1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 571: .Mom and Dad (2)

  Unexpectedly, Mu Shangen just stuck out his little tongue: "Uncle stupid~~ Enen said it last time, Enen's father has gone far, far away, don't be enen."

   "Really?" Leng Yunlin smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, instead, he pulled a chair and sat down.

   Looking closely, Enen does look like him, not too much.

  However, there is Mu Qingyu's shadow on her body! After all, Mu Qingxi is her half-sister, and her sisters naturally look alike, so Mu Shangen also looks a lot like Mu Qingyu.

  He was so blind that he couldn't tell that this child was Mu Qingyu's son! If he had known this earlier, he would have wished for it. . . . . .

   There was a hint of evil flashing in his eyes. The child was still young, although he couldn't see the fierceness in his eyes, but he could feel a little sensitively that although this uncle was smiling, his expression was far less gentle than last time.

  He still doesn't know the difference between good and evil, but he just feels that those around him are all good people. Moreover, last time this uncle stretched out his arms to protect him for fear that he would be squeezed by others, and listened to him and put out the cigarette. Such an uncle must be a good man!

  So, he stretched out his hand with difficulty, and the drip was still on the white and tender little paw, but he tremblingly reached out to Leng Yunlin, and touched his face: "Uncle~ Is there anything unhappy about it? Enen can sing, and if mother is unhappy, she will be very happy when she hears the song sung by Enen!"

  Speaking like a child, very soft and waxy, Leng Yunlin raised his head and saw the child's completely undefended eyes, as clear as water droplets.

  Suddenly, a sourness appeared in his eyes!

  Why, Enen is not his son? Why, such a cute little guy was born by her and another man?

   He clenched his fists, his chest heaving!

   Seeing his frowning, Mu Shangen thought he was also feeling uncomfortable, and he was a little nervous: "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

   "I...my heart is hurting." Leng Yunlin tightly grasped the clothes in front of his chest with one hand, and a feeling of powerlessness filled his mind!

  He thought for a while, and suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Uncle, do you have a bad heart?" He thought that when he met Leng Yunlin twice in the hospital, he said that his heart was not feeling well.

  The little guy suddenly overflowed with sympathy. Uncle looks like a nice person, but he has the same illness as Enen. However, Enen's illness has been cured. Although there is still some discomfort in the stomach, Uncle Dr. Su said that it is not a big deal, and it will be cured soon.

  Looking at Leng Yunlin again, I found that his face was pale and his brows were tightly furrowed. En En tried her best to lean over and cheer him up: "Uncle, don't be afraid, the doctors here are very good! Uncle's illness will be cured if En En's heart is cured."

  Leng Yunlin calmed down after a long time, raised his head, and asked, "Enen, have you seen your father?"

  Mu Shangen shook his head, a trace of gloom finally covering his face. His voice was soft and glutinous, but his expression was pitiful: "No. In fact, Enen thinks that Mom must know where Dad is, but she doesn't tell Enen. Enen really wants to see what Dad looks like."

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