Warhammer Expedition Super God

Chapter 4 Enemy? friend? ①

Since the energy of the subspace engine is insufficient, it is only enough for one subspace jump. Leon still cherishes it very much. After all, it can save his life, and it only comes once. If you don't cherish it properly, you will be punished if you use it casually. !

It's just a pain for everyone. Since they can't jump into subspace, they can only rely on the speed bonus brought by the flame jet speed of the engine to fly. The days on the spacecraft are very boring. The people of the Second Legion are all paying tribute. Or meditate to enhance your psychic resistance and the possibility of the Emperor's coming. As for the mortal auxiliaries, their lives are richer, such as singing in unison to praise the Emperor's love for mankind, which is the most powerful among the Primarchs. Weak, the Bible written by Lorgar, the first Word Bearer Primarch to betray the Emperor. The irony is that after the Great Heresy, humans began to believe in the Emperor, even the fanatical believers of the Black Templars, and The Bible used for prayer was written by Lorgar.

After a three-year long voyage, the Tianlong arrived at the planet with primitive life that was first detected.

After arriving on the ground through the airborne pod, they found that the civilization here was a stone civilization and could only use stones to make simple weapons.

After this tribe in the Stone Age Civilization saw the giant falling from the sky, they were frightened and thought that their tribe had offended the gods, so the gods came down to punish them. One after another, they all knelt on the ground and repented devoutly in order to repent to God and hope to get forgiveness from God!

However, this situation frightened several of the descendants of the Second Regiment who came to investigate (these were still new recruits and had not experienced many major battles). So we seemed a little at a loss, but in the eyes of the people of these tribes, this was us forgiven by the gods. Suddenly, the people of these tribes breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the gods were going to punish us!

At this time, command orders came from the helmets of the soldiers who came to investigate. According to the command orders, several soldiers began to spread out and use this tribe as a starting point to see if there were other civilizations within a hundred miles. If so, Then confirm whether the civilization will become a hostile civilization. If it will become a hostile civilization, or has a tendency to become a hostile civilization, then deal with it yourself, or let more brothers come down to deal with it.

If not, just head the Think Tank Chief Warring States and lead the Think Tank starting from this tribe to spread the truth and glory of the Empire on this planet.

After a day of investigation, no other civilization was found within a hundred miles. They speculated that this was the only civilization on the planet?

In any case, at least the mission of spreading the truth and glory of the empire can continue, so the think tank leader Seng Guo led a part of the priests to the tribe through the storm transport boat, and after communicating with difficult sign language, at least let the tribal members People understood that everyone was required to gather together, so after the tribal chief gathered all the people, the Warring States Period and his priests began to preach the truth and glory of the empire, regardless of whether these natives could understand it, anyway, their own The mission is to promote the truth and glory of the empire. Once it is completed, they will pat their butts and leave. Do you know that Leon is watching them?

Dare to be lazy? Are you tired of living?

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