed the conversation with a smile, "Girl, it's okay if you don't want to accept the huge compensation from me, but since you like my fast land, I can arrange it now. The formalities are directly transferred to your name account."

"No, one yard is one yard, it's as much as you want. If Uncle Jiang doesn't accept my top-grade jadeite, I won't buy the land from you."

Yunzheng is not pretending to be arrogant, but no matter what age, connections are very important, and money can't buy it!

Yunzheng is very far-sighted. Although she refuses the benefits of being delivered to her door now, she has attracted Jiang Pei. As long as she hugs her thighs, the benefits she will get from it in the future will be far higher than this piece of land.

"Okay, I can accept your jadeite, but the market price of your jadeite is 1.5 million yuan. It's your loss to buy a piece of land from me. I will give you another piece of land on Jinxiu Street."

Jiang Pei could see that Yunzheng had integrity, so he changed his routine. Anyway, he had to let Yunzheng take advantage.

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