1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 153 Double Success

The outcome of the trial of this case was just as Romax's lawyer expected. Most of the people, or those who were charged with murder by the prosecutor, were eventually found not guilty. In the trial, the lawyer Romax, who has the nickname of "Devil's Advocate", demonstrated the superior combat effectiveness of the criminal defense lawyer in the United States with the highest winning rate. He keenly grasped the prosecution's seemingly perfect chain of evidence. The little inconspicuous loopholes in the above, and then started from here, smashing the entire chain of evidence of the prosecution.

"It is said that the attorney fee of Lawrence Romes is astonishingly high, more than ten times that of the average criminal barrister. So that the average person may not be able to afford him if his family goes bankrupt. However, his performance confirms that he is indeed worthwhile. So much price. In fact, the performance of the prosecution is not bad anymore. At least, after I listened to the prosecution’s indictment, I almost had to silently mourn the young guys. The author also worked as an unsuccessful lawyer for a period of time. , I’m asking myself if the person on the bench was me, I might be directly knocked down by such a seemingly perfect chain of evidence. If so, Mississippi is afraid that there will be a tragedy of hanging more than a hundred gentlemen in one breath... …If I were to say that the prosecution made any mistakes in this confrontation, I can only say that other than underestimating the opponent, I can’t find any mistakes they made. As for underestimating the opponent, let’s be honest, Before the official confrontation with the lawyers of Romes, who would have thought that such preparations were not enough? You know, such preparations are enough to deal with 99% of lawyers...

But our gentlemen went home and things were not over. I don't know how their family members hired the Romes lawyer, but it was a happy and painful thing to invite this lawyer. It's not without reason why Lawyer Romes is called the "Devil's Advocate". Fortunately, with Romes lawyers, most of my own relatives can be rescued. The pain is that once the lawyer is hired, for a middle-class family, it basically means bankruptcy. Sherman’s destruction has just passed, and I don’t know what our gentlemen are going to use to pay the scary attorney fees of lawyer Romes..."-"Mississippi Observer"

Putting down the newspaper, Dorothea curled her lips and said to Scrooge: "Attorney Romace has taken a big advantage. In fact, we have to solve all the key things together. He ended up just in court. The corrupt officials and officials performed together. He actually charged such a high lawyer's fee. This is simply..."

"Ah, Dorothea, it's unfair for you to say that." Scrooge said. "Our actions can be so smooth. Lawyer Romes' arrangements are indispensable. Without their guidance, we would not have seen it. Can find a way. If nothing else, if he can guide us in the direction of solving the problem, it means he is worth the price."

"But, everyone really can't afford his lawyer's fees." Dorothea narrowed her mouth.

"I got him, so I paid the lawyer's fee first. Even if I lent it to everyone." Scrooge smiled and said, "Well, Dorothea, you know, I'm very rich. of.""But we can't just let you suffer for nothing. We southerners will not be so ungrateful and let you suffer for nothing, we can't do it." Dorothea said, "They all found me too, hope I can talk to you. And, Scrooge, you also told me that there is no future for farming. And we can’t do anything except farming. Let us not farm, let us engage in industry, In business, we lack both capital, technology and channels. Therefore, they all hope that you can lead them to work together."

"Well, finally found me here." Scrooge thought. However, he did not show enthusiasm immediately. Instead, he thought about it for a while and then said, "Dorothea, this matter is not easy to handle. You have to know that if you are the only manor, I can think of one. A lot of business suitable for your estate. And, even if you don’t consider its income, it’s not bad to treat it as our love nest."

"Go! Who's going to be with you!" Dorothea scolded furiously, and threw a cushion over and smashed Scrooge.

"Really?" Scrooge said with a sad look: "I thought... to propose to you, I even bought the ring."

In Scrooge's view, Dorothea was a good marriage partner. In fact, Scrooge did not need a particularly strong family. Because there are few people in the Macdonald family, he will inevitably have to rely on the power of his wife's clan, and this can easily be seen as the infiltration of the wife's clan's power into the McDonald's family, and even the appearance of distracting things. This situation is absolutely not allowed. Therefore, the Macdonald family must not marry a family with too much status and family. However, the McDonald family cannot really marry a commoner who has nothing. The McDonald family, which lacks manpower, must rely on marriage to obtain some human help. That is, it must rely on the manpower of the wife's clan. After all, although the foreign relatives are troublesome, they are still slightly more reliable than the thorough foreigners. Therefore, the marriage partner that the McDonald family needs is preferably from a well-bred family, so as to ensure that the wives are useful, but the power of the family itself must be far less than the McDonald family, so as to ensure that the wives People who use it are safe and assured. Failure to meet the previous condition is why Anna absolutely cannot become Mrs. Scrooge.

