The latest website: "Qiaoqiao, this is your grandfather." Chu Yuanzhi said.


Chu Qiao screamed, but did not show much enthusiasm. She had never seen the old man since she was born. Apart from blood relationship, she really had no feelings.

The old man looked very excited and said in a trembling voice, "You are upright, you look a lot like your grandma."

"Actually, it doesn't look like that. Grandpa, you will find out after watching it for a long time. Grandma and I are not alike at all." Chu Qiao said this deliberately.

She doesn't want to be like her grandmother. Her grandmother has good looks, but she is not lucky.

"It looks like, Yuanzhi, do you think it looks like it?" The old man was immersed in joy before he could hear Chu Qiao's voice.

Chu Yuanzhi told the truth, "It really doesn't look like it, father, you only feel like it when you first saw it, and it will change in a few days."

The smile on the old man's face froze for a moment, and he stared angrily. This son was not smart when he was young, and he couldn't keep up with his thoughts.

Chu Qiao restrained himself from laughing, and asked, "Is Grandpa here to pay homage to my mother?"

"No, your father has to come."

The old man snorted, how could he worship his dead ex-daughter-in-law, he was an elder.

Chu Yuanzhi's expression immediately became sad, and he sighed: "I'm here to say goodbye, your mother left too suddenly."

He went out for a vacation, and when he came back, he heard that Sun Yinxiu had died.

Chu Qiao didn't answer, she felt that her father was fake, and was afraid that she couldn't help but scolded her father, so she didn't say anything.

Everyone didn't speak, it was quiet all of a sudden, a little embarrassed, Gu Ye smoothed out: "Let's go to dinner together."

Chu Yuanzhi nodded, he happened to be hungry.

The old man has no opinion. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten Hangbang cuisine. He vaguely saw steamed pork with dried vegetables and steamed ham with bacon, all of which he likes to eat. He can’t eat such authentic Hangzhou cuisine abroad. .

Chu Dingxiang looked outside, disgusted, these villagers talked loudly when they were eating, and saliva was sprayed on the dishes. After drinking a spoonful, I reached in and scooped the soup, all of which were saliva.

The chest rolled for a while, Chu Clove retched a few times, and said with disgust: "I'm not hungry, I won't eat."

Even if she was killed, she would not eat these disgusting meals, nor would she eat at the same table with these unqualified peasants.

Seeing her dislike, Chu Qiao said, "Then you stay in the room, we're going to eat."

It is true that most of the villagers do not have table manners, let alone the concept of serving chopsticks. Everyone eats like this. She doesn't care because she has lived in the village for fifteen years and is essentially a farmer, so she cannot forget her roots.

It's normal for Chu Dingxiang not to adapt. She lives abroad and has accepted the meal-sharing system since she was a child. It's really hard to get used to eating at such a big table.

If this cousin wasn't so obsessed with prescriptions and looked at people like a dog, Chu Qiao would have brought some meals over by herself, but now she doesn't bother to care, let's starve.

The old man didn't care about her. He couldn't wait to have a good meal. Chu Dingxiang watched them sit at the table. It was in the yard, you could see it from the window and smell the vegetables, which made her even more hungry.

The meal she ate in the morning has now been digested, and Chu Dingxiang is now hungry, regretting that she said too much, she can't step down, so she can only support her in the room.

Zhang Guifang was also hungry. She had been hoeing for a while. She was exhausted and hungry. Her youngest son didn’t deliver food for a long time. .

She wants to go back to eat, why let her work in the field alone, Zhang Guifang gets more and more angry, and rushes home angrily. Seeing a large group of people eating and drinking, her heart is even more angry, and she will scold when she opens her mouth. .

The younger son's voice sounded in front of him, coldly, "I was just about to bring you food, what are you doing here?"

"I'm hungry, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Zhang Guifang wanted to be assertive, but as soon as he said it, he was automatically weakened by half. He looked at the food in his son's hands eagerly. There were steamed pork with dried vegetables, as well as three fresh and salted fish. They were all good dishes. DC.

"Go to the house to eat, and continue hoeing after eating. You must finish hoeing today."

Sun Hongbo was not soft-hearted, his mother had to be ruthless, he was going to work under his cousin's husband in the future, and he couldn't let his mother do bad things.

Zhang Guifang wanted to refute a few words, but seeing the cold eyes of her younger son, she withdrew, took the meal honestly, went into the house to eat, and confronted the restless Chu Dingxiang.

"Who are you?" Zhang Guifang asked, looking alert.

"Cousin's guest, eat your meal and mind your own business!"

Sun Hongbo glared, put the food on the table, Zhang Guifang sat down angrily, but after eating a piece of meat, she felt better, and ate it in a big mouth, and asked Sun Hongbo to get more meat.


Sun Hongbo didn't want to be hungry, so he went out to get the food. Chu Dingxiang hesitated again and again, and summoned the courage to call: "Help...I'll get some food too, just like this one."

It looked quite delicious, but Chu Lixiang couldn't care less about it now, she just wanted to eat and fill her stomach.

Sun Hongbo agreed. He did not know the grievances between Chu Dingxiang and Chu Qiao. He felt that the visitor was a guest and must be entertained.

After a while, he came back with a large bowl of food, handed it to Chu Dingxiang, brought a plate of meat to his mother, and warned him a few words before going out to eat.

After Zhang Guifang finished eating, she began to look at Chu Dingxiang. This woman was the guest of the dead girl. Seeing that she was dressed as a rich man, Zhang Guifang made a small calculation in her heart.

"Are you Chu Qiao's friend?"

Chu Dingxiang also ate it. She didn't finish her meal, and there was half a bowl left. She took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth and replied, "I'm Cousin Chu Qiao, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm her aunt, why don't you and Chu Qiao look alike?"

Zhang Guifang's eyes are a little disgusting. It was born to a grandfather, and his appearance is too different. This face is the same as the sole of a shoe, so ugly.

The Sun family is good-looking, and Zhang Guifang is not bad. When he was young, he was considered a flower in the village. Even after giving birth to a child, he became very fat and his appearance changed greatly, but the foundation was still there.

Chu Dingxiang was in a panic, gritted her teeth and said, "My grandma is the wife of the big room, and grandma Chu Qiao is the concubine, and they don't look alike."

"It's no wonder that Chu Qiao is good-looking, and Ganqing was born by my aunt."

Zhang Guifang suddenly The concubines in the play, all look like fox spirits, charming and charming, just like Chu Qiao's dead girl, they are not good things.

Although she is not very smart, she can also see that Chu Dingxiang has an opinion on Chu Qiao. The relationship between the sisters does not seem to be very good. Zhang Guifang is thinking about how to cheat some money from Chu Dingxiang.

Chu Dingxiang was not idle. She also saw that Zhang Guifang disliked Chu Qiao. This aunt who didn't seem very smart could be used by her.

"That cousin..."

"Aunt, right?"

The two spoke at the same time and smiled awkwardly, Chu Dingxiang motioned to Zhang Guifang to speak first.

------off topic-----

Continue tomorrow, darlings, cast more votes, the author will work hard to code


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