1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 511: .Eun's father (4)

  The eyes with long eyelashes also slowly closed.

He fell asleep.

  Mo Shaochen heaved a sigh of relief, then removed his little clothes and checked his wounds. Fortunately, his uproar just now did not cause his wound to rupture. However, the needle tube on the back of his hand was displaced by him, so a long tube of blood flowed back from the needle tube, which looked shocking.

  He frowned slightly, and carefully checked his body with a stethoscope and instruments. After confirming that it was correct, he frowned: "It's okay, just don't let him get excited again in the future. Don't stimulate him again. Got it?"

  He turned his head and glanced at Mu Qingyu behind him. She was completely shocked by what happened just now. However, at this moment, he looked at himself with a puzzled and painful look, as if—looking at him, the other self in his heart!

  He was shocked, and his eyes were even more confused. Obviously he should be confused, but why did he seem to understand something from her eyes?

  It seemed that her eyes, after traveling through centuries, fell to his side!

   And when he wanted to read on seriously, Mu Qingyu's legs gave way, and he almost fell to the ground! She supported herself on the edge of the bed with her hands, and managed to stabilize her figure.

  She was scared, Enen's situation just now really scared her! If something happens to Eun-en, she really does. . . . . . Can't forgive myself!

  However, when she saw Mo Shaochen appearing so forcefully, soothing Enen's emotions, and letting him sleep peacefully, she felt mixed emotions in her heart.

  She threw herself to the side of the bed, looked at her son's sleeping face, and tremblingly grasped his little hand with her fingertips, holding it tightly.

   "Enen, don't scare mom! Don't do this again, don't..."

   If he goes on like this again, she really can't stand it!

  Mo Shaochen was on the side, watching her tightly holding her son's little hand, her shoulders were trembling all the time. But on the back of Enen's small hand, there were drops, drops, like small flowers blooming.

   "Enen, we don't want our father anymore, okay, it's just the two of us, okay..."

   Because I am afraid, I will lose you forever!

  Seeing her kneeling in front of her son's bed, whispering quietly, Mo Shaochen actually felt that his heart hurts! However, he really didn't know how to comfort her.

  Actually, just now, after he broke up with Dr. Li, he was alone in the office looking at the case. Looking at it, he felt restless, so he just went out for a walk.

  However, as he walked, his legs and his heart seemed not to be controlled by his brain. Before he realized it, he had already reached the door of her ward.

  Seeing that Li Xiaoran is also inside, this man, a woman and a child are like a family of three, and I think of what Dr. Li said before, when Mu Shangen was hospitalized, the registered parent's name was Li Xiaoran. It was like a thorn was stuck in his heart, and the pain made him uncomfortable!

  Why should he? Who is he to her? He just felt that, through a window, watching the scene where Li Xiaoran and their mother and son were happily getting along next to him made him feel even more uncomfortable!

   Until, they started arguing, and Eun began to scramble for his father.

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