5 years ago, November 1st.

Xia Yihan returned to Wangjiang City with money, mobile phone and purple cardstock. This day is her birthday, and she wants to spend it with Mu Shangqing. Although Mu Shangqing is very busy, he still brings her a cake every birthday. Or take her out for a walk.

At the end of September and early October, he sent her to his aunt's house and told her to get along well with his aunt and uncle. During that time, Mu Shangqing was so busy and dizzy. Sometimes he slept in the unit at night and worked with his life, but Xia Yihan didn't think he was busy and threw her to Huang Li.

She felt that he had a unavoidable problem, he didn't say, she didn't ask, maybe he did not ask.

Leaving home, leaving Mu Shangqing, Xia Yihan is not sad, but a little uncomfortable.

She lived her own life as usual, just like copying and pasting Wangjiang's lifestyle.

But on November 1, she wanted to meet Mu Shangqing to celebrate her birthday together.

Xia Yihan saved up his living expenses, booked a car online, drove directly back to Wangjiang City, and returned to the Mingpin Community. But Mu Shangqing is not at home, and the atmosphere at home is still a bit weird.

Mu Shangqing loves to be clean, and every morning he will fold the quilt, arrange the things on the table, and open the windows to let in the wind. But now the empty room looks messy, as if just after a fight, the window has not been opened, just looking at this "scene", I thought it was Mu Shangqing who absconded in fear of crime, and was ready to go forever.

Looking at the messy room, Xia Yihan called Mu Shangqing, but no one answered. She simply rummaged through the house to see if something was missing.

After searching for it thoroughly, I found that not only was there a lot of things, but there was also a lot of it-she was very familiar with a piece of paper pressed on the corner of the bed, and that was her personal belongings. Mu Shangqing secretly took a piece of it, and it said that A few large characters: "Director of the Supernormal Research and Investigation Division", and a cross made of personal bones is painted behind.

After Xia Yihan finished reading. Press these words firmly in my mind, and put the cardstock back in place. Otherwise, she found no abnormalities and walked out of the house.

She came to Changning Street. Next to the Public Security Bureau, there was a white low building where Mu Shangqing worked. She used to play truant, followed Mu Shangqing, and found out that he was working here.

I don't know what I'm doing sneakily.

The place where he works is very mysterious. The outside looks like a row of facades selling motorcycles. There are residents or offices on it, but Xia Yihan has gone up there and there are only stairs, no rooms, and no entrance.

Mu Shangqing disappeared out of thin air as if walking into a low building.

On the evening of November 1, Xia Yihan wandered outside the low building, hoping to meet Mu Shangqing, but after waiting for a long time, no one came in or out of the building.

She was tired and walked home, but when she got to the door, she found that the door was open, and there was light inside, falling on the ground in a diagonal line, and there was noise, mixed with vague conversations.

There were people coming up continuously behind him, Xia Yihan was afraid of being found, turned his toes, and left immediately.

After walking out of the unit building, she looked up at the lit window, and suddenly had a hunch.

Mu Shangqing ran away, and now at home, either his colleague or the policeman.

On November 2, Xia Yihan has been wandering on the street. She went to many places, coffee shops, museums, galleries, and parks. These are the places Mu Shangqing took her to for her birthday in previous years. She hopes to see Mu Shangqing in these places, see him sitting in the cafe, standing at the entrance of the art gallery, seeing her, and saying to her: Xiaohan, I have been waiting for you!

But after searching for a day, there was no gain. It seems that Mu Shangqing not only went on strike, but also didn't want her as a cub-he must have not returned to Chenyang to find her, otherwise he would try to contact her by any means.

But her mobile phone never received a reply.

Xia Yihan finally came to a place, Huaxieting, which was like a wasteland. Because of the demolition, work was stopped, all people were evacuated, and the construction team disappeared. It was like being abandoned by the outside world, broken walls, and garbage piled up. Even wild dogs hate it.

She remembered Mu Shangqing once told her that if he retires in the future, he must be here to grow vegetables.

Xia Yihan also knew that Mu Shangqing spent his childhood here, and there was also a locust tree, which was older than Mu Shangqing.

She wandered for a long time, and the surrounding streets could not make the streets, the roads could not make the roads, she somewhat forgot, where the locust tree was planted. Maybe it has been torn down, carried away, made into wood and burned out.

There were no street lights around, only moonlight lighting. She searched for it and finally found the locust tree, lying on the ground, mixed with bricks and stones, as if to be buried together.

She walked to the locust tree, touched the trunk, and suddenly noticed that there was a deep hole beside the tree, which seemed to have just been dug. Before she had time to take a closer look, she heard a little noise, from the small brick near the locust tree. The room came out.

She was dexterous, hiding behind the small brick house, and several figures appeared in the dark night. Two of them are carrying individuals. Xia Yihan's eyes were good, and he recognized it almost immediately. The person they were carrying was Mu Shangqing.

The other two people pulled out the shovel from the stone pile next to them, and dug the hole next to the locust tree a little deeper. Afterwards, they Mu Shangqing put them in the pit and threw something in. In the end, the five people worked together to restore the earth pit. The earth around this area had been turned over, messy, and there were people buried in the pit, and no abnormalities could be seen.

