On the phone, Gu Miao spoke for a long time and explained the situation clearly.

Since returning to Superman, Chu Yu asked the team to investigate Mu Shangqing’s past. Although Chu Dongren told them about his sad past and asked them to keep it secret, Chu Yu didn’t believe it all, and she still wanted to investigate it herself. For a while, speak with facts.

For Mu Shangqing's past, the surface information is easy to find, and he loses it in the intranet, and pulls out a long list of education, work, marriage, and childbirth. But in his childhood, it can be said that he was covered with a layer of veil, and want to verify it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Mu Shangqing spent her childhood in Huaxieting, an ugly and broken neighborhood, where people live as birds and beasts, foraging for food at sunrise, going back to the hole at sunset, and pulling out a hairy dress from the garbage dump. , Is considered a luxury item.

However, the vitality of this small block is quite strong. It has developed from a remote county town to an urban-rural junction. Thirty or forty years ago, all parts of the country were generally poor. Hua Xieting followed the army to get rid of poverty. It is not eye-catching. Ten years later, the surrounding areas have developed and become rich, presenting the emerging atmosphere of a modern city, but Huaxieting is still in its original state, very poor and stubbornly poor, so it also stands out and becomes the rat dung that needs to be eradicated on the city's road to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Six years ago, the land of Huaxieting was expropriated, and the entire block needed to be demolished. Because of this project, the local residents had a big change. When Gu Miao and the others went to visit and investigate, they found that they were already wrong. The small brick house that Mu Shangqing lived in before has been transformed into a tea house. Not so good, facing bankruptcy, I don’t know what to change again.

With the help of the local police station, the team looked for people who moved out, especially the neighbors of Mu Shangqing's neighborhood, to see if they could recall the hard years before.

This is also a huge project. People are like catkins. When they are on the willow tree, they meet each other day and night, but when there is a gust of wind, they will fly around. Maybe after a long time, they will never meet again for a lifetime.

However, the "root-seeking" team still had some gains. They found a few "informed people". They told the team what they could remember. Gu Miao made a transcript. After finishing it, they reported it to Song Qingyang. Thinking of catching up with the "Great Migration".

The testimonies of several neighbors are similar, but to sum up, the content is as follows: Oh, that boy, clean, not very gregarious, I heard that he reads very well, but he seems to be mentally ill, making him crazy. I don’t know if it’s inherited his mother, and so is his mother. He looks gentle and amiable, but he is always suspicious, has a particularly stubborn temper, and has no friends. At the time, it seemed that he had a partner, and the conditions were pretty good. It's good, but it didn't take long, probably because of her personality problem.

She is fine when she is quiet, but as soon as her temper comes up, she loves to beat the child. He can beat whatever he picks up, but the boy is quite strong, and he doesn't cry anyway. It is estimated that he held back and went out to beat others. Both the mother and the son have some mental problems. We don't dare to interact with them deeply, and we are not particularly familiar with them.

Like Song Qingyang's reaction just now, Chu Yu also had a solemn expression.

Mu Shangqing has emotional problems. She knows that mania, with psychotic symptoms, even hits herself. But does Zhou Lanxin also have mental problems?

Chu Dongren didn't mention this when he told the story at the time. I only feel that she is a mother who hopes to be a long-term child. She has raised her baby alone and nurtured excellent construction talents for the country.

According to the neighbor’s description, Zhou Lanxin resembled a paranoid personality, but Chu Yu did not dare to make judgments casually, and the neighbor’s reaction was not necessarily correct. The "friends" they mentioned should be Zheng Xun, the owner of the Yan Hotel, Qiang. Mu Shangqing was violent and scared away by Xiao Shangqing. This guy was out there and had a good reputation.

Chu Yu squeezed the phone to the left and the suitcase in his right hand, but his mind was all on Mu Shangqing, wishing to rush over and meet Gu Miao right away.

"They think Zhou Lanxin has a mental problem. Did they see it with their own eyes or heard about it?"

Neighbors in the neighbourhood, although they live together, they love to chew their tongues. If one direction is wrong, they will all go wrong. A good wife and man may pass by one hundred and ten, become a passionate prodigal, and there are many more. There are two versions, the crazy version, the evil version, the deadly version, and the prodigal son's return to the golden version. Even the "prodigal son" himself will be amazed by the imagination of these rumors.

Gu Miao: "I'm not sure. I have confirmed this question many times. They said that they had contact with Zhou Lanxin, such as letting her make clothes and chatting with her a few words, but they did not rule out that they might be listening. After certain rumors, they formed a stereotype of Zhou Lanxin and Mu Shangqing, and followed the trend, thinking that they had mental problems."

"How many people have you asked now?"

"Three. One used to live downstairs in Mu Shangqing. He was a biscuits seller. One lived in a low room at the back. He also fought with Mu Shangqing. One lived far away, but he asked Zhou Lanxin to make clothes."

"Can you only find these three neighbors?"