In contrast, Dorothea's conditions were much better. Dorothea has no immediate family, but she still has many cousins. Moreover, these people have received considerable education and have extensive contacts in the South. These are all places that can be borrowed. Dorothea herself is actually very capable, but her personality is not strong enough. But as an assistant, this is not a flaw. In addition, Dorothy also owns a large piece of land, and there is an oil field under it. And relying on Dorothea's relationship, Scrooge also has a good chance, and even now it is certain that he can gain control of the entire land in this area. Plus, Dorothea was really cute. So Scrooge thought it was a good idea to propose to Dorothea.

"Who is going to promise you?" Dorothea continued to play arrogantly, and then she suddenly said, "Where is the ring you bought? Show me!"

"I believe everyone can understand the goals of the federal policy." Scrooge said to the men who had just been released from prison and the women who were still in prison for the time being.

"Damn Lincoln! He just doesn't want us to live a good life!" a man growled angrily.

"No, Mr. Cole, please calm down." Scrooge said. "Lincoln just doesn't want the plantation to live, not everyone. In fact, even without Lincoln’s discriminatory tax policy, the plantation is still After the European market is lost, it is difficult to maintain. Because the North cannot offer as high a price as the previous Europe, and because of tariffs, the European market will no longer be open to United States plantations. So even if there is no Those discriminatory taxes, the benefits of the plantation will be far worse than before. So, let's change to a new economic method. Don't indulge in old dreams anymore."

"But we have no funds. In fact, our assets are almost becoming negative. Taking into account the money you spent to save us and the lawyer's fees of Romax's lawyers. Building a factory requires investment. We do not have funds. "The other person said.

"You still have large tracts of land in your hands. Land is priceless. How do you say that your own assets are negative." Scrooge said, "What you lack is only relevant experience. For example, now, you are using land within a certain time limit. As capital, we unite to organize a company, and then borrow some money from the bank as the start-up capital. I can guarantee that the dividends that everyone can get after two or three years will be no less than that of the plantation in the past. I just don’t know if you can believe me, a Yankee."

"Mr. Macdonald, how can we not trust you? You are our lifesaver. However, I know that you are a big business. Do you have time to pay attention to a small business like ours?" another person asked .

"It is impossible for me to put all my energy here. To be honest, just considering business, the Pacific Railway is much more important than here. However, I can assure you that there will be someone you can trust to take charge of the business here. ." Scrooge said with a smile.

"Who is it?" someone asked.

"Dorothea Miss, I have done a lot of things with her in these days. I think Dorothea Miss is very smart and capable. I believe that she can do all this. And, I will continue Help her. Because..." Scrooge suddenly turned around, half-kneeled towards Dorothea who was sitting next to him, and magically took out a small red velvet box and opened it. A big cheesy diamond ring was revealed, "Dorothea, in these days of getting along, I feel hopelessly in love with you. Will you marry me?"

Dorothea, who was sitting next to Scrooge, immediately lowered her head. She did not expect that Scrooge would actually talk about this at this time. I was confused for a while, and I didn't know what to do. So he just bowed his head and said nothing.

"Dorothea, promise!"

"Yeah, promise! Well, or else, if you don't speak, it's a promise?"

"Dorothea, promise me that I will make you happy." Scrooge said sincerely.

Dorothea remained motionless...

"Please, nod your head." Scrooge whispered, "I can't hold it on my knees for so long."

Dorothea burst into laughter, then nodded softly with a flushed face.

"Hurray!" Scrooge picked Dorothea up and held it up in the air for a few turns.

"Congratulations, Mr. MacDonald!" Mr. Gilbert first congratulated Scrooge. Gilbert is Dorothea's cousin, and she is also the closest relative to Dorothea by blood.

"Congratulations, Mr. MacDonald! I watched Dorothea grow up. After Mr. Odd passed away, I have been worried about her, and now I can rest assured." Mrs. Douy said she was Mr. Odd's neighbor, Dorothea's elder.

"To be honest, I don’t like northerners. If someone says that our Dorothea is going to marry a northerner, I will be half angry. But if this northerner is Mr. MacDonald, you, um, although I work very hard, but I just can't get angry...Haha, I wish you all, what an enviable couple."

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