In front of the computer, Chu Yu and Muyu flipped very slowly, carefully examining each word, not even the punctuation marks.

From the morning to the evening, Fang Da entrusted the lunch to come in.

After finally being over, Chu Yu put on a lavender steam blindfold to save the blinding eyes.

Fang Datuo and Song Qingyang also came in, preparing to hold a case analysis meeting together and contribute some meager brainpower.

Chu Yu lay in the armchair, as if he was asleep, and asked, "Do you have any new discoveries?"

Muyu held the coffee and thoughtfully: "Every deceased has appeared in Chief Mu's diary. Except for the last one, the others have appeared early. Within a few days, they will die tragically."

Chu Yu discovered this during the last inspection, but this time he marked out the time when the unsuspecting case occurred, and the relationship was intuitively reflected, which seemed shocking.

Mu Shangqing's diary is a "Death Note", and a stranger who appears has a half chance of dying.

"I also noticed one thing. Chief Mu said that he had never mentioned Superman to Xiaohuahua. Even in his diary, he paid attention to confidentiality, and did not mention the name. How did Xiaohuahua know? Where is our existence?"

"I think this problem can solve another problem." Chu Yu's whole body is only moving with his mouth, and other parts are already in a state of disengagement. "The person who wrote that card paper must know Superman and Da Chu. So I am more inclined. It was written by Chief Mu. Later, Xiaohuahua saw it and learned of the existence of Superman."

Muyu is strange: "But you just compared the handwriting. Isn't it not like the one written by Chief Mu?"

"It can also be written in left hand."

"Why is this? From the diary, there is no contradiction between him and Da Chu."

Chu Yu felt his eyes warm, and the temperature was transmitted to his brain, which seemed to promote the activation of the cerebral cortex and his thinking became clear.

"Let us go back to the diary itself. The people in the pending case have two things in common. First: they have all been in contact with Da Chu; second: they have all appeared in the diary of Chief Mu. Killed by the murderer, so now it makes sense, there are two possibilities, first: the operation of the big Chu, killing people; second: the murderer read the diary of Chief Mu and killed people."

Hearing that Chu Yu assumed Chu Dongren as a murderer, and there was no fluctuation in her tone, Muyu couldn't help but stare at her, knowing that she was completely spared this time-only considering the case, not feelings, who is the murderer and who is in the game. , The right thing is not the right person.

"Then, let's combine what we have inferred. Five years ago, five family members of the deceased killed Chief Mu in Huaxieting. Let Chief Mu come to meet and the five people killed one person together. There are two possibilities. The first is that the five people are the murderers of the unsettled case, and they killed their relatives; the second: Chief Mu is the murderer, and the others kill him for revenge."

Muyu's eyes went up crazy, combing through the logical relationship, "That's not right, didn't you just say that maybe the murderer might be the cause?"

Fang Datuo frowned and interjected: "What Chu wants to say, is it mind control?"

"Yes." Chu Yu was lying halfway, with the top half of his face covered, and couldn't see her expression clearly, but his tone couldn't help lowering. If he didn't look at her, just listen to the voice, like a military channel narration.

"If it is really operated by the Great Chu, it is out of ten. Nine out of ten are mind control, using drugs and hypnosis to invisibly disintegrate others' understanding of themselves, so that individuals can completely change their original views, and accept the values ​​and worldviews instilled by the controller. , So as to act according to the wishes of the manipulator."

Fang Datuo couldn’t help nodding, “If that’s the case, Section Chief Namu may also be controlled, and the diary is not very useful, because he can only see that Da Chu is working seriously, and he only feels that he is doing research and research. Know what is really being studied."

After Song Qingyang listened, the iron thorns all over his body were shaking, "But why did the Da Chu Department do this? It is meaningless!? Our Superman Department investigates and studies cases of supernormal people. On the one hand, it solves the case and on the other hand, it solves the supernormal phenomenon. , If you go to kill people, isn't that a super normal person in itself?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the office, Muyu and Fang Datuo didn't know how to answer, but Chu Yu didn't dare to answer easily.

She suddenly remembered Hu Bin's exhortation at a city hospital: if the investigation continues, it may be of no benefit to the society. The truth is very important, but social stability is also very important. It's like a towering tree. One piece of its bark is broken. Originally, this piece of bark can be dug out without affecting the growth of other parts. But in order to find the root, dig the ground three feet to let the whole tree root It is revealed that although the source has been found, the growth of the entire tree is also threatened, and the bark that is not necrotic is also at risk.

Now that I think about it, this is probably alluding to a higher level-if Chu Dongren uses his spirit to control and kill, is it an order from a higher level? The Supernormal Research and Investigation Office, which is in charge of supernormal cases, is actually the executive department that conducts secret psychiatric experiments?

But why is she now serving as the director, but never received any abnormal instructions? Could it be that Mu Shangqing discovered it, so he killed him, then concealed the truth and sealed the file in dust?

