Nurse Zhu thought for a while and her face was distressed: "It is not easy to arrange, because not only the ward itself has to be changed, but also the surrounding facilities. After entering the ward, the layout inside can be similar, but the scenery outside the window must be different, even if you look at the 414 ward next door, you can see the difference."

Dean Qin sat behind the computer desk and added: "But if the requested time is not long, you can close the curtains, and at night, instead of standing by the window, you will sit on the bed and look out of the window. The difference is that there are no obvious high-rise buildings near the hospital, and there is a lot of greenery. At night, they are the same. If you don’t look carefully, you may not be able to tell."

Chu Yu listened to the analysis, and pondered for a moment: "Then I will bother you to choose a room with the smallest difference and arrange it as a ward 413."


Chu Yu and Xue Jinping met. This woman who was more than half a hundred years old had grayed head, thick and long eyebrows, rounded to the outer circle of the eye, lowered down, in a figure eight shape, and her eyelids were wrinkled, her eyes were narrow and straight. The face looked listless.

When Chu Yu saw her, she knew that she was conscious, her eyes were steady, her focus was normal, there was no obvious emotional ups and downs, but she didn't speak, and treated the visitor as an ordinary doctor.

Chu Yu didn't plan to communicate with her normally. She asked Dean Qin about the situation in the past few years. The Public Security Bureau also suspects that Xue Jinping is a person familiar with the pending case. After her mental disorder, she hopes to obtain effective information from her.

So the Public Security Bureau entrusted the hospital to help conduct inquiries, but the results were surprising, because Xue Jinping always felt that he had killed Lu Xuanwen, but she did not disclose how the "assault" was done.

The Public Security Bureau found it incredible because Xue Jinping had no time to commit the crime and no motive. At that time, a psychiatrist conducted a special examination and questioning on her, which ruled out the possibility of her committing a crime due to a mental disorder.

The irony is that after Lu Xuanwen's death, she has been in normal spirit, and she was in a state of vigor with Fushan Hospital, but half a year later, she was uncharacteristically, suddenly schizophrenic, and was admitted to Fushan Hospital.

And amazingly, she sold her family property first, named her name to go to Fukuyama Hospital, and stayed in a "luxury single room", and invested all her life savings, as if she lived in ward 413 of the sensory impairment group, which was her life goal. ——She has a mental disorder, sold her family property, and deliberately deliberately, all in order to settle down in 413.

The medical staff were panicked, thinking that she had changed her tactics. She used to make trouble outside the hospital and couldn't make waves. Now she wants to break into the hospital and erode the enemy from the inside.

Therefore, the doctor conducted a comprehensive examination on her to determine whether she was pretending to be crazy, but Xue Jinping's symptoms were quite obvious. When she became ill, she had severe hallucinations, mainly auditory hallucinations, as if Lu Xuanwen was resurrected and whispering in her ear.

And after being admitted to the hospital, Xue Jinping did not make a big noise in the palace. When she became ill, she would show obvious language and behavior disturbances, but there were intermittent periods, which were basically normal, but the illness would recur and the medical staff would closely observe for a period of time. , Found that her condition was true and did not pretend.

But after it was confirmed that it was true, the hospital became confused again. After Xue Jinping moved in, even during the intermittent period, he did not hate the hospital. Is this completely thought of, knowing that Lu Xuanwen's death has nothing to do with the hospital, and began to feel guilty?

After Chu Yu heard about the situation, he sorted out the timeline and made a speculation: Xue Jinping originally thought that the hospital was the culprit, but later learned that Lu Xuanwen's death was unbearable, mentally disordered, and could no longer come out.

However, even when she was mentally disordered, she remained tight-lipped and did not reveal any secrets back then. Chu Yu couldn't help thinking, how big a secret is this that can make her lose her roots when she is mentally disordered, and not lose the chain at a critical time?

Now, Chu Yu intends to pick out this tendon, feeling that it is just a focus, and it burns in Xue Jinping's brain. If it is not removed, her disease will not be cured.

After meeting with Xue Jinping, Chu Yu confirmed that she was in normal condition, even if she was crazy, she was normal, and she could meet with others normally or abnormally. As long as they could meet, their goal would be achieved.

Chu Yu returned to ward 012, Xia Yihan sat in it, wearing a beige cold-proof suit, which Wu Ke bought for her. The history can be traced back to a month ago in the villa "vacation" in Jinling City. She is now in and out of her body, up and down, all from Wu Ke's hands, including the underwear, she is still a familiar gorilla pattern.

Before leaving the mausoleum, Chu Yu insisted on the virtue of economy, and packed all the daily necessities he needed and sent back to Wangjiang, including Xia Yihan's clothes.

Although Wu Ke's taste is fascinating, the style of clothes he chose fully meets the theme of "earth", but fortunately, Xia Yihan looks like a decent person. "Tide", the country style is vividly worn as a limited edition.

Today, Xia Yihan’s cold-proof clothing, although swollen and foamy, looks like a puff, but fortunately the color is light and warm, which can match the hospital style. Walking around in the hospital will not be particularly abrupt.

It stands to reason that between the wards, all clothes should be taken off and put on hospital gowns, but Chu Yu did not let Xia Yihan put on, and she did not put on a white coat herself. For Xia Yihan, in addition to electronic shackles, There are no other constraints.

