Warhammer Expedition Super God

Chapter 8 Battle of Tianhe①

PS: Let me make it clear first that this chapter is stuck!

After Lena came to Terra, she used her own energy to activate the super genes in Ge Xiaolun and others. As a result, a series of oolong incidents occurred. For example, when Ge Xiaolun was saving the beauty as a hero, he had a dispute with Liu Chuang and his group. , and in the end, during the fight, Ge Xiaolun was unfortunately killed by Liu Chuang in the process, but it was also a blessing in disguise that he activated the super gene hidden in his body. As a result, he survived because of the activation of the super gene. Then he beat Liu Chuang to death, the street gangster who beat the gangster, and then Liu Chuang, the gangster who beat the gangster, also activated the super gene in his body. As a result, the two started fighting again, and Qilin finally drove him away. Came over and detained them!

Later, while Qilin was patrolling with her colleagues, she was accidentally attacked by the Taotie Civilization. After being pierced through the chest by a scout of the Taotie Civilization with a laser, she was a blessing in disguise and activated the second power hidden in her body. The gene of a generation of super warriors, the Kamigawa sniper, was eventually recruited to the Super Seminary by Dukao's lieutenant, Captain Reifeng!

After Ge Xiaolun activated the super gene in his body, he felt that he was so awesome that he made a plan to marry ten school beauties by himself! In the end, Dukao sent his daughter Qiangwei and the man wearing sunglasses who was very good at deception (I can’t remember the man’s name at the moment, I will add the man’s name later)

In the end, Ajie (that is, the man wearing sunglasses and very good at deceiving) used a beauty trick to successfully stop Ge Xiaolun!

As for Liu Chuang (the Super Seminary does not seem to explain how Liu Chuang was recruited into the Super Seminary), he was promised by Ajie and finally joined the Super Seminary.

And Zhao Xin, who has long hair and is only 1m7 tall, is also a bastard but has a sense of justice in his heart. In the end, Ajie, a guy who is good at deceiving people, bought him with money. Of course, in the process, Xin Zhao showed What does it mean to be beaten is that he stretched out his hand with a watch to Ajie, then pointed at his watch and said: "Look, I bought a watch last year!"

And Cheng Yaowen, a prince of the Deno civilization who worked as a farmer, was personally invited by Dukao to join the Super Seminary!

And Rui Mengmeng, a silly sweetheart, was easily deceived by Ajie into joining the Super Seminary with a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan!

During the training process, Liu Chuang also changed himself. Finally, during the Battle of Liangshan, Liu Chuang swore to Sun Wukong that he would never betray his motherland and his comrades, and was finally forgiven by Sun Wukong! When fighting Sun Wukong in Liangshan, the people from the Angel Civilization, that is, Angel Yan, Moi, and Angel Chase discussed with the people from Lieyang Civilization, and then were beaten up by Reina, but before leaving, Angel Yan He also told Leina how to activate the angel gene hidden in Ge Xiaolun's body.

And Mr. Huang learned about the concept of God during a conversation with Reina, the main god of the Lieyang Civilization (late second grade)! At the same time, I also understood what kind of existence the enemy Taotie was in this invasion!

Moreover, Mr. Huang also gave this unit a name, Xiongbing Company! A company of black armor can withstand a million soldiers!

As for Ge Xiaolun, a loser, I don’t want to say anything more. I can only say that he meets most modern people’s dreams of being a loser! For example, a person wants to marry ten school beauties or something like that.

After Du Qiangwei forcibly kissed Ge Xiaolun, and then let Ge Xiaolun, a loser, successfully activate the super gene in his body, the angel gene contained in the power of the galaxy is a pair of wings (compared to the wings on the backs of the beautiful ladies in the angel civilization, it is very Ugly, dark)!

In the process of learning to fly, Ge Xiaolun was kissed by Du Qiangwei again, and finally learned to fly, and took Du Qiangwei to fly into outer space, where he saw a scene that made Ge Xiaolun extremely painful, that is, the gluttonous civilization staying in outer space About to invade Earth!

Ge Xiaolun also told his superiors, namely Dukao and the others, about this situation. In the end, Dukao decided to let Ge Xiaolun and the others, who had not yet grown up, join in the fight against alien civilization!

It was during this battle that Ge Xiaolun began to truly grow!

It was during this battle that Leon became known to the world!

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