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Yu went from the cold hair to the belly button. It was hard to imagine how the superhuman place she was proud of would hide the dirt!?

After stabilizing her mentality, she answered Song Qingyang's doubts, "This is just our guess. We are now digging out all the potential possibilities. The ideas may be bolder, so today's conversation must not be spread!"

"Don't worry, if you shake your arms out, we won't have any fruit to eat, we won't stay if you leave!"

Fang Datuo: "Then we continue to talk about the second possibility?"

"Second possibility: Chief Mu was a murderer, so other people killed him to avenge his relatives. Chief Mu said that he and the murderer were killed together, but he actually let the family of the deceased kill him. This is the murderer. killed."

Fang Datuo: "But there are contradictions in this kind of speculation. First, as you said, from the diary of Chief Mu, he was found to be a kind and sincere person, and because of unsuccessful investigations, he often went to the Public Security Bureau to find out the truth. Fierce; second, on the night of the disappearance of Chief Mu, there were witnesses who said that he had seen him fight with others. If he was a murderer, who was fighting with him; third, even if Chief Mu was the murderer, he knew Wrong, if he wants to correct the evil, with his IQ and accomplishments, he should surrender himself to the crime, not in the primitive way of private revenge."

After listening to Chu Yu, his lips moved: "I suspect now that he is not manic."

Mu Yu was startled, "But didn't Da Chu repeatedly confirm at the time that Chief Mu had manic symptoms, not other psychological disorders."

Chu Yu pushed up the blindfold, opened his eyes, and cast a tired look at Muyu.

Muyu suddenly realized: "Oh, right, you have to get rid of what Da Chu said before, and you can't be affected by him."

Fang Datuo questioned from a professional point of view: "Do you want to talk about dissociative identity disorder? The section chief of Kemu does not meet its diagnostic criteria. People with dissociative identity disorder cannot recall important personal information, and memory fragments may appear. Chief Mu has been working in the department for four years. It is under pressure and many tasks. If he can't remember things suddenly, he can't do the work, and it's easy to be spotted."

"Yes, last time we asked the clerk of the Superman Division together, none of them mentioned that Chief Mu has memory problems." Muyu also questioned.

Chu Yu sat up and took off the blindfold, "But now there are two things that can prove that there is a problem with Chief Mu's memory."

Fang Datuo: "That card stock?"

"Yes, the card paper is one, and there are documents recording the life of Da Chu. If Chief Mu has no memory problems, he does not need to write it down. These contents are relatively private and it will be very bad for others to see it."

"But if Mu Ke grows to the later stage and shows signs of manic episodes, he will also write down some things, so he can remind himself at any time, right?"

Chu nodded: "It may also be that these are our guesses now. Let's vote for the first possibility and raise our hands."

Fang Datuo raised his hand. He did research on mind control. At that time, he heard about a series of unsettled cases and considered it in this regard. It’s just that this kind of thing was too sensitive and there was no evidence, so he didn’t bring it up. Now that Chu Yu has made it public. Discuss, then he wants to vote for it.

Muyu hesitated, thought for a while, and also raised his hand.

"What's the reason?"

Muyu: "Because Da Chu ran away, if it is the problem with Chief Mu, then why did he run away?"

Fang Datuo: "I recalled the performance of the relatives of the deceased. They refused to tell the truth. It felt like they were the murderers themselves, and they knew it, but they didn’t want to say it, as if they felt that secrecy was a thing. It's normal, not as simple as simply being afraid of going to jail."

Chu Yu nodded and looked at Song Qingyang, "Are you inclined to the second one?"

Song Qingyang nodded, "Yes, if I had to choose one, I would prefer the second one, because we went to ask Mrs. Cai together and learned of Mr. Mu’s childhood experience. It was so miserable. Scolding, being squeezed out by adults, being taught by his mother, and later being raped by a scum. If it were me, I would definitely beat all those people, so I think, the childhood of those deceased and Mr. Mu is not What connection led to future revenge?"

Chu Yu looked down and thought about it. She investigated the backgrounds of the five deceased and confirmed that they were all locals in their respective locations and had not been to Huaxieting. However, after the Huaxieting was demolished, some of the residents moved to Wangjiang City. In the neighborhood, some migrant workers are scattered across the country, so it is not known whether the deceased had contact with the original residents of Huaxieting.

Now there are two main possibilities, like two roads, which form a bifurcation point. They stand at the intersection and decide which road they want to go.

If it is determined that it is the first one, then you have to change the direction of the investigation and go up, and you have to be very careful, you have to prepare the entire Superman department.

If it is determined that it is the second article, then you can start with the family of the deceased to get all the truth, at least their spirit is normal. But for them to plead guilty, they must have enough information about the case in advance so that they can be guided in a targeted manner, otherwise they will be easily misled.

So the key now is to determine whether Chief Mu is a dissociative identity disorder.

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