1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 444: .Conspiracy Emerges (3)

   Li Xiaoran didn't speak until Mu Shangen was sleepy and started to take a nap, and Mu Qingyu covered his son with a small quilt.

   "Qingyu, you and that person... cut off contact!"

  He thought about it all night last night. He himself really likes Mu Qingyu. For her "fallen", he was saddened and angry, but he also knew that she was right.

  She has no money, and neither does he. Just this one, they have already been sentenced to "death sentence".

  He can't help her, it's his own uselessness. If he had money, if he had the three hundred thousand, how could she betray herself?

  He knew very well in his heart that Mu Qingyu was a very proud person. She did such a thing. At the beginning, he was really angry and sad, but after that?

  He still couldn't give up on her. Thinking of completely stripping her from his life, he felt as if his heart was scratching his lungs!

  Mu Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked into his painful eyes, she also fell silent.

  She knew very well in her heart that she and Leng Yunlin had no future. Maybe at the beginning, she really wanted to leave with a sum of money, but now?

  Her heart is also fleshy, and of course she knows that Leng Yunlin treats her well. also. . . . . . I don't know how to repay it!

  He is handsome, he is gentle, and he is considerate. As long as she thinks of being with him, her reason tells herself not to be moved by his gentleness.

   But in the end, he fell into the weaving he weaved bit by bit.

  At this moment, she knew very well in her heart that she had fallen in love with Leng Yunlin. Not only because of his tenderness and handsomeness, but also because of his heart that really loves her.

  She can't bear to hurt Li Xiaoran's heart that loves her, let alone Leng Yunlin, who has been close to her several times on the skin, and has some real affection?

   It may be inevitable to separate, but to say goodbye simply, she can no longer speak like this.

  Seeing her hesitant expression at this moment, Li Xiaoran didn't know how she felt? He said: "Qingyu, you can't go down like this! That man is not worth it for you! He abandoned you and Enen back then. Now, are you going to repeat the same mistakes?"

  Mu Qingyu shook her head, she knew that Li Xiaoran had misunderstood. Five years ago, it was she who left Leng Yunlin on her own initiative, not Leng Yunlin who abandoned her.

  As for Enen, Leng Yunlin didn't even know of his existence, and had nothing to do with him.

   "Clear..." Li Xiaoran was a little excited, seeing that Mu Shangen seemed to be awakened, he immediately lowered his voice.

   After a long time, he said: "Don't be stubborn, that man is not a good person. You and him will not end well."

   "I know!" Mu Qingyu said suddenly, she turned her head, her voice was a little lonely.

   "I know it all..." She nodded, and it took a long time for her chest to calm down after a long time.

   "I won't be with him, and it's impossible for me to be with him. His world can't accommodate the existence of me and Enen, and I..." She knew very well in her heart, and kept emphasizing herself that it was impossible and unrealistic to be with Leng Yunlin.

she. . . . . . If she had to choose between her own happiness and Enen's happiness, then she would definitely choose Enen!

   "Qingyu!" Li Xiaoran didn't know what to say.

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