Even when Xia Yihan suggested that he wanted to go around, Chu Yu thought about it, called Dean Qin, and finally agreed. In the morning, she was a visitor. After only half a day, she transformed into a guide and took Xia Yihan to visit.

The nurses in the hospital came and went. When they saw them, they didn't stop and stare at them. They often passed by with a quick glance, as they were family members who came to visit.

Chu Yu took Xia Yihan through the closed iron door and came to the activity hall. It was a space of hundreds of square meters, and some patients gathered in it, talking, laughing and talking.

Xia Yihan looked interested, Chu Yu took her and sat down on a chair against the wall. Together, they acted as a quiet listener like two mushrooms.

After a while, Chu Yu knew that the patient sitting next to him was a patient with habit and conflict control disorder. On weekdays, he was troubled by various obsessive habits, and even life was worse than death. But after getting together, he only needs to get up. After he turned his head, he took the initiative to contribute to his troubles. Everyone is welcome to base his happiness on his suffering. Then everyone gave out "pain".

A patient with trichotillomania cocked his legs, let go of his voice, and told about his "heroic history of plucking."

"I, when I was sixteen, other girls were afraid of baldness. I was afraid that I would not be bald. When I was alone in the bedroom, as long as my hands were free, I started to pull out my hair. The more sore I feel when it hurts, and I can't stop it."

As she said, everyone noticed that her head was full of bald spots. From her forehead to behind her ears, it was a bit like deliberately shaved baldness, with long hair behind her head, and a cool and trendy hairstyle.

"Later, my mother found out about my hobby, so she bought me a wig and put it on when it made my hands itchy, but I wore it once and my hands stopped dry, because pulling out the wig didn’t feel the same, and there was no such pain. The sour and refreshing feeling is a fraud for the hands!"

Everyone laughed. The head nurse sat on the periphery with the lowest point of laughter. Just like listening to a cross talk, he just grabbed the seeds and knocked while listening.

There was a patient opposite, with two dark circles under his eyes, and asked: "Why don't you pluck your eyebrows and chills?"

The plucked girl shrugged, "I was sent here before I had time to start!"

There was another burst of laughter, and the head nurse quickly answered: "Our goal is to let you go out with long hair fluttering, long hair reaching your waist, beautiful and rusty!"

The plucking girl took the nurse's hand and looked grateful: "If that's the case, I must knit a sweater with my hair and give it to my beautiful sister Xu!"

Chu Yu listened to the side, smiling with a hidden corner of his mouth. Looking at the girl’s bald spots, you know how painful it is when pulling it out. Not only does it hurt, but it must be filled with panic. It’s like the messy hair that is obstructive when you look at it. It hurts the body, but also hurts the value of the face. Only oneself knows the sorrow and sorrow.

However, it is also a way to solve it now. The weird trichotillomania of ordinary people has become a unique feat here.

After listening to several patients' stories, Chu Yu listened more and more seriously. She sees a lot of super-normal people and commits crimes at every turn. When I saw these "Xiaojiabiyu" today, I felt a little cute. Suddenly, the back of her hand was hot, Xia Yihan's hand came up, she turned her head, and saw Xia Yihan's affection, her eyes curled up, but they didn't seem to be smiling, but looked serious.

"Sister, I think I have the same symptoms."

Chu Yu frowned and looked concerned. She knew that Xia Yihan also had obsessions and behaviors, such as carving Sophora japonica flowers, each time the parts were exactly the same, the shape was exactly the same, even the number of petals was exactly the same. It's just that the facts of the case are not yet clear, and I don't know what her motives are.

Now, after hearing the stories of other patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, is she also aware of her compulsive behavior?

"I feel like I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I must see you every day, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable!"

Chu Yu's frowning brows solidified. After two seconds, she grabbed Xia Yihan's hand and said, "You have a disease called'pathological elder sister syndrome', and you have to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time!"

Xia Yihan opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were a bit darker than usual, "How can I get a cure?"

Chu Yu pulled her up and led her out: "I have to take a walk with my sister and breathe fresh air together."

Passing through an iron gate and an electronic access control, Chu Yu led Xia Yihan to the lawn outside the hospital. The sun is better today. Some patients who are able to move about freely are running on the lawn. Sometimes they stop, gesture to each other, and sometimes sit down, as if returning to the city full of blood.

Chu Yu looked around for a while, thinking that they might be playing the "3D" version of King Glory. One of the patients had an enchanting posture and a coquettish position.

Chu Yu and Xia Yihan walked slowly along the lawn. The weather was cold and the sun was shining on the earth. They walked around in the sun, as if people were warmer by a few degrees.

A patient ran on the lawn and braked to Chu Yu's side. Suddenly, he bowed down politely, called "Your Royal Highness", and then stretched out his hand to signal Chu Yu to give her a hand.

Chu Yu looked at the nurse next to him. The nurse nodded. Chu Yu stretched out his hand, thinking he would give her something, but he grabbed her wrist and ran into the small forest.

Xia Yihan originally stood aside, watching quietly, and seeing them running into the woods, his expression instantly changed, and he raised his foot and chased after him.

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