There is a small river here with green grass, a forest in the distance, and a vast snow mountain in the farther place. Nearby, a river flows like a jade belt. Shangri-La is really like heaven, clean and comfortable!

   "Well, I like it!" Mu Qingyu nodded with a smile on his face.

   "Come down for a walk?" Leng Yunlin turned around and asked her, she nodded.

  Alice was grazing leisurely by the river, while Leng Yunlin and her were sitting under a big tree by the river.

  Raise your head, look at the canopy all over the sky, and the scenery of the flowing water around you, take a deep breath, the nose, the breath is the freshest air, and the whole person becomes relaxed and happy.

  Mu Qingyu looked at the man next to him. He was handsome and handsome, with long eyelashes drooping, covering up the emotions in his heart. She thought, according to the eyes of ordinary people, she should really be glad that such a man like a prince is willing to marry her!

  However, she has a bit of bitterness.

  He doesn't love her, she can feel it. His favor for her was always kept within a certain limit.

   However, she doesn't love him either. If there is no Enen, maybe she will fall into the clothes he wove for her because of his tenderness.

  However, she must consider En En's feelings.

  She originally thought that if Enen's condition was cured and Li Xiaoran was willing to accept her, maybe she would be with Li Xiaoran.

   After all, finding someone I love is far worse than finding someone who loves me. I want to live a relaxed and happy life.

   Moreover, Enen trusted him a lot. Sometimes when she is on the side, she feels that even Enen's biological father can't treat him like this, right?

  If it's for Enen, she really doesn't mind who she's with. Sometimes people live a lifetime, and they can't do everything they want. She understood this truth when Mu Qingxi entered her family when she was sixteen years old.

  Afterwards, her life experience told her even more—not everything can go in the direction you imagined, even if you work hard enough.

   And what about Leng Yunlin? She actually knew that he didn't belong to her at all. Could it be that two people who don't love each other can be together just because they both have a similar past and are physically compatible?

   She will still say no. Not only for himself, but also for Enen, and for him.

   "Aren't you curious, what happened to me in the past five years?" She thought about it, and finally asked this question.

   "These five years?" Leng Yunlin also frowned and glanced at her. Seeing the obvious dodge in her eyes, he suddenly felt a little dangerous: "Did you have another boyfriend?"

   She shook her head.

  Leng Yunlin obviously breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it, what else? Your family?"

   As far as he is concerned, as long as she doesn't cuckold him, he can accept anything!

   "Well, my father . . . died within five years, and so did my sister."

   "You still have a sister?" Leng Yunlin obviously felt that Mu Qingyu and himself had a little more in common!

   "Well, my half-sister." She looked at a stream, her pupils reflecting the water.

   "Oh, I'm sorry." After all, this is her family background, so it's inconvenient for him to ask too much detail. But what did Mu Qingyu tell him these things?

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