Xia Yihan was like a black cat, lurking in the dark night, hiding the light in her eyes. Her heart beat faster, but she was not nervous. She saw five figures, his father, and saw those people holding knives in their hands, and she could even smell the blood on them.

She was a little dry in her mouth, her eyes widened, and she stared forward motionlessly. With the outline of the moonlight, she imprinted the outlines of these five people in her mind.

She saw clearly that among the five people, there were two men and three women, all of whom were older, about 30 to 50 years old, gathered together like a murder scene of a premeditated crime. After the murder, the body was buried in an orderly manner. , Destroy the stolen property.

After burying the body, the five people stood in a circle, all bowed their heads, looking at their feet. In the end, they left at the same time and spread out.

These five people went in different directions, and Xia Yihan couldn't follow them at the same time, so he chose one of the younger men. He took out a card in his hand, folded it, and put it in his pocket.

When following, she was a little flustered, because she clearly realized that she must not be lost, or she would never know who killed her father.

Xia Yihan followed the murderer far away, silently, quieter and more dexterous than a wild cat. Outside a public toilet, the murderer took off his coat and washed the blood on his hands by the faucet. Then he dunked some mud on the side of the road and wiped it on his body to cover up the blood. It was like driving through a puddle, splashing mud on him.

After completing the disguise, he moved on until he reached the Xinye community. This community is familiar to Xia Yihan, and it is near the mysterious low building. She saw the murderer approaching 11 buildings.

He is the resident inside, and he lives inside!

After writing down his address, Xia Yihan hurried back to Huaxieting and back to the locust tree.

She took the shovel and dug up the dirt again.

After searching for two full days, she finally saw her father, who was lying in the mud, covered in blood and a peaceful face.

Xia Yihan stretched out his hand and wiped the dirt off Mu Shangqing's face. She turned on the phone, illuminating his face.

He looks so good-looking, even if it is stained with blood, mixed with mud, and his face is wounded, his facial features are still correct, which makes people want to help him clean his face and heal all his wounds.

Xia Yihan sat by the long pit, she was surprisingly calm, did not cry, did not yell, and even her breathing became calm.

In her imagination, after seeing her father, he would smile at her, his eyes bright, and his arms outstretched to her. But at this moment, he was lying motionless in the earthen coffin, with 5 stab wounds on his body.

Xia Yihan took off Mu Shangqing's clothes and observed carefully. One of the cuts was bandaged and there were signs of scabs. It shouldn't be the injury tonight. The other four wounds were fresh scars, with obvious bloodstains messy.

There were five knives in the pit. She used her mobile phone to identify them. Four of them had dried blood stains, and one of the knives was clean and did not seem to have penetrated the body.

In the deserted Huaxie Court, Xia Yihan is like a detective, observing the scene attentively and searching for evidence.

In addition to the knives, she also found a mobile phone, a second-hand copycat, with almost no traces of use, like it was bought by Mu Shangqing, but with 5 call records. Call five numbers separately.

In the dark night, Xia Yihan's pupils shrank sharply in the face of the glare of the phone. She turned off the screen of the mobile phone and put it in her bag. She took the shovel, and finally took a look at Mu Shangxin, then restored the dirt pit to the side. Sophora japonica remained motionless.

Xia Yihan remembered that Mu Shangqing once said that he liked the locust tree in his hometown very much. This tree filled his childhood. Now that the tree has fallen, he has fallen too, but fortunately, there is one person and one tree, and he has a companion. Son.

Xia Yihan put her hand in her pocket, and after confirming that there was no one around, she returned the same way and disappeared into the night.

After returning to Chenyang City, her life is still the same. She goes to school, after school, eats, sleeps, does her own thing, lives in her own world, has no companions, and no communication. A person went out to face the morning sun and returned with the stars.

In the few days before returning to Chenyang, the police came to her and asked about Mu Shangqing. Xia Yihan just said lightly that she didn't know that after they came to her aunt's house, they had no contact.

On her birthday, she called her father, but he didn't answer, so let's do it.

She didn't say a word about what she saw and heard, and she didn't trust the police. After Xiaomei died, she went to the police, but it didn't help. The police believed what a good teacher said, and automatically ignored her, a bad student.

Moreover, she also guessed that the mysterious organization Mu Shangqing worked was inextricably linked to the Public Security Bureau.

First, the headquarters of the mysterious organization is near the Public Security Department. She has seen people rushing to the Public Security Department. They seem to be cooperating. Second, before she left Wangjiang City, she asked Mu Shangqing to work. How's it going? And Mu Shangqing's answer is: The place where I work is a hell.

Perhaps the murderers behind Mu Shangqing's death were the mysterious organization and the Public Security Bureau, and now they are just shouting to catch the thief.

She kept this secret, and she didn't even mention it to Huang Li and Wang Zitao. They asked her where she went on her birthday. She just avoided the importance and said lightly: I was bored and went out to relax.

But let alone, it does not mean forgetting. She knows that what she wants to remember will never be forgotten.

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