"Still looking for it. We found one yesterday, but it's an old age. She talked intermittently. At that time, she was the latest group to leave and worked in a restaurant. She said that six or seven years ago, she seemed to see Mu Shangqing came back with a little girl. At that time, the house hadn't been pushed, and the traces of decades ago can be seen. But she speaks a dialect, there are a lot of native dialects, and I am slurred. I am a local. It all sounds difficult."

Chu Yu's heart began to itch. She knew that the little girl was mostly Xia Yihan - Mu Shangqing and Xia Yihan appeared in the same frame, or from the perspective of others, it was a rare encounter in a thousand years. The itch in her heart began and spread to her mind, stunned her, wishing to immediately put down the work in her hand, rushed to the first interview site, took the microphone, and extended a warm interview to the insider.

Now Gu Miao and the others are adhering to the principle of “more good, better”, asking questions in all directions, from multiple angles, and from a wide range of areas, trying to understand the whole picture of Mu Shangqing’s life back then. If they want to ask specific questions, they still have to go everywhere. There, I learned about Mu Shangqing in advance, and I knew where the key points were related to the case, so I could dig deeper.

Gu Miao's understanding of Mu Shangqing is entirely "second-hand knowledge" inherited from Chu Yu. Moreover, Chu Yu agreed to Chu moving. Part of Mu Shangqing's information needs to be kept confidential, so Gu Miao understands Mu Shangqing's situation. Incomplete, after asking the general questions, it is difficult to grasp the key points.

She herself realized this problem and asked Chuyu: "Otherwise, would you come to meet the person you asked for in person?"

Chu Yu squeezed the lever of the suitcase, struggling in his heart.

Yesterday, Xu Huaiyu knew that she was going to take Xia Yihan to Changyan City, and was furious. Fortunately, he did not wear a hat at the time and bombed her mobile phone. In the end, Chu Yu personally ran to his office in order to save the phone bill for his elderly. Long talk, a decision between big brothers.

But Xu Huaiyu didn't want to push her knees, nor did he want to talk to her for a long time. She felt that she had entered the Alzheimer's team early and was unconscious. Originally, she and Xia Yihan had a "honeymoon for 20 days" in the villa. He had big opinions. Now he is going to "elope" to Changyan to see the last potential victim. This is incredible, arguable... Allow!

His worries are inseparable from Muyu's anger, and he feels that the Phantom of Sophora japonica is tricky, and if you give her a little splash, you can make waves. If she is allowed to approach the potential victim, it is very likely that the latter will be injured and the former will disappear. The loach, which was finally caught, will not give her a chance to slip away.

But fortunately, Chu Yu was very eloquent. After he calmed down a little bit, he moved out the remarks from the meeting the day before yesterday intact and explained the situation: Now that the investigation of the case has entered a bottleneck period, all the people in the know know not to report it. Each one is cruel and cruel, looking at them and asking them to investigate on their own. If they want to advance the investigation, they still have to go to Changyan this time. If they don't enter the tiger's lair, they won't be a tiger.

Perhaps the beautiful prospect of solving the case described by Chu Yu was too tempting. Xu Huaiyu finally expressed his support. There is no way. Who makes her the boss?

He said that he would be the strong backing of Commander Chu, continue to invest in police force, find Mu Shangqing's traces locally, and also contact the Changyan City Public Security Bureau to cooperate with her investigation activities in Changyan City.

Chu Yu expressed his heartfelt thanks for Xu Huaiyu's "tearful cooperation", and said that if she returns triumphantly, she will cook herself and invite him to have a good meal.

Xu Huaiyu said in a high profile: If you can successfully come back, I will send you meals every day, use an oversized lunch box to pick out the best ribs in the cafeteria, and deliver meals to your door every day at noon.

The Superman Department and the Public Security Department are separated by a street, and it can be described as a couple's building across the street. It is theoretically feasible to deliver meals every day.

Therefore, the current situation is that both Wangjiang City and Changyan City are preparing for the "Great Migration". The Wangjiang City Police escorted them in a stealth manner to check the conditions of the corresponding road sections, and the Changyan Police has already done a good job. He was still hesitating to hold a briefing on the case.

As for Fushan Hospital, it was heard that Chu Yu was going to the cafeteria, and a few dishes were added to the recipes to cater for her.

If Chu Yu plans to stay in Wangjiang and ask Mu Shangqing’s neighbors personally, then the time will be postponed. This postponement is not a matter of her alone, but a group of people’s schedule. It’s not like playing mahjong and not going to others. One was missing, but the gun was about to be fired on the battlefield. As a result, she was anxious and let the battle stop for a while.

But the point is that Hua Xieting's investigation has also reached a key point. If she stays, the investigation may be carried out firmly and ruthlessly, and the key point to solve the case can be found.

The clerk of the Superman Division, plus a Wu Ke, didn't dare to say anything when Chu Yu answered the phone, knowing that the boss had a major issue to make a decision, so he stood with his heart eloquently, waiting for the final arrangement.

Chu Yu raised her eyes, she knew that upstairs, Xia Yihan had changed clothes, refreshed and full of expectations, waiting for her to go up, take her out, and take a trip to the devil.

Three minutes later, Chu Yu got up and waved his big hand: "Check one last time and make sure everything is ready!"

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